Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wealthy Greeks of Switzerland ?re Skeptical Over Investing in ...

Extensive talks are being held lately on the willingness of rich Greeks living abroad to help their debt-ridden homeland with investments that would boost the economy and create new jobs.

Although several initiatives have already been organized by Diaspora Greeks, extremely wealthy Greeks currently living in Switzerland seem rather skeptical over investing their money in an already crippled country, where bureaucracy and strikes are hard to deal with.

According to Swissinfo.ch, there are not many Greeks living abroad ?rushing to invest in their homeland? although they personally feel proud to be Greeks.

Greek lawyer Ilias Bissias, an expert in cross-border legal cases between Switzerland and Greece, told swissinfo.ch that Greece is ?hostile? to new investment projects at the time and that Greek owners of Swiss bank accounts are not willing to move their money to Greece.

The new taxation agreement between the two countries has been unsettling for the Greeks owning bank accounts in Switzerland, and many of them are thinking of transferring their money to the United Arab Emirates or Singapore.

Source: http://eu.greekreporter.com/2012/01/30/wealthy-greeks-of-switzerland-%CE%B1re-skeptical-over-investing-in-greece/

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Brunner's first finance report tops $1.26 million

? January 30, 2012Posted in: US Senate Race

John Brunner. (Photo/Brunner campaign)

? With a significant investment from the candidate himself, John Brunner?s U.S. Senate campaign will report raising $1.26 million in his first quarter as a declared candidate, according to campaign finance documents obtained exclusively by PoliticMo.

Brunner, a St. Louis businessman vying for the Republican nomination to take on U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill later this year, contributed just over $1.03 million to his own campaign.

Additionally, the campaign reported $229,067.24 in individual contributions, half of which came from individuals who gave less than $200.

?These are impressive numbers for a first-time candidate with no prior political fundraising experience,? said Brunner campaign manager Jon Seaton. ?Our first quarterly report makes the unequivocal statement that this campaign will have the necessary resources to defeat Claire McCaskill come November.?

Including his own investment, Brunner?s fundraising numbers in the last four months of 2012 were just $200,000 short of McCaskill?s own numbers. (She reported raising just over $1.4 million in individual contributions, with $5 million on hand.)

Brunner?s campaign spent nearly $1.1 million, some of that on campaign ads and staff, leaving them with $209,249 left on hand.

His Republican challengers, U.S. Rep. Todd Akin and former State Treasurer Sarah Steelman, have not yet released their fundraising totals.

(Printer friendly)

Source: http://politicmo.com/2012/01/30/brunners-first-finance-report-tops-1-26-million/

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Video: Difficulties continue at crippled cruise ship

A 17th body is recovered from the Costa Concordia, but at least 17 more people are missing as weather hampers efforts to remove a half-million gallons of fuel. NBC?s Michelle Kosinski reports from Isola del Giglio.

>>> causing significant delays for those trying to pump fuel out of the " costa concordia " and rough seas are hampering the efforts to save people still missing. we have the latest from the tuscan coast.

>> reporter: divers tried to work today. entering cold, choppy water. immediately descending into darkness . along deck after deck of the con concordia, down to the crushed edges, where the reef displays an ugly tangle of what was inside. mattresses, furniture, and then a single shoe. in this deeply submerged back of the ship, this is where divers did find the body of a woman near an evacuation point. perhaps flooded too quickly that night, while thousands of people aboard scrambled for lifeboats. 17 victims have been recovered, but nearly that same number are still missing. searchers today wanted to use robotic cameras to help, but the rough seas wouldn't allow it. as if that were not enough, another task needs to happen out here at the same time. pumping out fuel before it leaks. salvage teens drilled through the hull into the tanks. but the waves stopped that too. they had to detach equipment and back off. likely now won't be able to start until the middle of next week. for the uninjured survivor, they offered roughly $14,000 and plus all travel expenses , though some have chosen a legal route. this lawsuit filed yesterday in miami by six passengers seeks hundreds of millions of dollars, as punishment. saying passengers were left to fend for themselves. it will be a process, and this unwelcome view a reminder for months to come. michelle kaczynski, nbc news, giglio, italy.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/46176621/

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jordan's king to receive Hamas leader (AP)

AMMAN, Jordan ? Jordan's king will host the leader of Hamas this weekend, Jordan's information minister said Tuesday, his first official visit since his expulsion 13 years ago, another sign that Jordan is seeking a more active role in Mideast diplomacy.

