Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mass Email Marketing ? Three Things To Get Right | Eze, Inc. - The ...

Mass email marketing grew exponentially over recent years as more and more internet marketers became aware of the benefits of using it. That rapid growth looks likely to continue into the future.

Almost daily thousands of emails leave my computer and miraculously get delivered to people all over the world. And I am just one of many thousands of online marketers. The total number of business emails delivered daily must run into many millions.

How many of those mass email campaigns really succeed? Just consider those that get opened rather than being sent straight to the bin. Top web marketers keep telling less experienced people that they do work. That is fact but only if you get it right.

Doing it right encompasses many aspects of mass email campaigns but below are three things that are rarely considered.

1. Most of the mass emails I receive treat me as an idiot. Let me give you one example. A large proportion of those emails make very unbelievable promises such as making hundreds of thousands of dollars with virtually no work, no experience and no hard work from me.

To get this right the online marketers concerned must allow for the possibility that many recipients will be experienced in the world of business. They might own a small business or be employed by one and have an understanding of business activity. Web marketers must give respect to the person they want to sell to.

2. Respect also includes getting the recipient?s name right. Or, at least, address them in a polite manner. There?s nothing wrong in being friendly online; that is how internet communication has developed but don?t give the impression that making a quick sale is all you want to achieve.

Many of the emails I receive do not even contain my name. That is acceptable from a website I subscribe to for gathering information but when a marketer approaches me to make a sale then please treat me as somebody you want to have an online relationship with.

3. Get the spelling and grammar correct. Many online people are well educated so errors in the email text stand out as indications of the lack of attention the writer has given to their communication with them. If they cannot get their sales message properly written then how reliable are they at providing a good experience to a product purchaser?

Selling online has given a wrong impression in some respects. I learned my marketing skills in face to face meetings with customers before I started online marketing. If I had treated them in the way that so many internet marketers do today then I would not have achieved the success I have enjoyed.

When planning and implementing a mass email marketing campaign think of one of your customers being sat in front of you. Then write your email to that person in a way that you could show him right there. Get it right and mass emailing can make money online for you.

Toby Carlisle has been a marketer for over twenty years and active online since 2002. His current project is helping people, both new and experienced, to make well informed choices about making money online. The blog includes a free report and reviews of internet marketing ideas, information, products and software tools that really work. Its purpose is to overcome the problems of sorting the good online stuff from the bad and the ugly.

Discover how to get your mass email marketing right and make money online.


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