Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Heartstring tugging ways for girls to pass guys Valentine chocolates

With Valentine?s Day almost upon us, goo Ranking published the results of a ranking survey into heartstring tugging ways of passing Valentine?s chocolates, and as is the tradition in Japan, it was for men receiving them from women.



Over the 7th and 8th of December 2012 1,059 members of the goo Research monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 61.4% of the sample were female, 10.8% in their teens, 14.4% in their twenties, 24.9% in their thirties, 28.8% in their forties, 11.5% in their fifties, and 9.6% aged sixty or older. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample. This question was for the women only.

Note that there are two kinds of chocolates; obligatory chocolates that have to be handed out to every male in one?s workplace or class that have no romantic significance, and true love chocolates, the meaning of which should be obvious!

I don?t think I?d be really too impressed with any of the below, myself, except of course the no beating about the bush of number four!

Ranking result

Q: What ways of passing Valentine?s chocolates do you find tug at your heartstrings? (Sample size=409, male)

Rank ? Score
1 Looking embarrassed and bashfully passing them 100
2 With her face bright red and saying ?These aren?t obligatory chocolates? 77.3
3 With her face bright red and looking up through her eyelids 75.9
4 Coming straight out with it and saying ?I love you!? 66.0
5 With damp eyes 56.7
6 Handing out chocolates to everyone, but whispering in my ear ?Yours are the only non-obligatory?keep it a secret!? 48.2
7 Saying ?I don?t need a gift in return on White Day, so instead we?ll go on a date? 45.4
8 Out of breath from chasing after me 44.0
9 Bumping into me by chance on the way home 43.3
10= Passing with a slightly unsteady hand 42.6
10= With a voice trembling with nerves 42.6
12 Saying ?It?s the first time I?ve hand-made chocolates? 41.8
13 As we are parting, her suddenly calling out ?Wait!? 40.4
14 Passing out the same obligatory chocolates as to everyone else, but when we are alone passing others with ?These are true love chocolates? 39.7
15 Saying ?Hide them quickly!? right after passing them 31.9
16 Passing them the night before saying ?I wanted to be the first? 30.5
17 Passing them the next day saying ?I should have given you them yesterday, but I was just too embarrassed?? 27.0
18 Forcing them into my hands and running away 25.5
19 Secretly sneaking them into my locker, bag, etc 24.1
20 Surreptitiously passing them to me on the bus, train home 18.4
Read more on: chocolate,goo ranking,valentine


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/mZ-A7jnTxkA/

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