Thursday, June 28, 2012

Developer Colombo In Beach Investigation - Miami International ...

Posted on by The Victoria Law Group

One of my pet peeves is the way in which corruption is creeping into all aspects of our daily lives, I call it corruption creep.? The ?tip? to show appreciation for a job well done, is becoming the ?grease? that get things done, to the ?kickback? that is the only way to get things done.? In construction contracts, I think we sort of suspect that Malcolm Gladwell?s tipping point was crossed a long time ago, especially in Miami.? In the most recent case, investigators are asking why a developer considered a front-runner to overhaul Miami Beach?s convention center paid $25,000 to an ex-con with ties to the city?s purchasing director.? Curious, isn?t it?? But really, did you expect anything else.

Read David Smiley?s Miami Herald article here:


Brought to you by The Victoria Law Group

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