Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mars Curiosity rover snaps crescent moon Phobos in pale, Martian sky

The Curiosity rover's latest Mars photo captured the planet's largest Martian moon, Phobos, during a Martian evening, revealing the satellite as a faint crescent moon.

By Tariq Malik,? / September 27, 2012

This close up from a photo by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the Martian moon Phobos as a faint crescent in the Martian evening sky. The black blemish is the result of a bad pixel in the image data. Image released Sept. 26.


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NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has been doing more than just driving around the Red Planet and taking pictures of rocks. It's been doing a bit of Martian moon-gazing too.

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The?Curiosity rover's latest Mars photo?captured the planet's largest Martian moon, Phobos, during a Martian evening, revealing the satellite as a faint crescent moon.

"Moon Over Mars: I snapped a pic of one of Mars' moons, Phobos, in the twilight sky over Gale crater," NASA's Curiosity team announced on the mission's Twitter page @MarsCuriosity, writing as the rover itself, on Wednesday (Sept. 26) ? the same day Curiosity made its longest drive yet.

The photo shows Phobos as a faint white crescent that almost blends in with the Martian sky. A black blemish also appears in the image, but is merely the result of a bad pixel in the image data, rover officials said.

"When you send images from 179 million miles away, stuff happens," they added via Twitter.?

The new photo of Phobos is Curiosity's latest view of Martian moons from the surface of the Red Planet. Earlier this month, Curiosity snapped photos of Phobos as it crossed part of the sun, creating a partial?solar eclipse on Mars.

Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, both of which are much smaller than Earth's moon. Phobos is about 14 miles wide (22 kilometers), making it the largest Martian satellite. Deimos is about 9.3 miles across (15 km) at its largest point and is farther from Mars than Phobos.?

The Curiosity rover's Phobos photos are just part of the science work the car-size robot has been performing on Mars. The rover landed inside the planet's vast Gale Crater on Aug. 5 and is currently driving toward its first science destination, a location called Glenelg.

On Wednesday, Curiosity drove 160 feet (48.9 meters) closer to Glenelg, marking its longest single drive of its mission so far. To date, the rover has covered about a quarter-mile (416 meters) on Mars.

NASA's?Mars rover Curiosity?is expected to spend at least two years exploring Gale Crater to determine if the region could have ever supported microbial life. Mission scientists plan to drive the rover up a 3-mile (5-km) mountain ? Mount Sharp ?that rises from the crater's center.

NASA will hold a press conference today at 2 p.m. EDT (1800 GMT) today to update the media and public on Curiosity's progress on Mars. You can watch the press conference?live on here.

You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter?@tariqjmalik?and? on Twitter?@Spacedotcom. We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.


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Man cave madness | Wichita Eagle

It?s easy to throw a dart at the term ?man cave.? But some Kansas City residents have gone all-out to create sanctuaries that are artistic, clever, charming and full of passion and personality. Here?s how the caves reflect the men:

Bruce?s palace

Description: Part of the reason Bruce Hubert made a man cave was to turn his Kansas City, Mo., home?s unfinished basement into a less-scary space for his wife, Arlene. Mission accomplished. Ceiling joists and concrete floors are left exposed. There?s a 200-gallon aquarium, a 70-inch television, a pool table, a dart board, a bar, a hockey table, a train set, and 1:24- and 1:32-scale racetracks with hand-painted pit crews and lights for racing.

Decor: The coolest aspect of Hubert?s man cave is he made much of it by hand. He spent weeks crafting, feather by feather, an eagle that?s the focal point above the bar. He hand-rolled sculpted grapes for a vine that surrounds the bar. He sculpted an octopus flanking the aquarium and the Greek ruins inside the tank. And he made a snake surrounding the dart board. He?s also built miniature versions of Arrowhead Stadium, Kauffman Stadium and Union Station and artwork for the walls: Egyptian-style masks, paintings of playing cards and a jazz scene.

Hubert, who?s always wearing a smile, used to be a greeter at Costco.

?Word got out that I?m kind of handy,? he said. ?Now I work maintenance.?

Next up for Bruce?s Palace: an interior water garden where he can keep baby koi from his outdoor water garden in the winter.

Hubert hangs out in the room two to three hours a day, and it?s always the spot where friends and family go during parties.

?I?ve heard family remark, ?Uncle Bruce is a genius,??? he said. ?I don?t think that, but I do know I love my hobbies, and I?m never bored.?

John?s Garage Mahal

Description: John Stuerke?s man cave is a 50-by-30 detached garage with reclaimed-wood siding interior walls and a tin ceiling from a barn he deconstructed. The floors are shiny clear-coat concrete. This cave has a 52-inch plasma TV shadowed by a large mounted elk. ?Of course I only hunt at auctions,? says Stuerke, owner of One Call Lawn Care in Kansas City, Mo.

Decor: Vintage signs galore ? including 1950s Kansas City restaurant menus and lighted beer advertisements ? dot the walls and ceiling. Furnishings include two sofas: One is a converted rear quarter and trunk of a 1967 Chevy Impala. The 8-foot-tall Frankenstein is only upstaged by a flying mannequin.

Stuerke has hosted many events in his cave, including a sumo wrestling birthday party, a wedding rehearsal dinner and many University of Missouri games on the big screen. Even zydeco musician Chubby Carrier has played there.

?It?s my Mississippi juke joint tucked into south Kansas City,? he said.

Dan?s Cove

Description: Dan Uche of Kansas City built his outdoor man cave in 2009 after his wife, Marcy, asked him to build her a pergola to cover part of their backyard patio. A small group of friends helped build the shack-style man cave out of spare parts, including metal railings salvaged from Uche?s dining room. Uche?s friends worked for beer and food, which must have been pretty good, because the results are charming. Note: Uche, executive chef for the Bristol in Leawood, brews his own beer.

Uche?s ?cove,? as he calls it, includes two bars, two full beer coolers, cable television, a sound system, side shutters, ceiling fans, pergola and an attached deck.

?I feel like when I?m in here, I?m on vacation in the Bahamas or Jamaica,? Uche said.

Decor: Beer and liquor memorabilia, neon and an ever-evolving collection of favorite beer bottles from the many tastings the Uches host. When the weather cools, they put down the shutters, crank up the propane heaters and light the chimeneas.

?We watched nearly every football game through December out here,? Uche said. ?One of the bonuses is that my next-door neighbor has a man cave as well, and if we run out of beer at one place, we can always go next door.?

Some of Uche?s favorite details about his cave are the clocks. There?s one his daughter gave them that?s missing a hand. ?I?ll tell guests it?s 7-ish if they ask.? And there?s a 1985 World Series clock that?s off by a few hours. But at least it gauges how much time is spent in the cave.


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Investigators: Glass Shower Doors Can Shatter With No Warning ...

MIAMI?(CBSMiami)?? If your shower door is made of glass, you may suffer injuries, a tedious clean-up and thousands of dollars down the drain.

Dorothy Malinski?s shower door suddenly exploded while her mother was bathing.

?I heard this big bang, this big boom,? said Malinski.? ?I couldn?t enter all the way because there?s glass all over the counter,?in the sink, on the floor.?

Her mother was cut on her hands and face.

