Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nuke site 'reviews' lighten North Korean drama

Much of the world may be holding its breath following the provocative nuclear test performed by North Korea, but some people are trying to relieve the tension using the Internet tradition of sarcastic reviews ? this time, of the Google Maps' locations of the test sites.

A couple dozen "reviews" have popped up praising or criticizing the food, beds and activities available at the North Pynongan and Hamgyong facilities. A few are in poor taste, but most manage a bit of lighthearted humor.

Adri?n Lamo writes of the Nuclear Test Facility in Hamgyong:

Service is excellent - my funny little minder has been by my side nonstop. He's so attentive! Quarters are very warm, even in the coldest parts of the night - warmth seems almost to come from the rock walls. Fancy!

I think they must use some sort of special mineral water, as I've had a constant metallic taste in my mouth since getting here, and my skin has tingled almost as long (probably from the shower). I could get used to it!

Mark Wagner's experience was more mixed:

I ordered a whole chicken for dinner and it had 6 wings! I was so happy because I love wings. Earthquake made me drop my wings :(

Over at Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research, Avani Maan had a memorable "trip":

I have to say I was skeptical at first; I thought this was going to be just like every other Nuclear research center I have been dragged along to on vacation... but I couldn't have been more wrong - I had a BLAST!! We were given a truly authentic experience. At the facility gates we were met with a welcoming party complete with sirens, armed guards and helicopters. For a moment it was so real we felt like we were intruding!

Robert Giles felt there may be problems with management:

It was very difficult to find this place, but once I got there, I really cannot understate the amazing time I had! The only slight drawback was that there was a rather pudgy young man with a funny haircut who seemed to make all of the workers feel very on-edge.

For a more serious take on the latest news from North Korea, visit our World News section.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is


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