Monday, September 17, 2012

Facebook Engagement: Love Found in an Instant! | Brown Condor

Love found in one moment; in an instant I went from being single to being married.

by Teddy Fikre? anniversary: Sunday, September 16th, 2012

I have changed my mind about Facebook.? For years I have waged a war against the social network convinced that Facebook and Twitter were robbing us of real life while concurrently using these platforms to connect to my own people.? The irony did not get lost on me that Facebook connected me to my own people in ways that I never thought possible.? Yet it gnawed on me incessantly, I felt that we were getting consumed in modernity and that our culture?steeped in one on one conversation and gradual yet abiding friendships?was getting lost in the shuffle of pokes and tweets.?

And then it suddenly happened.? Love found in one moment; in an instant I went from being single to being married.? Years of confusion gave way to clarity and all it took was for me to look at my destiny?s face by means of profile picture and I knew she was the one.? Love in an instant! Who needs the hassles of courtships and dates, who needs to go through the nuisance of finding love by working hard for it.? Instead sign up to Facebook, scroll through and add 400 women as your friend, play the game of numbers, copy and paste the same corny pickup lines to these aforementioned 400 women, then BAM! Love found mathematically, matters of the heart become data points that can be quantified and enumerated on an abacus.?

Thus the magic moment happened; I ask the new love of my life in the most romantic way the words which I am sure made her swoon! I mean I could have bought her a ring, then go through an intricate process that respects our culture like sending men in my family to ask my new love?s father for her hand in marriage. I could have planned a surprise where the most romantic details were meticulously set up so that she could talk about her marriage proposal for a lifetime with pride in her heart.? But who has time for all that in the age of Facebook.? Instead I just stayed on my couch and asked my future wife through chat these most magical words:

?Yene konjo, will you be my nicca for life?

There, with these words my future wife and I got engaged, changed our Facebook relationship status to display that we were about to be married, and in a whirlwind we got married today at approximately 12:45 PM EST.? Never mind that my new wife lives on the West Coast and I live on the East Coast. Never mind that I have yet to meet her in person nor that Gelila and I have yet to kiss.? We just tied the knot and we don?t even know each other?s favorite food.? Love in a microwave, many search for fiker, Gelila and I found it on Facebook.

If you have not figured it out by now, Gelila and I are not married.? Gelila is one of my close friends on Facebook and she and I were joking around yesterday when all the sudden I had an idea to turn our little joke into a social commentary.? Gelila in reality is an amazing woman who is currently in graduate school determined to make her life meaningful by helping other people.? Gelila is everything that a man can want in a woman because she is not a woman waiting on the sidelines for a man to save her.? Gelila is a woman in its purest meaning because she is a woman set out to make her own destiny instead of depending on another to give her desta and happiness.? The only time that people can truly find love and love another is when individuals can find the space and the time to love themselves and do for self before they can do for others.?

Hold tight though, here comes the social commentary.? You see, too many of us are not like Gelila.? Too many think that we can find love in an instant to save us from our own misery.? Thus we too often end up in codependent relationships and in due time love turns into enmity.? Love in the process becomes an end instead of a means to finding happiness?only after finding love do many find that the love they found is a dead end. Love has lost its meaning, love has gone from wot that simmers to a boil into a Ramen instant noodle.? Who has time to find true love when too many are in a rush to find lust while lusting for someone they can call their own.

Facebook in this sense has destroyed the meaning of relationships.? It?s like people are in a rush to find a significant other so they can change their Facebook relationship status so they can brag to the world ?look at me? and in the process demean themselves.? Love is not a status you share to the world, love is instead a feeling you share in your heart with the one you love.? But who has time for that in the age of Twitter, we have friends to impress and we have to keep up with the Yohanneses! Thus we go to clubs and lounges looking for that cutie that we can call our own so that we can take a pic with our iPhones and upload the ?cute couple pic? on Facebook and share our Facebook profile space with someone we barely know.?

Thus I am not disarming nor am I stopping my war on Facebook fantasy painters, hell I am about to rename Facebook to Fa?adebook because too many people are on Facebook to live a life of lies instead of using Facebook to start a social awakening.? Children in Ethiopia are dying because they have no hope, we in America can use Facebook to revolutionize Ethiopia and rebrand our country from a beggar nation into a better nation?instead too many use Facebook to post picture after picture of themselves and brag about what type of yogurt they are eating.? I know, I just turned a fun little article into a deep message.? Now you see that most of my jokes and satires that I post on Facebook and write about on this website have a deeper meaning if you take the time to read what I write fully instead of turning to the ways of Habesha and insulting before understanding (I am not Habesha, I am Ethiopian).

So it?s back to single life for Teddisho and Gelila, who knows maybe one of these days we might get married in real life.? But if we do, you better believe that we will not be announcing it on Facebook nor will you see me changing my Facebook relationship status for the sake of getting attention.? Moreover, my birthday is October 27th, so when you see another date popping up as my birthdays just remember that I change my birthday on Facebook periodically to poke fun of people who wish me a happy birthday without knowing when my real birthday is.? As much as I stay on Facebook to promote Ethiopia in my heart I am an old soul who loves our old fashion customs as I try to convince you the reader to change some of your ways to accept life in the 21st century.? I want us to remain loyal to the things that are beautiful about our culture but change up those things which prevents us from finding collective success.?

If you take away nothing else from this article, please remember always that love does not come easy and neither can you find love on Facebook.? Don?t fall victim to the picture that people paint of themselves on Facebook because most of the time people only show the best part of themselves on social networks and will never reveal to you their inner struggles.? Thus a lady who is dressed up like a queen can have the heart of a tyrant and a man who is dressed up in a suit can be worthless and be an empty suit like Mitt Romney.? Take the time to find love by doing it the old fashion way. Get to know someone off Facebook and befriend that man or woman you have feelings for and see where density takes you in reality instead of living love virtually.? One days they might invent instant injera, but trust me they will never be able to invent Instant Love.

?Immature love says: ?I love you because I need you.? Mature love says ?I need you because I love you.? ~ Erich Fromm

[this tong is dedicated to all those who fond love the old fashion way?by working for it]

Luda Decor

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Luda D?cor is an Ethiopian owned and operated full service decorations company that specializes in decoration of small and big events of sort , weddings, engagements, wedding shower, baby shower, birthday parties, graduation parties, and anniversaries and more.? Luda D?cor is the essence of distinction, elegance, and creativity.? Let Luda D?cor decorate your parties and special events and in the process turn an event into an occasion to remember for a lifetime.?

Please post this article on your Facebook wall with a status update ?Facebook Engagement?? and send out multiple tweets on twitter by embedding this article URL and use #FacebookEngagement Let?s make #FacebookEngagement a trending tweet today.

Lastly, please bookmark this website, we post at least one article a day if not three, only on Brown Condor can you get a fresh perspective on Ethiopian life and culture the way we provide it on a daily basis for free. God bless Ethiopia, America & Africa!


Teddy Fikre

[click to view profile & follow on Twitter @teddyfikre]

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