Monday, August 27, 2012

Ukrainian Women Unzipped Ebook, Home & Family

GOP women want the 'real' Ann Romney

Will the real Ann Romney please step up? Conservative women say they want to see a more personal side of the potential first lady at the Republican National Convention next week. - READ BLOG

Vicious Little Women

Growing up one of four sisters was nothing like the way it was for the March girls.

GOP women want to see the 'real' Ann Romney take the stage

By Jo Piazza / / @jopiazza Conservative women are hoping to see more of the "real" Ann Romney when she takes the stage at the Republican National Convention next week. The wife of presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney has so far been a relatively guarded presence on the campaign trail, often having to go on the defensive about things like their family's tax returns and her decision to ...

China's single women compete for love and riches

Young Chinese women in swishy dresses and strappy sandals sit in a row clutching forms that list their weight and measurements as they wait for an interview with the "appearance consultant".

Obama campaign steps up appeals to women voters

In the next week, the Obama campaign will redouble its efforts to woo women voters, as Republicans continue to distance themselves from Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin's controversial comments on rape and abortion. Read full article >>

Vermont inn, 2 women settle gay marriage lawsuit

Two New York women and a Vermont country inn have settled a lawsuit that accused the business of refusing to host the couple's wedding reception.

Conservative women want to see the "real" Ann Romney take the stage at RNC

By Jo Piazza / / @jopiazza Conservative women are hoping to see more of the "real" Ann Romney when she takes the stage at the Republican National Convention next week. The wife of the presumptive GOP nominee, Mitt Romney, has so far been a relatively guarded presence on the campaign trail, often having to go on the defensive, about things like their family's tax returns or her ...

Family Matters: Close Ties Boost Men's Mental Health

Middle-age adults who have regular contact with a group of friends are psychologically better off than those who don't, but when it comes to having close ties with many family members, men benefit more than women, a new study from England says.

Why Women Go Through Menopause: Blame the In-Laws

Human menopause is an evolutionary puzzle. Scientific studies have yet to draw a clear picture of why women lose their ability to reproduce at around age 50. Now, research from Finland suggests that competition for resources between older women and their daughter-in-laws may have had something to do with it.

Family helps women's basketball coach Kim Barnes Arico find footing at Michigan

The decision was a tough one. With a husband and three children, there would be a lot more to think about while moving from New Jersey to Michigan. Yet, Barnes Arico, 41, took a chance for her new job.


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