Thursday, May 31, 2012

El Chanclaso: Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman Gets A Chanclaso


The latest Congressman to go the?birther route?is Colorado Rep. Mike Coffman, who was caught on tape declaring that he was unsure whether President Obama was born in the US.? Furthermore, Rep. Coffman said he was certain that in President Obama's heart he was not American. Imagine that. Rep. Coffman has no idea whether President Obama is a US citizen -?a simple Google search?could help him there - but he purports to know what's in the President's heart.? Come on, give me a break.? At the least, Rep. Coffman had the decency to apologize for his dim-witted views. ?Once again, how can the American people expect Congress to function properly when so many (62 to be in fact) Congressional members are refusing to believe in facts, and instead rely on rumors and hearsay. I'm sending Rep. Coffman a?chanclaso.


Un aplauso to Disney and Pixar who have announced they will be releasing a movie based on the Mexican holiday?D?a de los Muertos.?No release date or any plot details have been revealed but I'm looking forward to this movie.??D?a de los Muertos?is one of my favorite holidays and I'm hoping Disney and Pixar do right by that film.

I also want to send some aplausos to the Oregon State Board of Education for banning the use of Native American mascots.? In a 5-1 decision, the Board is requiring 15 schools to change their mascots by 2017.? They're serious too. If the schools fail to change their mascots, they risk losing state funding. If people in Native American communities find these images offensive then we should change those images. The NFL's Washington Redskins could easily be changed to the Washington Monuments or the Washington Red & Blue Stripes.? Adelante Oreg?n!


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