Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pregnancy Pillows ? How They Can Save Your Back | health-articles ...

Being pregnant can bring a lot of discomfort and this is something women who haven?t been pregnant would never understand. Your body is carrying extra weight and it?s situated in a disproportionate manner which is why you feel pain and discomfort in areas of your back, hips, legs, and feet. However, pregnancy pillows can be used to ease the pain and support the extra weight. Pregnancy pillows can be used to sleep with or during the day to provide extra comfort needed.

Basically, pregnancy pillows are specially designed to fit on certain parts of your body and add support. There are several different types made to fit on your lower back, between your knees or thighs, on your neck, or on your stomach.

As you progress through the stages of pregnancy, it will be more and more difficult to get comfortable. It will likely get to the point that you have a hard time sleeping because every way you lay causes discomfort. Sleeping on your stomach doesn?t work while sleeping on your stomach makes you feel like you can?t breathe as your stomach gets bigger. Ending up on your side is what?s likely to happen. You?re not able to reposition very well and the extra weight makes your hips hurt. Luckily, pregnancy pillows provide relief!

The ideal position is lying on your side with a pregnancy pillow between your knees/thighs and another behind your back. The pillow between your legs offers support and relieves some of the pressure on your hips, while the pillow behind your back allows you to lie back slightly when you want to reposition. This gives your back a break and gives you a range of motion. This way, you have the option to lie at almost any angle on each side, instead of being restricted.

Also making your joints ache when you?re pregnant is sitting for long periods of time. A pregnancy pillow behind the back will also help this, as well as propping the feet up periodically. to support the extra weight of their stomachs, some women feel relief from placing a pillow in their laps. These techniques can also be used when driving to prevent stiffness and discomfort.

There are many models of pregnancy pillows available. There are those that are made of cotton or down and the more expensive models are made from memory foam. Take your time and try out the different kinds to pick the most comfortable for you.

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Source: http://health-articles.co.uk/pregnancy-pillows-how-they-can-save-your-back/

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