Saturday, October 13, 2012

Video: Democrats, Republicans pick up fight from VP debate

>>> of course we're still talking about last night's dig debate. it is mission accomplished for vice president joe biden . he grabbed most the headlines in fact from "business week" biden 's combative/ ryan debate gives obama a chance to reset. analysis from reuters, ryan was solid but feisty biden won the debate. and in "the wall street journal ," peggy noonan hits democrats for confusing strength with aggression. those headlines respect talking points we're hearing on both sides.

>> congressman ryan last night, best advice president biden . he added to the momentum coming out of the first debate.

>> the vice president is passionate. in those times within he was interrupting or flashing a grin, he was calling out paul ryan for lying. and that was what happened last night.

>> let me bring in rachel smolkin, white house editor for politico and keith boykin , democratic strategist, cnbc contributor.

>> rachel , wipe that grin off your face. it is not allowed in politics, apparently. here we go. the day after. we like to move forward in the conversation. will what we witnessed last night from either performance have any impact maybe even by next week?

>> probably not. the debate helped keep the narrative going. maybe it helped the president a little bit. he'd been having a bad week. the momentum seemed to be shifting in romney 's favor. last night, the show was all about biden versus biden . so the vice president gave both sides a lot to latch on to. for the democratic base, it was a great performance. biden went out and did exactly what president obama did not do in his first debate. he pressed his opponent. he gave an aggressive performance. for paul ryan , he stood on the stage or sat, in this case, and was able to hold his own against the vice president.

>> so keith, do you think that congressman ryan held his own?

>> i do not.

>> surprise. i knew you were going to --

>> obviously mitt romney did a much better job, i think, last week. i don't think this --

>> let me pause you on that. you think mitt romney did a better job because so many democrats were saying the reason that the president struggled is because he was being hit with untruths and inaccuracies by mitt romney . how did that come as a better job when today you're not hear a lot of hard fact check at least rebuttal on what congressman ryan -- you may disagree with the policy plan but his facts in many cases were not as opposed as mitt romney 's were.

>> i think both of them have trouble with the truth.

>> i know you think that.

>> both mitt romney and biden .

>> romney and paul ryan .

>> yes. getting my names confused today. but at the same time, i think it's really clear that at least with romney , he has some sort of command of the facts even if he doesn't use them in a truthful way. with the case of paul ryan , he clearly doesn't understand what he's talking about in the issue of foreign policy . he knows what he's talking about in the issue of economic policy . there he's not being honest about that. so when biden challenged him on iran and said that we're doing everything that netanyahu wants us to do, i've known netanyahu for 39 years, he showeds his experience. when biden talked about afghanistan and said he's been there 20 times to iraq and afghanistan, what have you done? he showed his experience. one thing he would do differently, he couldn't come up with single example other than a silly talking point about not giving russia veto power .

>> right, right. all he was doing was repeating rehearsed lines, tamron. i think people could see through that and tell there was no depth to what paul ryan was saying.

>> rachel , if keith's point was accurate and vice president biden stepped up in an area which is considered hisexpert experti expertise.

>> there were points when the congressman appeared to be reciting talking points , lines that he had memorized for the debate that was more true on foreign policy . which is not an area he has a lot of expertise in. he seemed more comfortable talking about budget issues. he's the house budget committee chairman. that's an area of strength. contrast that with the vice president's performance. he's very steeped in policy 27 years the elder in that debate. the question with biden was more about style. biden versus biden question, he was strong on his substantive points but on the split screen , we saw him laughing. we saw him interrupting. democratic base will love it. republicans going after him hard for being almost disrespectful.

>> let me play what former ohio governor ted strickland , he was on the daily rundown. here's what he had to say.

>> some is of the same people who are criticizing the vice president for interrupting and smiling or they say smirking last night, were the same people who were applauding mitt romney for being strong and for interrupting about a week ago. they can't have it both ways.

>> rachel , are people trying to have it both ways? again, i said this at the top of the show, we know what the vice president's mission was going in there, it was to diminish paul ryan . it was to go after and finally get in what democrats have been waiting to hear, their 47% case that was made or remarks made on tape. so all of this notion that you know, his toothy grin, someone commented on how white his teeth were. are people watching the screen a little too hard and forgetting what his absolute mission was? it was to get the base, the democrats who were ho-hum last week in some respect, who had the president admit he was being too polite and changing his game, get those people pumping their fists while watching tv and throwing their popcorn the other direction.

>> the vice president's mission was to be aggressive and he clearly took that very much to heart. the question is with independent voters did he take it too much to heart? were they watching and feeling like they were seeing someone who looked angry, was really going after his opponent a little bit too hard. yes. he got all of those attack lines in the 47% that so many democrats wished they had heard president obama use the week before. biden pressed that point repeatedly.

>> again, we talk about undecided at this point. the polls show, we have one of the major pollsters with the nbc news/" wall street journal " poll, the low information voters still unsure, 3% to 5%, a small percentage of people. if they're watching this debate last night, do they see someone that they go, oh, goodness, i couldn't possibly support joe biden after that performance?

>> the presidency of the united states is a big, huge office. you want somebody who is not a boy scout , you want somebody who has the toughness to be able to handle it when somebody points a finger in your face.

>> congressman ryan to his credit, was also tough. not as animated but he didn't wince away.

>> he didn't wince away. he sat there and lied all night. the whole idea that republicans are basing their response to the debate on the idea that joe biden just laughed too much and smiled too much is an absolute admission that they failed to win on substance. and that's the reason why they've resorted to the whole stylistic argument. the other point is, after everything that joe biden witnessed for 90 minutes to sit up there with this young congressman who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, the idea that he only laughed is a polite response to what he could have said or done.

>> these small moments can make a big difference. does anyone recall al gore 's size, those comparisons being made.

>> people didn't like al gore like they like joe biden . he's not stiff.

>> the common analysis from all the pundits and even on politico is that this debate will not impact ultimately who people vote for.

>> we're looking toward next week.

>> we may play these clips when you and i are old and gray -- but will they impact tomorrow?

>> you'll never be old and gray.

>> thank you very much.


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