Even though tempered-glass shower doors are supposed to break into small pieces ? to prevent injuries from larger, sharper pieces of glass ? they can break in bigger shards.

That is what happened to Larry Kucharik,?who was injured while cleaning up the shattered glass from his shower door.

?I just tapped the top of it and a chunk of it came down and hit my ankle,? said Kucharik, whose ankle is still scarred. ?It started bleeding, and there was a lot of blood all over the floor.?

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports more than 60 complaints of shower doors shattering for no reason ? just suddenly exploding, causing lacerations and bleeding.?People reported needing stitches and even surgery.

Mark Meshulam, a glass and window consultant, reviewed the reports.

?These are the types of injuries and situations that I would expect to see when something goes wrong with shower doors,? he says.

He says a microscopic imperfection during the manufacturing process can grow and migrate, weakening the glass until it suddenly shatters.?It can even shatter without it being touched.

?I would say treat the doors gingerly,? Meshulam warns. ?Do not bang them.?Don?t allow children to hang on the towel bars.?

He also says look for chips near brackets, the towel bar and along the edges. Also, make sure the door only moves the way it is supposed to and is not loose on the track or hinges.

In Larry Kucharik?s case, the manufacturer replaced his shower door at no cost.

This has also been a problem at hotels.?Meshulam says one reportedly had 50 doors shatter. He would like to see protective film on shower doors to catch breaking glass.

This is a tempered glass problem, so it involves various door manufacturers and the ages of glass.?If this happens to you, call the?Consumer Product Safety Commission?and the door manufacturer.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Williamsburg Basketball: Principles of Leadership

To help you?be, know,?and?do,?follow these eleven principles of leadership (U.S. Army, 1983). The later chapters in this?Leadership guide?expand on these principles and provide tools for implementing them:
  1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement?- In order to know yourself, you have to understand your?be, know,?and?do,?attributes. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening your attributes. This can be accomplished through self-study, formal classes, reflection, and interacting with others.
  2. Be technically proficient?- As a leader, you must know your job and have a solid familiarity with your employees' tasks.
  3. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions?- Search for ways to guide your organization to new heights. And when things go wrong, they always do sooner or later ? do not blame others. Analyze the situation, take corrective action, and move on to the next challenge.
  4. Make sound and timely decisions?- Use good problem solving, decision making, and planning tools.
  5. Set the example?- Be a good role model for your employees. They must not only hear what they are expected to do, but also see.?We must become the change we want to see?- Mahatma Gandhi
  6. Know your people and look out for their well-being?- Know human nature and the importance of sincerely caring for your workers.
  7. Keep your workers informed?- Know how to communicate with not only them, but also seniors and other key people.
  8. Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers?- Help to develop good character traits that will help them carry out their professional responsibilities.
  9. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished?- Communication is the key to this responsibility.
  10. Train?as a team?- Although many so called leaders call their organization, department, section, etc. a team; they are not really teams...they are just a group of people doing their jobs.
  11. Use the full capabilities of your organization?- By developing a team spirit, you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, etc. to its fullest capabilities.


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The Best College Prank Of The 1790s (With Bats, Poop & Grass)

In yesterday's post, I crowned an Oxford geologist William Buckland as Most Daring Eater Ever. And he was. But I think he deserves one additional, albeit smaller, honor.

When William Buckland was a kid, an undergraduate at Oxford in the late 1790s ? around the time George Washington had just finished being president ? he pulled a prank that was so rude, so smart and so biologically sophisticated for his day, I think he deserves a second crown, this one for Best Use of Grass Ever.

Here's what he did. William Buckland got himself ? I don't know how ? some buckets of bat guano. Guano, you should know, is animal poop, very rich in nutrients, excellent as a fertilizer. Back in the '90s (the 1790s), these fertilizers, mostly bird excrement from pelicans and seagulls, were new to British gardeners. They had fertilizers, of course, but guano on a grand scale was new, an idea imported from the Americas, from Cuba and the Andes, where farmers used poop extensively.

In Britain, pasting poop on a spring lawn was not "done." But that's what Buckland did.

He took bat poop and spread it across his Oxford College lawn, but not evenly. Instead he used the guano to spell, first a giant letter, G. Then a U. Then an A. Then an N. Then an O.

One imagines the Oxford authorities were aghast, wanted the poop removed immediately, so the lawn was scrubbed and order restored. But fertilizer is fertilizer. Once applied, it seeps into the soil and does what it's meant to do. The lawn must have looked normal for a while, but as the weather improved and the sun came out and the grass began to grow, a distinct pattern emerged. The college could mow and mow, but some tufts of grass stubbornly kept growing higher and thicker than the rest. And from a distance ? say from a classroom window anywhere around the quad, you could see ? all spring, all summer ? like a graffito that can't be erased, the word GUANO, spelled out in grass. Oxford couldn't make it go away.

This happened more than 200 years ago, but as pranks go, it's a classic, because it was a) deeply irritating; b) sassy in execution; and c) disturbingly long-lasting. Plus, it advertised a new technology.

So good for you, William Buckland, for championing both ends of the gustatory experience: Eating and Pooping.

We salute you!

Thanks to Radiolab regular Sam Kean and his new book, The Violinist's Thumb, for finding this story, and to Benjamin Arthur, our artist, who is now our official College Prank Historian. Last year, he illustrated our "What's a Smoot?" blog post, the tale of a freshman at MIT who lies down on a bridge during a college prank and becomes a world-wide unit of measure.


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Exposure to herbicide may increase risk of rare disorder

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? A common herbicide used in the United States may be linked to an increased risk of a congenital abnormality of the nasal cavity known as choanal atresia, say researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and other Texas institutions.

The study by Dr. Philip Lupo, assistant professor of pediatrics -- hematology/oncology at BCM and Texas Children's Cancer Center, is scheduled for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics.

Affects ability to breathe

Choanal atresia is a disorder where the back of the nasal passage is blocked by tissue formed during fetal development. It is a rare condition but can be serious because it affects a baby's ability to breathe. It is typically treated through surgery.

Very few risk factors for choanal atresia have been identified, however chemicals that disrupt the maternal endocrine system may be associated with risk, according to Lupo. The study focused on atrazine, which is the most commonly used herbicide in the United States -- especially in corn crops -- and is believed to be an endocrine disrupter.

"Endocrine disrupters aren't fully understood, but it is believed they interfere with or mimic certain hormones, thereby blocking their proper function and potentially leading to adverse outcomes," Lupo said.

Discovering origin of birth defect

The study found that mothers who lived in Texas counties with the highest levels of estimated atrazine application were 80 percent more likely to have children with choanal atresia or stenosis compared to women who lived in the counties with the lowest levels. Choanal stenosis is a less severe form of the condition.

Data for the study was collected from the Texas Birth Defects Registry.

"Our results warrant more detailed exploration before any public health or policy-related recommendations are made," Lupo said, "but this study is a good first step in trying to understand the origin of this birth defect, including a possible role of atrazine."

The study was funded in part by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded Texas Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention through a cooperative agreement with Texas Department of State Health Services as well as the Title V Office of Texas DSHS. Others involved in the research included A. J. Agopian, Yi Cai, Peter H. Langlois, and Mark A. Canfield.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Baylor College of Medicine.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Google can't enforce German Microsoft injunction: ruling

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday that Google's Motorola Mobility unit cannot enforce a patent injunction that it obtained against Microsoft Corp in Germany.