The visit is seen as part of Jordan's effort to engage with previously shunned Islamists, who have been gaining ground across the region in the Arab Spring uprisings that toppled dictators in Egypt and Tunisia. Islamists make up the most influential opposition in Jordan and have been gaining strength in recent months, though King Abdullah II has the final say in all matters.

Hamas, a militant Islamist Palestinian group, rules the Gaza Strip, but its leader, Khaled Mashaal, is based in Damascus, Syria. He moved there in 1999 after Jordan expelled him for "illicit and harmful" activities. In 1997, he survived an Israeli assassination attempt in Amman.

Earlier this month, Jordan, a strong supporter of peace between the Arabs and Israel, began hosting meetings between the chief Israeli and Palestinian negotiators to try to find a way to restart their stalled peace talks.

Re-establishment of a direct connection between Hamas and Jordan, which has a large population of Palestinian refugees, could give Jordan a role in trying to reconcile between Hamas and its rival, the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Egypt has been mediating between the two, which run separate governments in Gaza and the West Bank. They have announced agreement on a framework for unifying and holding elections, but the accord has not led to movement on the ground.

"The visit aims at opening channels with all Palestinian factions and reinstating normal relations with Hamas," Information Minister Rakan Majali told the Associated Press, pointing to the Jordan's close ties with Abbas.

Majali set strict limits for results of the visit, set for Sunday.

"Hamas will not be allowed any activities on Jordanian soil," he said.

Jordan's 1994 peace treaty with Israel stipulates that both must refrain from allowing activities deemed harmful to the interest of the other country.

Jordan expelled Mashaal and four other Hamas leaders in 1999. Then Jordan blacklisted Hamas because an alleged weapons cache was discovered in the country six years ago.

Since then, Mashaal was allowed to enter Jordan twice on humanitarian grounds ? in August 2009 to attend his father's funeral, and again last October to visit his ailing mother.

Jordanian Prime Minister Awn al-Khasawneh has often said that expelling Mashaal, who holds a Jordanian passport, was a "legal and constitutional mistake which must be corrected."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mideast/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120124/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_jordan_hamas

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Preview: New Tori & Dean Tonight

Tori gets into a car accident when a paparazzo chases her at the kids? school and must see her doctor to make sure her and the baby are all right. The family goes to Toronto where Dean tries to repair his relationship with his sisters. Brother and Sisters Tuesday, 1/24, 10/9c /?http://bit.ly/rQu9j8 #momtourage

Source: http://www.celebritymound.com/preview-new-tori-dean-tonight/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=preview-new-tori-dean-tonight

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cocoa could prevent intestinal pathologies such as colon cancer

Cocoa could prevent intestinal pathologies such as colon cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Jan-2012
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Contact: SINC
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology

A new study on living animals has shown for the first time that eating cocoa (the raw material in chocolate) can help to prevent intestinal complaints linked to oxidative stress, including colon carcinogenesis onset caused by chemical substances.

The growing interest amongst the scientific community to identify those foods capable of preventing diseases has now categorized cocoa as a 'superfood'. It has been recognised as an excellent source of phytochemical compounds, which offer potential health benefits.

Headed by scientists from the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) and recently published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research journal, the new study supports this idea and upholds that cacao consumption helps to prevent intestinal complaints linked to oxidative stress, such as the onset of chemically induced colon carcinogenesis.

"Being exposed to different poisons in the diet like toxins, mutagens and procarcinogens, the intestinal mucus is very susceptible to pathologies," explains Mara ngeles Martn Arribas, lead author of the study and researcher at ICTAN. She adds that "foods like cocoa, which is rich in polyphenols, seems to play an important role in protecting against disease."

The study on live animals (rats) has for the first time confirmed the potential protection effect that flavonoids in cocoa have against colon cancer onset. For eight weeks the authors of the study fed the rats with a cocoa-rich (12%) diet and carcinogenesis was induced.

Possible protection

Doctor Martn Arribas outlines that "four weeks after being administered with the chemical compound azoxymethane (AOM), intestinal mucus from premalignant neoplastic lesions appeared. These lesions are called 'aberrant crypt foci' and are considered to be good markers of colon cancer pathogenesis."

