Friday, July 19, 2013

GOP says our congresswoman is in trouble ? in Illinois


The National Republican Congressional Committee churns out daily news releases denouncing?likely-to-be-targeted Democratic members of Congress, relentlessly negative and written in boilerplate language that does not vary from target to target.

In denouncing first-term Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., however, the NRCC accidentally shed light on its longtime clumsiness toward the politics of this Washington.

Newly elected Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., to givers:  "We know that Republicans will do anything to take this seat."

U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Washington.? The National Republican Congressional Committee says voters of Illinois will punish her in 2014.

It said she was out of touch with the people of Illinois. The subject was the 38th and 39th vote that the Republican-run House has taken to repeal or eviscerate the Affordable Care Act, aka. Obamacare.?According to the Republicans? House campaign arm:

?Inexplicably, Suzan DelBene voted to delay the mandate for employers, but not for middle-class families:?She should be ashamed of herself. In 2014, Illinois voters will know that Suzan DelBene would rather help big business than help them.?

?This vote is a perfect example of Suzan DelBene?s misplaced priorities,?said NRCC Communications Director Andrew Bozek.

The boilerplate release did not strike fear in the heart of DelBene and her staff.

?I suppose the NRCC makes a reasonable point,? said aide Viet Shelton.??DelBene does indeed prioritize Washington voters over Illinois voters.?She hopes the people of Illinois are not terribly offended by this.?

DelBene and fellow freshman Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-Wash., are apparently the designated targets of the National Republican Congressional Committee, joined occasionally by Rep. Denny Heck.?The NRCC should perhaps hope that its banal, leaden prose causes reporters to delete without looking for future gaffes.


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