The injunction would bar Microsoft from "offering, marketing, using or importing or possessing" in Germany some products including the Xbox 360 and certain Windows software.

The ruling against the German injunction came from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

Representatives for both companies could not immediately be reached for comment.

The current Xbox 360 is the market-leading console in the United States. Microsoft is expected to unveil its next generation Xbox video game console in 2013.

Microsoft has said that Motorola's patents are standard, essential parts of its software and that Motorola is asking far too much in royalties for their use.

Microsoft sued Motorola in the United States in 2010, and Motorola then filed a lawsuit in Germany. In April, a federal judge in Seattle granted Microsoft's request for a temporary restraining order against Motorola in Germany.

In its ruling on Friday, a three-judge 9th Circuit unanimously upheld the lower court order. Since Microsoft had already brought a lawsuit against Motorola for breach of contract in the United States, U.S. courts have the power to put the German injunction on hold, the 9th Circuit said.

"At bottom, this case is a private dispute under Washington state contract law between two U.S. corporations," the court ruled.

European regulators are investigating claims that Motorola over-charged Microsoft and Apple Inc for use of its patents in their products and thereby breached antitrust rules.

(Reporting by Dan Levine; Editing by Gary Hill)


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The reality in the news media today is that the days of people like Frank Boal and Jack Harry having TV careers of 30 and 40 years respectively will likely never happen again (Link).

With the cutbacks almost weekly at the Kansas City Star and area radio stations, media folks had better be prepared to get into other lines of work when given a pink slip.

The old?TV/Radio ?joke is that ?Everyone will get fired. It?s just a matter of when?? is more true today than ever before.

When the word came down his services in radio were no longer needed at his radio station Dan Holiday was prepared.

His long?career in radio came to a sudden halt when he was let go (along with Mary McKenna)?last March after seven years with KFKF-FM.? Holiday had been the afternoon host from 2-7 p.m. at the Wilks-owned station since 2004.

Holiday always had a love of radio and weather and formed a company called The Storm Report (Link) in 2005. In 2006,?he had the foresight to get his certification as a Broadcast Meteorologist through Mississippi State University.??He then became?a member of the National Weather Association and the American Meteorological Society.

?We started The Storm Report Radio Network in March of 2005,? Holiday told Bottom Line.? ?Originally, it was done out of a labor of love for radio and weather.? The first radio product we launched was The Storm Report Minute; a synopsis of extreme weather for the day.? Within a couple of years, radio stations were interested in having us do more, including daily forecasts and severe weather coverage.?

Holiday says his goal was to combine forecasters and radio personalities in a model that would use technology while also saving stations money.

?Our mission was to utilize meteorologists and forecasters who were also radio personalities,? he says.? ?The conversational style set us a part and helped us grow. KFKF was wonderful to me and we still provide severe weather coverage for them today.

?It seemed to me with less people, someone still needed to produce and provide content.? That became my focus while at the station and afterwards.? As radio continues to evolve, everything from imaging to news to weather may be outsourced and that is where we fit in to many station business models,? he adds.

Holiday?s Storm Report has flourished by being relatively low-key.

Radio stations?use his meteorologists based all over the country to deliver local forecasts. Most listeners assume they are staffers at the stations and they are branded that way.

As an example,?a?familiar voice on KC radio stations, Jennifer Narramore, delivers reports for the Kansas City?area while based in Atlanta.

?We differentiate also by branding ourselves as the station?s staff meteorologists rather than using our own brand name,? he says. ?To become a real part of the station?s team is more valuable than to us than promote the name The Storm Report.?? Our long term plan is to continue growing the business, but never hurt the quality of the product just to make more money.?

So far The Storm Report is doing quite well, and Holiday?s preparation for life after radio is paying off.? (The same is true of former radio talker George Woods, who left radio to create the highly successful ?Radio George? group of ?Internet stations (Link).)

In fact, in 2010 and 2011, The Storm Report Radio Network in partnership with affiliates KSAL and KKDT won broadcast awards for ?Best Severe Weather Coverage.?

Yes, there is life after radio?


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Friday, September 28, 2012

NYC to get 'world's largest' Ferris wheel

1 hr.

The Big Apple is getting another "biggest": The world's biggest Ferris wheel is to be built on Staten Island, in an ambitious attempt to draw tourists to what's sometimes known as the city's "forgotten borough," officials announced Thursday.

The $230 million attraction, to be called the New York Wheel, is to grace a spot overlooking the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor and the downtown Manhattan skyline ? a singular view that officials hope will add to the appeal of what they say would be the world's tallest Ferris wheel. The 625-foot-tall structure would swing higher than the Singapore Flyer, the London Eye and a "High Roller" wheel planned in Las Vegas.

"The New York Wheel will be an attraction unlike any other in New York City ? even unlike any other on the planet," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a release.

Construction is expected to begin in early 2014 on the privately financed project, which also includes a 100-shop outlet mall and a 200-room hotel. The grand opening could come by the end of 2015.

While riding the Staten Island Ferry is a staple of many visitors' agendas, the city has long sought to entice tourists off the boat and into Staten Island, the least populous and most remote borough ? one once known for hosting the world's largest landfill.

Australian tourists Leah Field and Adam Lica, for example, were riding the ferry Thursday for its views of the Statue of Liberty. They thought they might have lunch on the Staten Island side but weren't planning to explore further.

"We weren't sure what there is to do there," explained Lica, 32, of Melbourne.

Were there a giant Ferris wheel, would the couple stay to ride it? Probably, he said.

Staten Island has its attractions, including a minor league ballpark and the zoo that hosts Staten Island Chuck, New York's answer to the famous prognosticating groundhog of Punxsutawney, Pa. Chuck bears the dubious distinction of having once bitten Bloomberg.

But Staten Island, the only one of the city's five boroughs not accessible by subway, tends to get overshadowed by its municipal neighbors, so much so that some have at times suggested it secede from the city.

To Staten Island resident Miatta Bryant, the wheel might bring the borough more respect.

"I think it'll be a really good idea," the 26-year-old certified nursing assistant said. "People always say Staten Island is so boring."

The project is expected to bring $500 million in private investment to the borough's St. George waterfront, and the developers will pay the city $2.5 million a year in rent for the land.


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JWoww Engagement 'Was Coming,' Vinny Says

'Roger was supposed to propose to me first. I'm a little angry,' Ronnie Ortiz-Margo and 'Jersey Shore' housemates joke with MTV News.
By Christina Garibaldi

JWoww and Roger Mathews in In Touch magazine
Photo: In Touch


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Singer Andy Williams Dead At 84 After Cancer Battle (VIDEO)

Singer Andy Williams Dead At 84 After Cancer Battle (VIDEO)

Andy Williams has passed away. The talented singer, most known for his hit song “Moon River”, died on Tuesday after a year-long battle with bladder [...]

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Norway: Organizations supporting settlements no longer tax ...

Ma?an ? 26/09/2012

BETHLEHEM ? Donations to a Norwegian organization that funds illegal Israeli settlements will no longer be tax-deductible following a decision by the Norwegian government.

