Monday, April 8, 2013

The Attitude of Resilience - The Self Improvement Blog

KFCBy Tim Wambach ?

Have you ever had a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken? I bet you have. If not, I bet you?ve seen one of the Colonel?s restaurants.

Colonel Sanders was the founder of KFC and someone who demonstrated the attitude of resilience as well as anyone. What is the attitude of resilience? Read on!

Long ago, Colonel Sanders owned a little restaurant. This restaurant was going broke because the main highway was being routed elsewhere and he was losing most of his customers as a result. In no time at all his business was failing. All he had was a monthly Social Security check and an idea. He did not have the backing of investors or a wealth of support. He did not even have youth on his side, but he DID HAVE an incredible chicken recipe and a never-say-die attitude, or as we call it, the attitude of resilience.

After receiving a couple of Social Security checks he knew he had to do something. He would not be able to live very long on that income. His idea: He would go to restaurant owners and sell his recipe. In return they would give him a percentage of the proceeds. This may not have been the most well thought-out plan, but it was one that the Colonel was ready to execute.

The Colonel loaded up his car and off he went. This was hardly an overnight success. He drove around the country, slept in his car night after night, and tried to find anyone who would buy his recipe. He knocked on many doors. He did not get a yes after the first attempt, or the 10th one. He kept knocking, but neither the 100th door nor the 500th door opened up for him.

This did not deter him, rather it propelled him. He got right back up after he was knocked down and he continued to keep on keeping on. He did not even get a yes after 1,000th attempt. Can you imagine being rejected 1,000 times? In all, he was rejected 1,009 times before he got his ?yes!? The Colonel knew that with each ?no? he received he was that much closer to his ?yes.? He was not going to give up UNTIL he sold that recipe, and if that 1,010th person had said ?no? to the Colonel, do you know what would he have done? He would have dusted himself off and went right back out to 1,011th person. THAT is the attitude of resilience!

Today in every major city across the United States you can eat at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Colonel Sanders made a fortune because he had the ability to persevere, to get right back up, and to keep on keeping on. He knew what he wanted and he didn?t give up.

The Colonel has since passed on, but Kentucky Fried Chicken is a franchise that is still around today. Now I wouldn?t recommend you change your diet and incorporate his chicken into it once a week, but I would HIGHLY recommend adopting his attitude of resilience.

If a nearly-broke 65+ year-old man can show that type of persistence, what can you do?? What dream is lying dormant within you that needs to be woken up? How can adopting this attitude help you in your everyday life?? We all have dreams and untapped potential just waiting to be released. It is just a matter of saying, NOW IS THE TIME ? I won?t settle for anything less than living the life of my dreams! Always remember, despite whatever odds may be stacked against you, when you are armed with the attitude of resilience, EVERYTHING is possible.

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