Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Guy Tries to Buy Toy Poodles, Gets Fluffy, Steroid-Pumped Giant Ferrets Instead

Man's best friend doesn't come cheap these days, so you can imagine how excited a retired Argentinian man was to find double the companionship at a fraction of the cost: two adorable toy poodles—just itching to snuggle, crawl, and slobber all over you—for a mere $150. And by toy poodles, of course, we're referring to preened, fluffed, and steroid-pumped "rats." More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/0k3rqehIRT4/one-mans-new-pet-poodles-turned-out-to-be-fluffy-steroid+pumped-giant-rodents

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