Monday, June 4, 2012

Joe. My. God.: Matt Barber: My Family Member Dying Of AIDS Got ...

"He was seduced. Found a group of people who welcomed him and embraced him and accepted him. And they had counselors and others who said, 'This is what you are, you're gay, embrace it and be proud of it.' You know the rest of the story. He's in his thirties, his young thirties now, and he's dying of HIV/AIDS. The wages of sin is death." -Matt Barber, who claims to love his dying family member, even though he clearly got what he deserved. Barber was speaking at the Calvary Assembly's Awakening 2012 and his speech was posted yesterday to the official Liberty Counsel YouTube page. (13:00 mark.)

Labels: Christian Love, evil, hate groups, HIV/AIDS, Liberty Counsel, Matt Barber, religion

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