Friday, March 30, 2012

Why do you get Acid Reflux? | Articles Shore

Acid reflux or heartburn affects millions of Americans every month. It is a billion dollar pharmaceutical industry with over-the-counter medication and prescriptions for individuals with more severe acid reflux problems. There are several acid reflux causes and can be something as simple as your diet to something more serious like a medical condition.

There are a variety of ways to relieve your acid reflux, but you need to first understand what the acid reflux causes are. And it starts with acid in your stomach and your esophagus. The feeling that we get known, as heartburn, is caused by stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus.

In simple terms, acid reflux is caused when acid is regurgitated back up into the esophagus because a small valve or muscle at the juncture of the esophagus and stomach, called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), did not close after food was passed into the stomach. The reasons why this happens vary. It may be an anatomical defect or just be a weak LES.

So, when you control the acid in your stomach you controlled your heartburn. More than 60 million Americans suffer from acid reflux and almost 75% of those suffering respond to medication or antacids. That leaves 25% who must either live with it or consider acid reflux surgery. The most popular surgical procedure is called the Nissen Fundoplication.

If you are considering a surgical option for acid reflux relief, then you?ll first want to make sure that you have tried to find a solution through less invasive options. You should take steps to find out the actual acid reflux causes that affect you and possible actions that you may need to take. The first step that a doctor is going to suggest to you is a dietary and lifestyle solution.

Bad eating habits and eating too large of meals are a couple of the more common acid reflux causes. When eating a large meal it causes the stomach to become distended and forces acid from the stomach back through the esophagus. Other bad eating habits include eating fatty or overly spicy foods and have been known to cause acid reflux in some individuals.

Science so far has not found a reason on why the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) doesn?t work right, and allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. Some think that it?s due to pressure building up in the stomach so much that the lower esophageal sphincter cannot hold it back. Of course, there are other acid reflux causes as to.

Pregnancy is a very common acid reflux cause; although this is generally true during the third trimester. This acid reflux cause is due to the baby getting bigger and having more of the stomach contents pushed up into the esophagus. Antacids and other over the counter medication will not help with this acid reflux cause and it is found to be helpful if you eat smaller meals and a lot more of them throughout the day. The good news is that after the baby is born the acid reflux will go away and you will not be bothered by it anymore.

Everyone has a different body type and reacts to things differently. What may cause your acid reflux may not be the same reason it causes excessive stomach acid in others. Medication and antacids have found to be helpful in controlling acid production in most individuals; however, some may seek other treatments. For the most part antacids will help to control acid production. Not eating certain types of food and/or cutting back on how much you eat should help eliminate or reduce acid reflux. You should take small steps and determine your cause of excessive stomach acid to help win your battle with acid reflux.

About the author: Phillip Adler may be able to help you control your acid reflux. For additional acid reflux causes check out all of his articles and get the acid reflux help you want.


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