The Norwegian Ministry of Finance announced the decision to remove Karmel-instituttet from the list of organizations eligible for tax-deductible donations on Thursday under pressure from Norwegian People?s Aid and the Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees, NPA said in a statement.

?We are very pleased that the Ministry of Finance has made this decision, based on the fact that Karmel provides funds to the illegal Israeli settlements,? said Liv T?rres, the secretary-general of NPA.

The Norwegian Ministry of Finance said they intended to ensure the system of tax deductions did not benefit organizations that actively support or contribute to acts that are in contravention of international law, NPA added.

According to the groups, Karmel-instittuttet had funded three study centers and around half the homes in the illegal Alonei Shilo settlement.

That settlement is illegal under both international and Israeli law.

September 27, 2012 - Posted by aletho | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Illegal Occupation | Israeli settlement, Karmel, Palestine, Zionism


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Euro zone economic outlook darkens with fall in confidence

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The outlook for Europe's economy darkened on Thursday with euro zone business confidence falling to a three-year low and a range of economic indicators across the continent pointing towards recession.

Shrinking lending and rising unemployment in Germany, until now a mainstay for growth in the euro zone, added to the gloom, with economists saying there was now no hope of growth for the region in the third quarter of the year.

"It is bad. Everything is down, we are heading towards another quarterly economic contraction," said Carsten Brzeski, economist at ING bank in Brussels.

The euro zone economy stagnated in the first three months of the year and contracted 0.2 percent in the April-June period. Economists expect another contraction in the third quarter.

Two consecutive quarters of contraction is considered to mark recession.

"While the (European Central Bank's) promise of bond buying and the German court ruling (endorsing the euro zone's permanent bailout fund) did a lot to calm financial markets, there is still the big issue of non-existent growth," Brzeski said.

The European Commission's monthly economic sentiment survey showed the index for the 17 countries sharing the euro falling to 85 points this month from 86.1 in August. Economists polled by Reuters had expected no change.

"It's yet another blow to euro zone growth hopes, especially as it follows on from the purchasing managers' surveys indicating that services and manufacturing output contracted at the fastest rate for 39 months in September," said Howard Archer, economist at IHS Global Insight.

"Consequently, it appears that the euro zone has suffered further, appreciable GDP contraction in the third quarter. This would put the euro zone officially into recession."

The European Commission's business climate indicator for the euro area, which points to the phase of the economic cycle, fell to -1.34 points in September from -1.18 in August, against market expectations of -1.19 points. The September reading was the lowest since October 2009.


More evidence of economic gloom in the third quarter came from European Central Bank data on lending to households and companies, which showed credit to the economy fell more than expected in August.

Loans to the private sector fell 0.6 percent from the same month a year ago, data released by the European Central Bank showed on Thursday, coming in below the expectations of economists polled by Reuters for no change.

The flow of loans to non-financial firms fell 10 billion euros after rising by 8 billion euros in July. The monthly flow of loans to households showed a gain of 7 billion euros after a drop of 1 billion euros in the previous month.

The Commission sentiment survey showed euro zone sentiment in industry declined to -16.1 in September from -15.4 in August, and to -12 in the services sector from -10.8.

"The country breakdown signals a sharper deterioration in the core than in the peripheries, the latter, however, remained at extremely low levels," said Evelyn Herrmann, European economist at BNP Paribas.

Germany, long the main engine of the euro zone economy, was suffering too.

"German economic sentiment posted another deterioration to an index level of 94.7 from 95.8, which, again, was mostly driven by the manufacturing sector, but also by the services sector," she said.

German unemployment rose for a sixth month running in September, suggesting domestic demand might not be able to compensate for weakening exports amid the euro zone crisis and power growth in the bloc's number one economy.

Joblessness remains near to its lowest level since German reunification more than two decades ago, and the unemployment rate held steady at 6.8 percent, contrasting starkly with the sickly labor market in many peers, including France and Spain.

But it rose by 9,000 in September, as the global slowdown and the euro zone's three-year-old crisis weigh on exports and prompt companies to hold back on investment, and economists said they saw it rising more in the months ahead.

The Commission data showed sentiment among euro zone consumers - the buying public - fell to -25.9 from -24.6 and to -18.6 from -17.2 in retail trade. Construction was the only sector where confidence improved marginally, to -31.9 from -33.1 in August.

The data also showed that inflation expectations rose among producers, the services sector and households alike, potentially complicating any possible decision by the European Central Bank to cut interest rates and help the economy.

But ING's Brzeski said the results of the Commission survey on inflation expectations were more closely correlated to ongoing price developments, with opinions strongly influenced by the spike in fuel prices.

"It does not make life easier for the ECB, but, under (President Mario) Draghi, the ECB has become more growth oriented with inflation more a derivative of growth, so with this drop in growth, the window for another rate cut this year is still open," he added.

(Reporting By Jan Strupczewski; editing by Rex Merrifield/Jeremy Gaunt)


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Sony's PlayStation 3 getting 'PSN Day 1 Digital' to launch games digitally alongside retail

Sony's PlayStation 3 getting 'PSN Day 1 Digital' to launch games digitally alongside retail

Taking a cue from Nintendo's Wii U, Sony's PlayStation 3 is getting digital versions of some games delivered at the same time as their physical counterparts starting next week with Resident Evil 6 and NBA 2K13. via "PSN Day 1 Digital." Unlike Nintendo's initiative, however, Sony's is third-party focused -- not one game on its initial list of eight titles is published by any of Sony's international publishing studios.

It's unclear whether this is a full-on initiative for Sony's PlayStation 3 or a promotion for October alone, but Sony's PlayStation blog calls PSN Day 1 Digital "a new program," which indicates it's something more than just a one month promo -- all the same, we've asked Sony for more info. Beyond just offering a smattering of games digitally at launch, PSN Day 1 Digital allows for pre-orders, and even offers a 10 percent discount on 007: Legends should you pre-order as a PlayStation Plus member. Head past the break for the full list of titles.

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Video: New Obama ad recalls the ?60s

Take in a new view of the nation's capital

Every year, millions of visitors to Washington, D.C., gaze up at memorials to presidents, veterans and civic leaders. Each monument seems to stand alone, an idea cast in granite or marble and somehow separate from the world around it. The American Society of Landscape Architects would beg to differ.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poetry Path - Central Penn Art Guide

?Poetry Paths? Celebration
Set for the Ware Center
First Friday, October 5, 2012

You?ve noticed the ?Poetry Path? installations going up all over town. Most recently one was just installed at the Fulton Theatre.? Now the group that started it all is planning a major event called ??Poetry Paths? Celebration?, scheduled for the Ware Center, October 5th. All events connected with the celebration are FREE, courtesy of the co-sponsors: The Ware Center, the Philadelphia Alumni Writers House at Franklin & Marshall College, and the Creative Writers Guild at Millersville University.

The schedule for the program is as follows:


3:00-5:00 pm ? ? ?Start at the ?Poetry Paths? reception area in the lobby of the Ware Center where people can pick up their ?Poetry Paths? brochures and Kids Poetry Kits. ?The ?Paths? brochure shows how to walk or drive to the sites, get ?Poetry Path? maps stamped and hear from volunteer tour guides about the art and poetry specific to each site.


