Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Down With the Perfect 10!

Scales with a hard upper limit, like the old gymnastics scoring or the SAT, say that what's important is the pursuit of perfection. The goal of the SAT is to blacken the right bubble for every last one of those inequalities and analogies, and you can do no better than getting every one correct. Open-ended scales, like the new gymnastics system, value innovation and the breaking of existing barriers. You can't imagine men's weightlifting, say, being scored on how close you came to clean-and-jerking 550 pounds, with every pound above that not counting toward your score. That's because the goal of weightlifting isn't to approach a predetermined ideal. The goal?primal, simple, and satisfying?is to hoist a more awe-inspiring heap of metal above your head than the other fellow. Or, better yet, to hoist more than any other fellow in history.


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