Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Video: Shaken and awakened in Wisconsin

>>> finally tonight, a story about a nice place they're calling a boom town , jokingly. the problem is it's not funny. the good people in one town in wisconsin would right now give anything to find out what is making that noise. their story tonight from nbc's kevin tibbles.

>> in what used to be sleepily clintonville, wisconsin , something is going boom in the night.

>> it was almost like someone took a wrecking ball do the side of the house.

>> problem is, no one in the town of 4,600 west of green bay seems to know what it is.

>> i thought a car was coming through my house, it was that loud.

>> for three nights running, residents have been shaken and awaken. all these dots represent 365 residences reporting booms.

>> we have some weird banging going on and our whole house is shaking.

>> while it's a serious situation, in fairness to the citizen, people are trying to have fun with it.

>> and the twitter fear reverberated.

>> what are the booms in clintville, wisconsin dwlrb i had no idea they were filming the "trembles "remake.

>> this may sound familiar. in the 1995 sci-fi spoof, tremors, aliens shake up a town in nevada.

>> no richter scale can measure it.

>> scientists seem to know what it isn't. it's not an earthquake or underground explosion or exploding gas, or electrical problem or even burping sewer system, and not a frost quake caused by unseasonably warm temperatures. so far, eperts are stumped by what it is.

>> their whole lives are being ris dupted why this.

>> so tonight, the mystery continues as to why clintonville has


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