6:00-8:00 pm ? ? ?Back at the Ware Center, guests can mix and mingle to the music of Vinegar Creek Constituency, playing intermittently throughout the evening in the Atrium on the third floor, overlooking the city.

6:30 pm ? ? ? ? ? ? A brief Opening Ceremony featuring Mayor Richard Gray, Franklin & Marshall College President Dan Porterfield,?representatives the Lancaster County Community Foundation, funders of ?Poetry Paths?, and ?Poetry Paths? staff.

7:15 pm ? ? ? ? ? ? Announcement of the top three winners of our first MAKE YOUR OWN ?POETRY PATHS? ART?PROJECT Contest, co-sponsored by Creative Works of Lancaster, followed by a READING of the poems featured in ?Poetry Paths?, read ? in most cases ? by the poets themselves. Featured poets will include Barbara Strasko, Le Hinton, Isiah Perry and others. ?

Throughout the evening, food is catered by Prince Street Cafe, Carmen and David?s Ice Cream, and Wendy Jo?s Homemade. There will also be an interactive slide show of all of the art and the people who made it happen, pedal-powered by Half-Full Design?s Super Power Magic Motion Machine.?Giveaways, as supplies last, include ?Poetry Paths? brochures, Kids Poetry Kits, pencils and Kids Poetry Journals throughout the event.??

Discounted parking vouchers for the Prince Street Garage are available at the Ware Center front desk.


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Among men aged 60 years, increased use of vitamin D was not significant between 1999-2002 and 2003-2006. However, in women the same age rates declined from 49.7 percent in 1999-2002 to 56.3 percent in 2003 to 2006. Authors report the synthesis rate of U.S. adults use dietary supplements? high from 28 percent in men and 38 percent among women in 1970, beginning at 53 percent overall (both sexes) during the period 2003-2006.

The report found that white non-Hispanic females to take supplements of folic acid containing less than twice the rate of black women, Mexican-American or Hispanic. Supplements containing vitamin D, 24 percent of adult men and 30 percent of adult women took supplements containing vitamin D in 1988-1994. Between males and females from 20 to 29 years the rates have remained stable for the years 2003-2006. In men and women 40-59 years the rates of increase 1988-1994 through 1999-2002, and remained unchanged in the period 2003-2006.

Many vitamins are added to foods with lower levels of vitamin D. Make estimates of the dietary habits of the population, including, without supplements is useless, say the authors.

Use a food supplement in U.S. adults has increased since the NHANES III (1988-1994)


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Bonita Barnes, 47 Percenter, Works To Provide Stable Home For Six ...

SAN FRANCISCO -- All Bonita Barnes wants is to provide a happy and comfortable home life for her family.

Barnes, 51, began fostering children in 2006 and adopting her foster kids in 2008. She told The Huffington Post that it's been her dream to become a foster mother since she was eight years old and began meeting peers from broken homes.

"It resonated very deeply with me, how wonderful of a life I had; I couldn't understand how other children were having split lives," she said. "I started meeting a lot of children in foster care, and I just thought that I wanted to grow up and have some kids of my own so that nobody else has to feel like that."

Barnes, a Bay Area native, is the adoptive mother to two sets of siblings: one trio ages two, four and five; and another ages eight, ten and 11. A single mom, she recently left her job as deputy executive director at a nonprofit legal services agency so that her family could receive her full attention and care.

"I've always been a person who thinks we learn by example, and I thought I needed to be working so my children saw that it was something you have to do every day," she explained. "But now it's better for their lives that I be a full-time mother. They need to have me home more; they still have a lot of the characteristics that need to be weeded out, a lot of things foster children have from years of trauma. Now that I have the opportunity to stay home with them, I will stay home with them."

Barnes receives adoption assistance benefits from the government that allow her to raise her children without the added burden of a full-time job. "It's the same as any struggle to raise five or six kids," she said. "It's not like money is overflowing. But right now I can afford to stay home with them. That might not always be the case."

The benefits Barnes collects lump her into what Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney described as the 47 percent of Americans who pay no income tax and will therefore automatically support President Barack Obama for re-election. HuffPost reported on the controversial comments last week:

During a private $50,000 per plate fundraising dinner in May, Romney said that 47 percent of Americans will "will vote for the president no matter what" because they "believe that they are victims" and "government has a responsibility to care for them." Someone secretly recorded the remarks and they have since become public.

Barnes told HuffPost that she found Romney's comments to be "demeaning." She explained that while she now can identify as a member of said 47 percent, she wasn't always. "I've been working since I was 15 and voting since I was 19," she said. "To assume that people like me don't work hard because they receive assistance is unfair."

She added that losing any of her benefits would have a crushing effect on her family. "Anything he would do to rescind any of these programs I qualify for would be devastating," she said. "It would put us at a's a very big fear for me."

And the other 47 percenters?

"I think people are scared to death," Barnes said. "We are scrambling to save as much money as we can."

In the mean time, Barnes vows to remain positive and plans to put all her energy into raising her children. "We are who we protect; who we stand up for," she said. "I try to live by that."

Related on HuffPost:

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Waitrose to Launch Web TV Channels Aimed at Food Lovers

Food porn for the masses via Waitrose is set to arrive on a tablet, laptop or computer near you this Autumn as the retailer is working together with Red Bee Media to create Waitrose TV.

The plan is to provide content to inspire home cooks with 6 different channels of content. The Highlights channel will have new videos each week, and other channels will be dedicated to food, health, drink, ethical sourcing and seasonal events like Chirstmas.

Content will range from recipes, how-to guides and interviews. We?d expect it also acts as a fair promotional source for the Waitrose brand too, but if you?ve ever bought a supermarket magazine for the recipes, you?ll know that?s par for the course.

The project does have some top names from the culinary world to attract viewers. Expect to see Delia, Heston Blumenthal, Dhruv Baker, The Fabulous Baker Brothers, Silvana Franco and Sam Stern in the mix.

In a ?feat of connectivity, there will be a ?Buy ingredients? button on screen that will offer viewers a way to click through and make purchases for specific recipes or related products. no doubt this will help promote products and owning the channel means not having to wait for that lucrative TV sponsorship deal.

Whether you shop at Waitrose or not, having a how-to recipe video on a tablet in a kitchen, will be easier than trying to keep up with traditionally broadcast TV. The ability to stop, pause and rewind instructions while reading a text version seems a nice way to learn new things, providing you can keep eggs, flour and milk away from your nice clean touch screen.

The content will also be shareable via Facebook and Twitter, not a bad idea as many of us like to discuss the food we?re about to try, the meals that went well and of course the kitchen disasters where it?s fun to share the pain.

Controlled content

Waitrose has 284 shops around the UK and Channel Islands and is often seen as a pretty fancy place to shop. More recently a social media campaign went a little wrong for the brand when it was hijacked on Twitter.

The online campaign asked customers to finish the line, ?I shop at Waitrose because?? plus the hashtag #WaitroseReasons and a deluge of sarcasm and hijinks ensued. This proves that once you release something like this on the Web, you no longer own it.

Realising the campaign was out of control, the company responded with good grace and received the jokes with good grace.