The results of the study showed that the rats fed a cocoa-rich diet had a significantly reduced number of aberrant crypts in the colon induced by the carcinogen. Likewise, this sample saw an improvement in their endogenous antioxidant defences and a decrease in the markers of oxidative damage induced by the toxic compound in this cell.

The researchers conclude that the protection effect of cocoa can stop cell-signalling pathways involved in cell proliferation and, therefore, subsequent neoplasty and tumour formation. Lastly, the animals fed with the cocoa-rich diet showed an increase in apoptosis or programmed cell death as a chemoprevention mechanism against the development of the carcinogenesis.

Although more research is required to determine what bioactive compounds in cocoa are responsible for such effects, the authors conclude that a cocoa-rich diet seems capable of reducing induced oxidative stress. It could also have protection properties in the initial stages of colon cancer as it reduces premalignant neoplastic lesion formation.

A not-so-guilty pleasure

Cocoa is one of the ingredients in chocolate. It is one of the richest foods in phenolic compounds, mainly in flavonoids like procyanidins, catechins and epicatechins, which have numerous beneficial biological activities in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer (mainly colorectal cancer).

In fact, compared to other foods with a high flavonoid content, cocoa has a high level of procyanidins with limited bioavailability. These flavonoids are therefore found in their highest concentrations in the intestine where they neutralise many oxidants.



ldefonso Rodrguez-Ramiro, Sonia Ramos, Elvira Lpez-Oliva, Angel Agis-Torres, Miren Gmez-Juaristi, Raquel Mateos, Laura Bravo, Luis Goya, Mara ngeles Martn. "Cocoa-rich diet prevents azoxymethane-induced colonic preneoplastic lesions in rats by restraining oxidative stress and cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 55:1895-1899, diciembre de 2011. DOI 10.1002/mnfr.201100363.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Cocoa could prevent intestinal pathologies such as colon cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 24-Jan-2012
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Contact: SINC
FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology

A new study on living animals has shown for the first time that eating cocoa (the raw material in chocolate) can help to prevent intestinal complaints linked to oxidative stress, including colon carcinogenesis onset caused by chemical substances.

The growing interest amongst the scientific community to identify those foods capable of preventing diseases has now categorized cocoa as a 'superfood'. It has been recognised as an excellent source of phytochemical compounds, which offer potential health benefits.

Headed by scientists from the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) and recently published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research journal, the new study supports this idea and upholds that cacao consumption helps to prevent intestinal complaints linked to oxidative stress, such as the onset of chemically induced colon carcinogenesis.

"Being exposed to different poisons in the diet like toxins, mutagens and procarcinogens, the intestinal mucus is very susceptible to pathologies," explains Mara ngeles Martn Arribas, lead author of the study and researcher at ICTAN. She adds that "foods like cocoa, which is rich in polyphenols, seems to play an important role in protecting against disease."

The study on live animals (rats) has for the first time confirmed the potential protection effect that flavonoids in cocoa have against colon cancer onset. For eight weeks the authors of the study fed the rats with a cocoa-rich (12%) diet and carcinogenesis was induced.

Possible protection

Doctor Martn Arribas outlines that "four weeks after being administered with the chemical compound azoxymethane (AOM), intestinal mucus from premalignant neoplastic lesions appeared. These lesions are called 'aberrant crypt foci' and are considered to be good markers of colon cancer pathogenesis."

The results of the study showed that the rats fed a cocoa-rich diet had a significantly reduced number of aberrant crypts in the colon induced by the carcinogen. Likewise, this sample saw an improvement in their endogenous antioxidant defences and a decrease in the markers of oxidative damage induced by the toxic compound in this cell.

The researchers conclude that the protection effect of cocoa can stop cell-signalling pathways involved in cell proliferation and, therefore, subsequent neoplasty and tumour formation. Lastly, the animals fed with the cocoa-rich diet showed an increase in apoptosis or programmed cell death as a chemoprevention mechanism against the development of the carcinogenesis.

Although more research is required to determine what bioactive compounds in cocoa are responsible for such effects, the authors conclude that a cocoa-rich diet seems capable of reducing induced oxidative stress. It could also have protection properties in the initial stages of colon cancer as it reduces premalignant neoplastic lesion formation.

