Thursday, August 9, 2012

5 Top Tips for Business Continuity ? Part 1 |

Ask yourself the question. Could my business survive after this?

During the Taiwanese floods of 2011 and despite one of its key sites being under 30ft of water, Western Digital remained in operation. It?s an often quoted statistic, but one worth repeating, that ?around 60% of small businesses go out of business six months after a natural disaster such as a fire or flood?. Being a large multi-national, Western Digital have an inherent advantage in that they have data centres located around the world that can host data and applications that may have been hosted in Thailand. Whereas most small businesses don?t have such privileges they can take action to mitigate the outcome of any disaster. So here are five top tips ?Business Continuity? for the rest of us.

1.?Be prepared

Plan for all eventualities large and small but allocate time and effort commensurate with the size of the problem caused by the disaster.

2.?Be agile

Make sure the systems you deploy are capable of being used anywhere, using products like Vmware. Make sure you can use remote terminal or web sessions to access your critical applications.

3.?Be realistic

Decide what level of data loss and what level of time outage your company can survive and trade it off against how much resource you want to put into a disaster recovery solution.

4.?Be holistic

Business Continuity doesn?t depend on IT and data systems alone. If your people have nowhere to work in the event of a disaster then your IT DR planning may come to nothing.

5.?Be prepared

I know I?ve already written about preparedness, but it?s the most important. Create your plan(s) and test them regularly. Be prepared to be flexible and deviate from any steps if it makes sense. Recovery Strategy Backup is only the first step in a Recovery Strategy. The ability to recover data within a particular time frame (Recovery Time Objective) from a particular point in time (Recovery Point Objective) is what any Recovery Strategy is about. Having said that, the first action in data recovery is to have at least one backup.

The second is to move it away from your main data store. In its simplest form this can be a removable disc or tape secured in the company secretary?s bag that is taken home at the weekend. In its more advanced form it is the replication of data over wide area links between data centres.? The technologies involved here are:

??The bag Despite the cost savings and simplicity of this method it is not the most secure and fastest way to recover systems.

??The online backup Online backup services do offer a more advanced level of security, however these still involve slow restore times that depend on normal internet bandwidth.

??Host replication Software such as Vmware Site Recovery Manager allow near real time mirroring of individual servers between data centres.

??Storage replication Most entry level storage devices such as the HP P2000 G3 and P4000?? include* ?inter-site replication to allow near real-time replication of entire data volumes over IP networks.

* Additional cost option with P2000. Included with P4000

The graph above shows the improvement in recovery times (RTO) against the cost of solution for various tiers of recovery strategy, from PTAM (pick-up truck access method) to automated, data replication and redundant data centres.

It could be argued that virtualisation and its associated technologies are making the curve a lot shallower by bringing multi-site, near real-time recovery solutions within the range of SMEs.

In our next part we will be examining data storage and how it can speed up data recovery times and mitigate loss in disaster situations.

by Stephen Jepson, Storage Specialist

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