Let?s hope Clarissa?s pony likes Web TV?.

Image Credit: BazzaDaRambler


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Parents often prefer less-effective birth control methods for teens ...

Parents of teen girls are more ready to accept their daughters being offered birth control pills and condoms during doctor visits than other, more effective and long-acting contraceptive methods, according to a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health. The study also shows that the more that a parent respects their daughter?s autonomy, the more likely that parent is to accept a doctor offering their teen any contraceptive.

?Among U.S. adolescents, rates of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections remain high,? said lead author Lauren Hartman, M.D., a clinical fellow in adolescent medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. ?Despite increased use of contraceptives by adolescents in the last twenty years, effective methods are still underused and too many sexually active teens do not use condoms? to block transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Parents can help improve contraceptive use among teens, she said. This study explored parents? attitudes towards seven contraceptive methods their daughters might learn about during a confidential health care visit and examined the factors that influence a parent?s acceptance of different methods.

For the study, 261 parents/caregivers with a daughter aged 12 to 17 completed a phone survey that determined their attitudes towards different contraceptive methods as well as their parenting beliefs. Birth control pills won greatest acceptance (59 percent). In decreasing order of acceptability were condoms (51 percent), injectable contraceptives (46 percent), emergency contraception, also known as the morning-after pill (45 percent), birth control patches (42 percent), implants (32 percent) and intrauterine devices or IUDs (18 percent).?

?The strongest predictor of acceptability of all methods was parental recognition of their teens? autonomy,? said Hartman. She added that clinicians can use these findings to educate parents about STDs and longer-acting methods, which are the most effective. One reason parents may not accept these methods, the researchers surmised, is that parents might associate long acting contraception, like IUDs, with an ongoing sexual relationship.????

Cori Baill, M.D., a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist and former member of the national medical committee for Planned Parenthood, noted that parents? disapproval of long-acting contraceptive methods may also reflect U.S. historical events around the Dalkon shield, which the paper didn?t mention. The Dalkon shield was an aggressively marketed IUD with considerable safety problems.

?IUDs aren?t accepted in the U.S. for many reasons, across all ages, concerning societal attitudes towards medicine and the memory of the Dalkon shield,? said Baill. However, she commented, parents need to understand that the risk of pregnancy outweighs the risk of any contraceptive method, including the IUD.

Source: Health Behaviour News Service

calendar icon Article Date: 25/9/2012


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Why Buy a Vapor Shower? | My Blog

Posted by AlfonsoVBearden on Sep 24, 2012 in ADULT JOKES | Comments Off

Steam baths have been in existence for decades. It was the Greeks who initially found out and utilized the power of steam. According to them, steam can cure many illnesses without introducing any international chemicals into the entire body unlike medicine. Contemporary research also signifies that our respiratory system gains greatly from vapor. It clears in the sinuses and reduces any problems associated with breathing.
Additionally, water also opens up your pores. This is great for the skin as it can inhale and release contaminants that may have accumulated over time. Likewise, 1 becomes relaxed any time enjoying a home steam sauna because the tension from the muscles is produced. Aside from the tension, lean muscle pain is also lessened and healed on time.

Before, people employed to visit public bathing pools, spas or fitness center just to enjoy this. These days, one can purchase a water shower and bring the idea home with him for his overall family to join.
The majority of people argue that it is high-priced and not economical to do this. Unknown to them, there are lots of benefits to having an individual shower. The first one is the fact that there is lesser hitting the ground with germs if you have a private shower. Public baths are open to many and you never know which kind of diseases the previous users may have had. Even though these baths usually are regularly cleansed, there may be still no peace of mind that it is a hundred percent bacterias free. At home, addititionally there is no assurance that it?ll be perfectly clean up but it is a lot safer because you know that are using the shower and can monitor its typical cleaning.
Another reason the reason one should purchase a personal shower is for the full privacy. When you are on public baths, you generally share with other people. In spas and gyms, your time is limited due to the fact someone else will be using it. If you are easily bothered by these things, you?ll do better with a private steam shower. In fact, it would add more force on your part if you were made to rush your treatment.
Lastly, it is far more economical to own a baby shower when there are many people in your family. Considering that schools and gyms cost per person, it could cost you a lot simply to let your entire loved ones enjoy steam times. If there is one in your house, all of you can you need to turns enjoying this.
Steam showers cost a lot if you look at its selling price. However, if you take some time to calculate your own yearly expenses with going to thy gym, massage or public bath, you?d be surprised simply how much you are actually spending. The one-time cost of your shower is sure to deter you but always keep in mind that you get to save over time. Likewise, you and your family are kept safe from ailments at all times.
We here at luxury steam shower Set up are proud of our status as UK?s best steam shower, heavy steam cabin and whirlpool bath retailers and installers. We know we never can rest on this and also sit back, we are determined to help bring truthful help and encourage to everyone buyer or not, we will look to help.

For more information about steam shower cabinet visit our website. (5)


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Aspirin may help men with prostate cancer live longer



news admin has written 3 posts.

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. Featured, Prevention, Sexuality ? By newsadmin on September 24, 2012

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology shows that taking aspirin is associated with a lower risk of death from prostate cancer, especially in men with high risk disease. The study suggests that men who have been treated for prostate cancer, either with surgery or radiation, could benefit from taking aspirin regularly.

The findings demonstrated that 10-year mortality from prostate cancer was significantly lower in the group taking anticoagulants, compared to the non-anticoagulant group ? 3 percent versus 8 percent, respectively. The risks of cancer recurrence and bone metastasis also were significantly lower. Further analysis suggested that this benefit was primarily derived from taking aspirin, as opposed to other types of anticoagulants.

The study looked at almost 6,000 men in the Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor (CaPSURE) database who had prostate cancer treated with surgery or radiotherapy.

About 2,200 of the men involved ? 37 percent ? were receiving anticoagulants (warfarin, clopidogrel, enoxaparin, and/or aspirin). The risk of death from prostate cancer was compared between those taking anticoagulants and those who were not.


K. S. Choe, J. E. Cowan, J. M. Chan, P. R. Carroll, A. V. D?Amico, S. L. Liauw. Aspirin Use and the Risk of Prostate Cancer Mortality in Men Treated With Prostatectomy or Radiotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012.

?News source

UT Southwestern Medical Center


Tags: prostate cancer; asprin;


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SHOW BITS: Stewart drops f-bomb; Party starts

Jon Stewart accepts the award for Outstanding Variety Series for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP)

Jon Stewart accepts the award for Outstanding Variety Series for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP)

Andre Braugher, left, presents the award for Outstanding Miniseries Or Movie to Tom Hanks for "Game Change" at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP)

Actress Julianne Moore, winner Outstanding Lead Actress In A Miniseries or Movie for ?Game Change?, backstage at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Damian Lewis accepts the award for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series for "Homeland" at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by John Shearer/Invision/AP)

Actress Claire Danes, winner Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series for ?Homeland?, poses backstage at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012, in Los Angeles. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)

Show Bits brings you the 64th annual Primetime Emmy Awards through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.



It wouldn't be an awards show without an f-bomb.

Actually, it would be, but an f-bomb always adds spice, even when bleeped.

The man who did the honors at Sunday night's Emmy show was Jon Stewart, excitedly accepting his 10th consecutive trophy for best variety series.

