Tuesday, March 27, 2012

James Cameron completes risky Mariana Trench dive

Filmmaker James Cameron completed his trek to the Mariana Trench today, resurfacing after reaching a depth of approximately 7 miles under the water's surface. The dive was part of a National Geographic expedition to collect samples from and learn more about the poorly studied Pacific Ocean trench, the deepest on Earth.

Cameron made the expedition in a small submarine named the Deepsea Challenger. The sub is rated to withstand the intense pressure of the Mariana depths ? a full eight tons per square inch. Because any error in the sub's design could lead to it being crushed, the craft, designed by Cameron himself, was sent to the Mariana Trench on a unmanned trial run last week.

This is not the first time Cameron has been in a sub, of course. The director has participated in 72 dives, 12 of which were for the movie Titanic.


This article was written by?Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/james-cameron-completes-risky-mariana-trench-dive-175347371.html

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