Monday, May 28, 2012

Home Improvement: What To Know Before You Begin

If you are new to home improvement start with the easiest project. If you are starting with a hard project, the experience isn?t going to be as fun or successful. To make sure you gain the practice you need, you want to start small, learning the more challenging techniques as you move to larger projects.

When you are hiring a contractor to do your home improvements, make sure that he is fully insured and has all of the licenses that your local and state laws require him to have to run a business. Do not face the risk of losing your warranties, insurances, and guarantees.

Selling your property? Home improvement projects and updates are easy fixes to increase the value of your home. Replacing older kitchen appliances and offering the new installation as part of the asking price is quite an appeal to home buyers especially is this is a first home purchase.

Always remember to budget for the surprises. There is always some additional expense when tackling a home improvement project. A good rule of thumb is to add an additional 10 to 15% to your original budget in order to be prepared for the unexpected expenses that are bound to crop up.

Painting is an excellent way to freshen up a room on a budget. Consider painting an accent wall in a different color to add focus and drama. Paint cabinets to give a fresh look without having to replace them. Even painting your ceiling can add a new look to an old room.

You want a flourishing lawn and plants in your yard. One of the best ways to attain this is to fertilize them in the fall, before the first frost. This will give them a boost when they start to grow again in the spring. This extra feeding will bring rewards all of the next summer.

If you are moving new, large appliances into your home, protect your floors. If you have hardwood floors, it is very easy to scratch them while moving in appliances. Try adding some of the easy slide pads to the bottom of your appliances or furniture to enable a smooth and safe slide across hardwood floors.

It is best to paint your home in the spring and fall months. During the winter the air is filled with too much moisture that can cause the paint to take an extended amount of time to dry. During the summer months it can be too hot and cause the paint to blister or bubble.

Make sure that you make a realistic budget before you start making any improvements to your home and you do your best to stick to the budget. While there are many factors that can make things cost a bit more than expected, you should not be spending thousands of dollars more than you can afford.

If you do not have a friend or family member on hand to help you out with what you are doing, it is normally very easy to find cheap labor for assistance. If you live near an university, you can put up an ad asking for a student to help you out.

So as you can see, home improvement is not as complicated as it may appear. It is involved in terms of research and asking questions, but it is worth it in the end. With the above tips in mind, you should be smarter when it comes to improving things around your home.

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