He began his acceptance speech by noting that "The Daily Show" deals in topical comedy, "which has the shelf life of egg salad." He added that the Emmy does indicate "The Daily Show" has some value.

In some future age, he went on to say, holding his Emmy aloft, aliens arriving on Earth "will find a box of these."

"And they will know how predictable these (bleeping) things are," he added.

? Frazier Moore ? Twitter: .



Tina Fey was the first celebrity out of her seat after "Modern Family" won the last Emmy of the night and Jimmy Kimmel threatened to continue the show for another hour.

The "30 Rock" star and several others bolted for the doors closest to the stage, the most direct route to the posh Governors Ball across the street at the LA Convention Center.

Those not invited to the lavish after party had to exit through the back doors.

There was an alternate third route, however, for the last winner of the night.

That's the one the "Modern Family" crew used, winding their way through the pressroom, past the backstage area and into an elevator that held most of them.

"I'm going to latch onto one 'Modern Family' person for the rest of the night," said the show's kid star, Nolan Gould, as he was the last to make it in.

? Derrik J. Lang ? Twitter: .



Tom Hanks shakes his hands, perhaps to get a good grip, as he prepares to select his take-home Emmy from the backstage trophy table.

"What do I do?" asks Hanks, who collected a trophy as one of the producers of "Game Change," honored as best miniseries or made-for-TV movie at Sunday's Emmys.

"Now what?" he asks after signing for the trophy. He's directed to a bank of ready photographers.

"Come on Rita, get in here!" A fellow "Game Change" producer shouts to Hanks' wife, Rita Wilson, as flashbulbs pop.

? Sandy Cohen ? Twitter:



"Hurry up, hurry up! I need my Emmy." ? Emmy winning "Game Change" actress Julianne Moore, waiting in line behind Emmy winning "Game Change" director Jay Roach backstage at the Emmy trophy table.



It's Kodak Moment time backstage at the Emmys, with "The Daily Show" winners taking photos of each other holding their Emmys.

"Do they still ship these if you ask?" inquired the show's head honcho, Jon Stewart.

"Yeah, because I have two children with me," he added, noting the statuette's pointy wings.

But he borrowed a trophy so he could pose for a photo with his writing team. He promised to return it before leaving the theater.

? Sandy Cohen ? Twitter:



Claire Danes came up with the catchphrase of the night when she saluted her "Homeland" co-star during her Emmy acceptance speech thusly: "Mandy Patinkin, holla."

Danes, taking the stage after winning best actress in a drama for the Showtime series, mentioned several names before matter-of-factly calling out Patinkin in the most unexpected way.

Twitter went nuts, with many people suggesting that this saying needs to become a meme, and soon.

As the pop-culture site (at)Gawker put it: "'Mandy Patinkin, holla' is the new Angelina Jolie's leg." From New York Magazine's (at)Vulture site: "'Mandy Patinkin, holla' is the best thank-you ever." And from NPR's (at)nprmonkeysee: "If the Internet doesn't remix 'Mandy Patinkin, holla' by tomorrow morning, it is a failure."

Others suggested that Jewish delis begin baking Mandy Patinkin challah. Still others made references to Patinkin's Broadway bona fides with "Evita" jokes.

If someone can figure out a way to incorporate Patinkin's famous line from "The Princess Bride" ? "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die" ? then the Internet might truly be worthwhile after all.

? Christy Lemire ? Twitter:



Married actor Damian Lewis joked to reporters that he might be doing some extra celebrating with "Homeland" co-star Claire Danes, who is also married and came to the Emmys with a baby bump.

"We're going away to a romantic island together," the red-headed British actor joked. "When that baby is ginger you guys are going to have a field day."

The comment may have gotten some members of the press too excited, one of whom asked Danes a few moments later how she viewed the win in light of giving birth.

"Thank god I am not giving birth," said Danes, who's in an earlier stage of pregnancy.

The pair reunited later in another backstage area, looking very platonic and like two friends enjoying each other's success.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter



Don't ever cross Jimmy Kimmel.

The Emmy host warmly introduced his parents, who were seated in the audience, and told viewers they had always been supportive of their son.

"They always told me I could do anything I set my mind to," he said, "and this year I set my mind to winning the Emmy.

"And guess what? I didn't," he went on. "You told me I could, and I didn't, and I'm devastated. You lied to me!"

Egged on by Tracy Morgan, who was seated beside them and stated, "I don't trust them," Kimmel summoned security to remove Mom and Dad from the auditorium.

"It's OK if you Taser them if you need to," he told the security men.

? Frazier Moore ?Twitter



Claire Danes loves that President Barack Obama is a fan of her show "Homeland."

"No pressure," the actress said backstage after her win for lead actress in a drama series at Sunday's Emmy Awards. "It's way cool that he is a fan. It speaks to the relevancy of the show and it's hugely validating.

Obama has said the Showtime series about a Marine returning home after being held as a POW, and who is now suspected by a CIA agent as working for al Qaeda, is his favorite.

? Beth Harris ? Twitter:



As he neared the two-thirds mark of his Emmy hosting marathon, Jimmy Kimmel hadn't broken a sweat. Nor had he broken any records for laughter or hosting finesse.

Perhaps his most notable achievement was a prank: Inviting "30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan to lie on the stage, then asking viewers to post on Facebook and tweet that Morgan "just passed out" and turn on ABC right now to see it. It worked, with the message going viral and maybe even boosting the Emmy audience for a few moments.

Otherwise, Kimmel keep the show moving, with a few forgettable jokes greasing the skids.

Oh yeah ? he offered up a parody of the "In Memoriam" fixture that's a part of all awards shows. But this one was meant to salute someone still living, "to the life and work of someone everyone in this room admires, respects and loves."

The person, of course, was Kimmel, who was displayed in slow-motion video clips while Josh Groban sang a sonorous song.

Too bad Kimmel's best Emmycast moments were a practical joke and silly self-promotion.

? Frazier Moore ?



Damian Lewis was so over the moon at winning an Emmy that he says he's thinking of having "Emmy Winner" tattooed on, well, somewhere on the back of his body.

"I'm overwhelmed that I am here!" said the winner of the best actor award for a drama series for "Homeland."

When told backstage that he could have the trophy engraved with his name at the Governors Ball after the show, he contemplated complementing that with body art.

But first he had to sign for his award, and as he did couldn't hold his hands still.

"It's like my grandmother used to write ? all shaky," he said.

"Just tell me what to do," he continued. "I'm out of my mind."

? Sandy Cohen ? Twitter: .



So this is how time-wasting celebrity rumors get started.

Emmy host Jimmy Kimmel instructed people to go on Twitter and Facebook and write something along the lines of: "OMG, Tracy Morgan just passed out at the Emmys. Turn on ABC right now!" as a prank, just to see how quickly the information would spread (and inspire new viewers). Morgan, who was in on the gag, complied.

And, true to the pack mentality that develops instantaneously on social media, untold thousands of people actually did this. Many others simply read the words "Tracy Morgan" and "passed out" and thought Morgan truly had passed out.

Even Stephen Colbert (at)StephenatHome and Rosie O'Donnell (at)Rosie got in on the action, which prompted thousands more retweets.

