Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lindsay Lohan 911 Call: It's a Code 3!

As you know, paramedics were called to Lindsay Lohan's hotel room in Marina del Rey, Calif., when the troubled actress was unresponsive earlier this month.

Fortunately, she was fine, just exhausted and dehydrated.

Just the same, a calm, collected 911 call made by "Ben," a nurse working on the production of her new film Liz & Dick, reveals the urgency at that moment:

"It's a Code 3," he said, emergency terminology for "life-threat response."

Per privacy laws, specific details regarding Lindsay Lohan's physical condition have been edited out of the recording above, but the caller told the 911 dispatcher that he and the unconscious actress were in the hotel penthouse.

She was and is fine, although Lifetime is concerned about its investment.

The self-aware actress later joked on Twitter that when you're "up all night shooting, you might pass out from exhaustion & 7 paramedics MIGHT show up @ your door. Hopefully theyre cute. Otherwise it would be a real let down."

Just pray there's not a legit Code 3 in the near future for Linds.

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