Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Report: U.S is trying to convince Russia to remove Syrian President Bashar Alassad and to keep his government

May 27, 2012 ? Middle East Post


New York Times reported today that U.S President Obama is making an effort to remove Bashar Alassad while his government stays in its place for a period. The suggested plan is similar to the model that was used in Yemen where former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh left the chair command and his deputy took control.

The U.S suggested plans includes reaching an agreement with the opposition in Syria that would allow elections later and put an end for the Syrian President Bashar control of the country. The plan?s success depends on Russia?s cooperation and agreement on it since the latter has blocked any UN Security Council action against Al-Assad until now.

Russia refused any military action against Syria and considers it a main ally in the region. Not only that, but the Russian leadership have stated several times that it will not allow an end for the Syrian President that is similar to what happened to former Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi.

In the G8 meeting President Obama suggested the plan to Russian Prime Minister Medvedev that did not seem to refuse it. However, a Russian agreement on such a plan is not easy to get especially that Syria is Moscow?s main Middle East ally and is used for the Russian naval bases.

Tags: east, iran, middle, obama, post, russia, Syria, u.s

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