Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Daddy's Garden - Southern Hospitality | Southern Hospitality

As you saw last week, we are steadily working on that screened porch, but in between that project, this hard-working Daddy o? mine is going strong in his garden. I stopped over there recently and saw the progress and had to show you all what else he?s up to.? This man has been gardening for probably 50 years, certainly a long as I can remember and eating these home grown veggies has to have an important impact on my parents health.? I?m totally convinced of that.

They have 2 gardens, one here in Georgia and an even bigger one up in North Carolina at their mountain home.? My daddy thrives on working in that garden and I don?t think he?ll stop until his body just won?t keep working.? I sure hope that?s not anytime soon.? It will be a sad day indeed when that happens.

All these pics were taken with my iPhone, so not the best, but enjoy!

dad in garden

He was hoeing away and said he was trying to keep the weeds at bay.? It?s time for another rain too, in spite of our really rainy spring.? Rain, don?t stop now! These gardens need to be refreshed.

garden 7

Daddy says they?ve already picked a few squash for supper.

garden 1

Those Kiawoh blackberries that came over from AL are really busting out this year and are loaded.? So glad we took the time to bring those with us and get them established in GA.

garden 2

These ginormous blackberries are a real treat.

garden 4

The muscadine vines are green and lush this year too.

garden 5

Squash, zucchini, tomatoes, beans, lots of great things going in here.

garden 8

We all look forward to the tomatoes coming in, that?s probably my most fave home grown veggie.

garden 10

He?s got LOTS of tomatoes growing.

garden 12

Look at these clusters of green tomatoes already!? Yum, can?t wait.

garden 11

Cabbage too.

garden 13

Mom came out to take a look too.? The garden is looking good.? That?s the storage house that had all my stuff in it.? I still haven?t completely cleaned it out yet.? Our family likes to collect things, so I?m sure it will never be empty.

garden 14

They?ve got blueberry bushes here too and they are loaded again.

garden 15

Blueberries and huge fig trees.

garden 16

See how big these fig trees are?? Massive and they are always loaded too.

garden 9

The oakleaf hydrangeas are gorgeous!? This one was dug up from my old house in Birmingham and I?m planning to get a cutting of it for my new house too. I just love these hydrangeas.

garden 3

Mom loves flowers and has lots of those growing in her flower beds.? My parents are so precious and hard working and I sure do enjoy still having them in my life.? Good and Godly parents are a gift for sure!

Source: http://southernhospitalityblog.com/daddys-garden/

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