Morgan was committed to the act, though: Not only did he lie down on stage, he actually stayed there through the commercial break and was hauled away, rambling to himself.

? Christy Lemire ? Twitter:



The changing of the guard is complete.

Jon Cryer truly was shocked to win an Emmy Sunday in his first outing as a nominee for lead actor in a comedy series.

That category used to belong to Cryer's former "Two and a Half Men" co-star Charlie Sheen. But with Sheen famously dumped from the CBS program, Cryer was elevated to top dog status.

"I will be impossible to live with," he quipped backstage after collecting his award. "I will be brandishing this regularly."

Cryer said he figured Jim Parsons of "The Big Bang Theory" would repeat as the winner.

"Clearly 'Big Bang' is just at the top of its game right now and unfortunately he's not gotten any worse," Cryer said. "I just did not think this was going to happen, so I apologize for my speech."

?Beth Harris ?Twitter



It's a happy fact of life for male viewers that "Mad Men" star Christina Hendricks and "Modern Family" star Sofia Vergara are, well, curvy.

And their curves were on ample display at Sunday's night Emmy telecast.

But the night's big surprise: Kat Dennings in a gown that exposed much of what had only been hinted at in her "2 Broke Girls" waitress uniform.

Her bustline had viewers' jaws dropping and tweeters madly tweeting.

? Frazier Moore ? Twitter



Kevin Costner went against the bow tie fashion trend at this year's Emmy Awards, sporting an open collar look that at least beat the searing heat on the red carpet.

The nominee for lead actor in a miniseries or movie for "Hatfields & McCoys" kept his arm around the waist of wife Christine Baumgartner as he arrived for the show. Asked to describe her gown, Costner said, "I can't wait to go home and close the door."

Stephen Colbert whipped out a blotting paper to make the sweat on his upper lip disappear before facing the throng of TV cameras.

Christine Baranski of "The Good Wife" shimmered under the relentless sunshine in a gold-and-silver sequined short dress. She eschewed a gown, saying she didn't want people stepping on it all night.

"I tried this on and it rocks," she said.

? Beth Harris ? Twitter:



"I'm a little bit in shock, to tell you the truth." ? Steven Levitan, who won for directing, comedy, for "Modern Family"



Zooey Deschanel played up her "adorkable" persona on the Emmy red carpet with a quirky, sparkly manicure featuring television sets on her thumbnails.

The silver, gold and black accessories were a huge hit on Twitter.

A photo of an (at)ZooeyDeschanel digit was retweeted 964 times and favorite 1,135 times as of this writing. They were the work of nail technician Tom Bachik (at)RedCarpetMan.

Glamour Fashion called it "the mani we've been waiting for!" The "New Girl" star, who was a presenter Sunday night, is famous for her red-carpet nail numbers.

? Christy Lemire on Twitter:



It was life imitating art just off to the side of the red carpet outside the Nokia Theatre entrance as "Mad Men" newbie Ben Feldman caught a smoke.

The resourceful first-time nominee discovered a corner tucked away from the scads of cameras and celebrities that was the perfect spot for a quick pre-show cigarette.

Unfortunately, there weren't any bottles of scotch nearby for him to wash it down with, but just inside the lobby of the Nokia Theatre attendees were lined up at the concession stand for $10 cocktails.

Feldman's "Mad Men" leading man Jon Hamm held court on the other side of the lobby, attracting a line of attendees who wanted a photo with the veteran nominee.

? Derrik J. Lang ? Twitter: .



Moms weren't forgotten on the red carpet.

Rico Rodriguez, young star of "Modern Family," brought his mother as his date, presenting her to the world as "the beautiful ma-ma."

The pair were even featured in a prerecorded bit that tracked their progress in a limo from home to the Emmycast.

And earlier Stephen Colbert, while being interviewed with his wife at his side, took a moment to phone his 91-year-old mom on his cellphone to say hello.

"I've shouted at her 'We're on ABC!'" he told interviewer Josh Elliott.

? Frazier Moore ? Twitter



One Emmy attendee used the red carpet for more than just walking ? he got down on one knee and proposed to his date.

Security initially tried to shoo him off, but saw him reaching into his pocket for a ring and let the moment happen. With throngs of people cheering, he presented the ring and received a kiss, and presumably an answer "Yes," as those nearby applauded the mystery couple.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter



Jimmy Fallon is playing musical chairs at this year's Emmy Awards, in more ways than one.

The 2010 Emmy host, interviewed on the red carpet, noted he has passed hosting duties on to another Jimmy this year, name of Kimmel.

As a result, Fallon said, he doesn't even have a ticket to the 2012 show.

"But Clint Eastwood said he was going to save me a chair," Fallon cracked.

His advice to this year's Jimmy: "Don't make out with Betty White. There's cameras everywhere and you'll get caught. And definitely go to Honey Boo Boo's after-party, cause that's gonna be where it's at."

? Frazier Moore ? Twitter



At the Emmys there's the red carpet and then there's ? well ? the other red carpet.

As the main red carpet fills up, security tries to keep the line moving by directing the big stars down the carpet where cameras are lined up to film them and entertainment journalists are waiting to interview them.

Meantime, the less famous are directed down a parallel red carpet closer to the fan bleachers.

"Please continue walking," security guards continuously say.

Sometimes they'll also give a gentle nudge to someone on the B-list red carpet who lingers too long taking pictures of the folks on the A-List red carpet.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter



"It's so warm I thought a nice flannel tux would be appropriate." ? Jesse Tyler Ferguson of "Modern Family" on the Emmy red carpet.



"Jesse Jesse Jesse!" the crowd chants trying to get the attention of "Modern Family" star Jesse Tyler Ferguson. He obliges with several waves to the bleacher crowd.

Before the first stream of stars arrived on the Emmy Red Carpet, a show producer told them to "make everything personal" if they wanted to get their attention.

It may take several chants, but the stars often answer with a wave, a smile or the occasional fist pump.

? Anthony McCartney ?Twitter



Fran and Elmer Armstrong are awards show veterans, joining throngs of fans for at least their sixth Emmy Awards Show on a sweltering Sunday afternoon.

The retired St. Louis couple's quest for a front row seat in the fan bleachers beside the red carpet began when they lined up outside the Nokia Theatre around 7:30 a.m. Sunday. As the day progressed, and temperatures rose, they hung in there, cheering as the cameras from E! Entertainment television filmed pre-show segments.

"Goodbye Giuliana," 70-year-old Elmer Armstrong shouted to anchor Giuliana Rancic as the E Entertainment crew wrapped up.

With temperatures topping 90 degrees, he and his 71-year-old wife were like many in the stands ? trying to keep cool with water and wet paper towels. At least this year's stands are shaded. Elmer Armstrong recalled one year when fans were forced to sit in the blazing sun.

That's not the only change to this year's fan seating ? a tall wall keeps fans from glad-handing or even getting autographs from cooperative celebrities.

Elmer Armstrong remains at the ready, however ? keeping his digital SLR camera and telephoto lens handy to get shots of the stars.

? Anthony McCartney ? Twitter ?


EDITOR'S NOTE ? Show Bits brings you the 64th annual Primetime Emmy Awards through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.

Associated Press


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