Thursday, October 11, 2012

What Can Government Relations Consultants Do for Your Business ...

What Can Government Relations Consultants Do For Your Business? - Government building

Need someone to fight for your cause?

Today?s post comes courtesy of Howard Thomas, a PR & government relations consultant

Every company has a vested interest in legislation that affects their business. For example, your company might be worried about a pending change to a law that would negatively impact the bottom line, but you are unsure about how to address the situation. This is where government relations consultants make a critical difference. By providing a wide range of services to businesses with issues being decided by national, state or municipal legislative bodies, these experienced experts can frame the issue so that lawmakers see the validity of your views.

Today?s government relations specialists have the crucial skills needed to make the best case for your business to legislators and government officials. The political process is convoluted and intricate. Only those who dedicate their professional lives to understanding its subtleties can guide you through the process successfully.

  • Relationships ? Government consultant spend years developing mutually beneficial relationships with government decision makers and provide lawmakers with vital information to help them make informed decisions. The legislators knows the consultant personally and respects his or her knowledge of the issues. Your company benefits from these relationships when the decision maker gives his full attention to your views as they are expressed by the consultant.
  • Coalitions ? Going it alone in the political process is difficult. Success usually comes from people or organizations of like mind banding together. Government consultants are adept at coalition building and can help you join with other companies, associations, or individuals to increase the chances of your viewpoint winning the day.
  • Deciphering Legislative Language? Trying to understand the complex language in a law or regulation can sometimes make your head spin. A law might have a big impact on your business without you even realizing it. Government consultants are experts in legislative terminology and can make sure you know everything you need to know about a law that has any effect on your company. In addition, they also have the skills needed to write amendments to relevant laws and offer them to key legislators for consideration. Government relations in the scope of PR

    Government relations is one piece of the PR puzzle

  • Monitoring ? No busy company executive has the time to constantly monitor every change or proposed change that might have an impact on their business?s profit margins. Government relations consultants, however, have the skills and resources to keep abreast of any legislative developments relevant to your industry and can suggest the best way to deal with any potential problems.
  • PACs ? Political Action Committees are entities that raise funds for various political activities. If you are considering forming a PAC, remember that many complex laws and regulations govern the formation and operation of these bodies and you will need an expert consultant to help you navigate through the legal requirements.
  • White Paper ? One of the best ways to inform legislators and others about an issue is to create a white paper. These documents take take an in-depth look at a particular issue and make a strong case for a specific viewpoint. Government relations consultants can have a powerful white paper that advocates for your point of view written and circulated among influential lawmakers and regulators as well as the public at large.

Government relations experts (like Capalino+Company or or ) can also help your company with important aspects of communicating its views, such as media kits, press releases, newsletters, press conferences, email marketing and crisis management. These are just some of the many benefits provided by a superior government relations consulting firm.

Howard Thomas, a PR Consultant & Government relations strategist writes about easy ways to utilize benefits of public relations & government relations strategies. He worked for several leading PR & government relations companies and is now working to setup his own company for serving business owners in the US & Canada.


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