Sunday, May 27, 2012

Special Education Law Blog: Where do Obama & Romney Stand On ...

As this blog's readership grows, so does our clout,? Let's use it!

In presidential elections the candidates rarely address special education issues.? They all have positions on education (guess what, the are for it!), but they do not go near the tough questions.? Here at the special education law blog, however, we feel that our readers should know the detailed special education positions of the candidates, and so we are going to ask them. This seems like a very good use of the blogosphere doesn't it?

OK so we are going to ask the campaigns of the presumptive nominees of the major parties, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, how they stand on special education law issues. We'll ask about full funding of IDEA.We'll ask about Reauthorization of NCLB and IDEA. We'll ask about whether they might change Rowley standard. We'll ask about whether they will propose changes to the law in light of Supreme Court decisions like Murphy (expert W fees); Weast (burden of persuasion); Winkleman (pro se parents in court); and Buckhannon (attorney's fees).We will ask how they feel about inclusion.? We will ask whether there should be a federal law concerning bullying of students at school.? We'll ask whether seclusion and restraints should be regulated by the federal government.???
We're also open to suggestions. We need your help. What would you ask the candidates about special education, and especially changes in the law you'd like to see. We will put together the requests and send them to the campaigns around July 1st. If we get responses, we'll publish them here and try to get others to publicize them. If we don't get responses, we'll publish that fact and publicize it as well.

Please submit your suggestions as early as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

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