Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Take A Look At These Fantastic Self Improvement Tips! | Lori ...

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Personal development can help you gain control of your current situation and feel more fulfilled. You will need to know some ways to stay energized if you want to successfully achieve your goals. Put the following tips to use so you can begin your journey.

Good leaders possess strength and power, but are also compassionate. There is an element of service that makes up the character of a leader, as it enables them to lead with gentleness. A leader is a person of integrity and virtue. These are admirable qualities for anybody to possess, so work on being more like a leader today.

All people are susceptible to food temptations. Stress is just as harmful to the body as eating bad foods. This should prompt you to do your best to stay stress-free.

Exercise is for everyone, not just people who are trying to lose a few pounds. Exercise has many physiological benefits. Because physical activity stimulates production of feel-good chemicals in the body, a workout program may actually make you feel calmer and more positive.

When engaging in self improvement, tell yourself that you want to be better because you deserve better. You must realize that doing your best is what you deserve. At the end of the day, you can feel satisfied that you have given it your all, and you will have nothing to regret.

Always be up for a challenge. Trying new things is a way to broaden your horizons. You may be able to gain a new understanding of the world and develop new talents. You may even want to achieve something that has never been done before. Be your own greatest inspiration, instead of following in the footsteps of others.

Don?t worry so much. Most of the things you worry about never materialize, and creating them in the present is of no value to your personal development. As an alternative to worrying, think about the worst thing that could happen and then develop a plan to address that scenario should it happen. This makes you feel prepared for the worst while still being able to focus on the best things in your life.

Write yourself a pep talk. Take a postcard and write down all the things that you like about yourself. Keep this card with you, and read through it when you feel your confidence flagging. For even more powerful results, record a video of yourself reading your list and watch it frequently. How will this help with your personal development?

Consider your personal character attributes when determining what you want to change. Your aesthetics can be changed quicker than your personality can! Clothes and looks are no reflection of the true personality of person. Personality is what gets us through life, not looks. Do not worry about putting effort into superficial improvements. Instead, concentrate on the person that you are inside.

These tips can help you to motivate yourself to become a better, more developed person. It may be a lot of hard work, but you can undertake that work joyfully knowing that you have some sound advice to give you a hand.

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#1 Go Purchase your ticket(s) to the Austin Texas Event right now.

#2 Listen to last Monday Empower Hour. (This is very important if you want to change your financial situation)

#3 Do your daily blog post

#4 Market on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, craiglist, do solo ads, classified ads (you get the picture, pick 3 and stick with it!)

#5 Set your intention that you will get two sales a day

#6 Go to the gratitude log on our ning group site and post one thing you are grateful for


#7 Go to a quiet place and do a 15 minute meditation.

NOTE: Some of these are part of the 8 core committements that are in your back office that you should be implementing everyday anyway!


Get on Monday nights Empower Hour Replay below:

Here?s the call in details:

Dial in number: (712) 432-0990
Pin Code: 260326#

If you are not in Empower Network yet then click on the link HERE


URGENT: The next event is already live in your back office

?Release Your Inner BadAss?

Mark your calendar for January 18-20, 2013 in Austin, Texas at the Hilton Downtown!

Tickets are on sale for a limited time for a discounted price of ONLY $127

more than 1,600 tickets have already been sold, so you better get yours TODAY at that

ridiculous price!


Empower Network helped pay for my trip to the Dominican Republic and that is why I am cool chillin! Want to chill on the beaches of the world? Click HERE and join!

Source: http://workwithlorirobertson.info/take-a-look-at-these-fantastic-self-improvement-tips/

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