Saturday, August 18, 2012

Football Team Wins, Grades Plummet | Business Risk Management

Hopefully this is not a cautionary tale for academic outcomes at Baylor University this coming fall semester!

Viewing the video referenced below requires a subscription to the Wall Street Journal; by going to and?identifying yourself as a Baylor student, you qualify for academic (i.e., 75% off) pricing for both the paper itself and access to While you are at this site, please also indicate that you are enrolled in a Finance course, and select ?Garven, James R? as your referring professor!? I rely quite heavily upon the Wall Street Journal in class because it helps to connect stuff we?re learning in class with the real world!

Football Team Wins, Grades Plummet


The Wall Street Journal?s James Freeman interviews University of Oregon economist Glen Waddell about a new study that examines the correlation between college students? grades and their football team?s wins. Here?s the citation for the paper referenced in this interview: ?Are Big-Time Sports a Threat to Student Achievement?? (by Jason Lindo, Isaac Swensen, and Glen Waddell), NBER Working Paper 17677. PDF available @ Here?s the paper abstract: ?We consider the relationship between collegiate-football success and non-athlete student performance. We find that the team?s success significantly reduces male grades relative to female grades. This phenomenon is only present in fall quarters, which coincides with the football season. Using survey data, we find that males are more likely than females to increase alcohol consumption, decrease studying, and increase partying in response to the success of the team. Yet, females also report that their behavior is affected by athletic success, suggesting that their performance is likely impaired but that this effect is masked by the practice of grade curving.?


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