Saturday, October 20, 2012

Risk Factors And Symptoms Of Plantar Fascitis - Ayushveda

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Symptoms Of Plantar Fascitis Plantar fasciitis commonly presents as plantar heel pain and is considered as one of the most common cause of heel pain.?Police mans heel? or plantar fasciitis doesn?t limit itself just to the policeman, but anyone who overuses feet and or has an abnormal feet structure. Plantar fascia is a sheet of connective tissue, similar to a ligament or tendon found at the base of foot that connects the toes with the heel bone.

Straining of plantar fascia causes tiny tears leading to swelling and redness eventually leading to its weakness and hurts on standing or walking. It is observed in 10 % of runners and may be associated with training errors and accounts for 11-15% of all foot symptoms requiring medical care

Risk Group

Professionals at risk for plantar fasciitis are salesman, soldiers, policeman, atheletes, surgeons, dentists, teachers i.e., people who are always on their feet. Prevalence is more in middle aged active males than females and can affect one or both feet.

Risk Factors

The predisposing factors for plantar fasciitis can be due to overuse of the legs or abnormalities of the foot. Common factors are running for long distances especially running on hard surfaces, downhill or on uneven surfaces, using ill fitting shoes, pes planus(flat feet)/pes cavus(high arched foot),tight calf muscles, history of sudden weight gain.

Plantar fasciitis can occur as a sequale to injury or it may be due to underlying pathologies like arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis etc. Plantar fasciitis may be seen without any underlying cause.

Also Read

How To Treat Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis ? Causes And Treatment
Heel Pain

Symptoms?Of Plantar Fascitis?

The patient comes with a complaint of pain and stiffness of the heel. The pain is usually worse in the morning as one gets up from sleep and decreases as he take a few steps, but it worsens as the day progresses with prolonged standing or walking due to stress on the inflamed fascia. Onset of pain may be gradually or the progress may be sudden due to climbing a flight of stairs or after an intense activity.

Plantar Fascitis


Many patients believe the condition to be the result of recent increase in daily activity. The patient may describe an aggravating factor with the discomfort gradually increasing over subsequent weeks. It is not unusual for a patient to endure the symptoms many years before seeking medical treatment.

Patient may complain of sharp or dull pain. Sometimes the bottom of feet may ache or burn. If the patient complaints of night pain, he may have a different diagnosis that must be ruled out. The pain is so disabling in some cases that it may interfere with activities of daily living.

Pain relived by sitting reoccurs upon standing.?A physical examination may reveal a flat feet or high arches, pain on palpating the base of foot, swelling or redness of foot, tightness and or stiffness of the arch of foot, ankle joint and or calf muscles.

Diagnosis is made on the basis of patient?s medical history, his level of physical activity, symptoms of foot pain and Imaging (X-rays, ultrasound, MRI).Imaging not only helps in diagnosis but also to rule out other causes.

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