Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hemorrhoid Treatments ? Health & Fitness

Richard asks…Hemorrhoid treatments?I?m pretty sure I have a hemorrhoid but it doesn?t bleed and it doesn?t itch/burn. But it is a bump and it?s been there for awhile. It doesn?t bother me so I haven?t done anything about it but now I heard that it can get worse if you don?t treat it. So what works best to treat it? Prep H or something? answers:You don?t need to treat your haemorrhoid until it is painful, as treatment is to use a pessary to shrink an internal haemorrhoid and a cream to shrink

Click here for best cure for hemorrhoids

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Source: http://healthfitnessbloginfo.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/hemorrhoid-treatments/

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