A not-so-guilty pleasure

Cocoa is one of the ingredients in chocolate. It is one of the richest foods in phenolic compounds, mainly in flavonoids like procyanidins, catechins and epicatechins, which have numerous beneficial biological activities in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer (mainly colorectal cancer).

In fact, compared to other foods with a high flavonoid content, cocoa has a high level of procyanidins with limited bioavailability. These flavonoids are therefore found in their highest concentrations in the intestine where they neutralise many oxidants.



ldefonso Rodrguez-Ramiro, Sonia Ramos, Elvira Lpez-Oliva, Angel Agis-Torres, Miren Gmez-Juaristi, Raquel Mateos, Laura Bravo, Luis Goya, Mara ngeles Martn. "Cocoa-rich diet prevents azoxymethane-induced colonic preneoplastic lesions in rats by restraining oxidative stress and cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 55:1895-1899, diciembre de 2011. DOI 10.1002/mnfr.201100363.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-01/f-sf-ccp012412.php

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Sandusky says Paterno's death is a sad day (AP)

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. ? Retired Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, who faces child sex abuse charges in a case that led to the firing of Joe Paterno, says Paterno's death is a sad day.

Sandusky says no one did more for the university's academic reputation than Paterno, who died Sunday. He says the longtime coach "had the courage to practice what he preached" about toughness, hard work and clean competition. He also expresses sympathy to Paterno's family.

Sandusky is awaiting trial on 52 criminal counts for what prosecutors say was sexual abuse of 10 children over 15 years. He denies the allegations.

Sandusky was Paterno's top assistant for years until he retired in 1999. Sandusky says he remembers Paterno as a great man who met high standards in a difficult job.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120122/ap_on_sp_co_ne/fbc_paterno_sandusky

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iOS users get 'Samsunged' in new Galaxy S II TV ad


Samsung loves to poke fun at Apple users, and their latest commercial does a rather good job of it, telling iOSers that "the next big thing is already here". In the commercial, Sammy pokes fun at the fact that the iPhone 4S "looks like last year's phone", while also showcasing the Android's free turn-by-turn navigation on the Galaxy S II. iOS, of course, lacks this functionality out of the box.

The reaction: "aww, we just got Samsunged."

Source: iMore

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/B3F3wlsjH8M/story01.htm

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High court throws out Texas electoral maps (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Supreme Court handed Texas Republicans a partial victory Friday, tossing a court-drawn electoral redistricting plan that favored minorities and Democrats but leaving the future of the state's political maps - and possibly control of the U.S. House - in the hands of two federal courts with Texas' April primaries looming.

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ordered a three-judge court in San Antonio to craft a new map that pays more deference to one originally drawn up by Texas' GOP-led Legislature. The immediate effect was to scrap the interim map the San Antonio court drafted that would have favored Democrats to pick up four new congressional seats Texas will add in 2012.

Republicans, led by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, heralded the ruling as a clear victory for the state.

"The Court made clear in a strongly worded opinion that the district court must give deference to elected leaders of this state, and it's clear by the Supreme Court ruling that the district court abandoned these guiding principles," he said in statement.

But the Supreme Court didn't go as far as Texas wanted, which was to implement the maps the Legislature drew for this year's election. Doing so would have rewritten existing election law as well as the Voting Rights Act. Only Justice Clarence Thomas said he would have gone that far.

Still, the outcome appeared to favor Republicans by instructing the judges to stick more closely to what the Legislature did, said election law expert Richard Hasen, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, law school.

After the 2012 election, Texas will have 36 seats in the next Congress, a gain of four seats. Under the map initially drawn by the San Antonio court and thrown out on Friday, Democrats would have been favored in three or four new seats. The GOP holds 23 of the current 32 seats.

In its decision, the Supreme Court said the San Antonio judges particularly erred in altering the borders of legislative and congressional districts in areas of the state where the allegation that the Legislature's map discriminated doesn't apply.

Although Republicans were quick to say Friday's decision will benefit them, Democrats and minority groups said that's not so.

Jose Garza, who argued on behalf of minority groups and Texas Democrats at the Supreme Court, said Abbott, the Texas attorney general, is "celebrating too early." Garza said he expects the new maps drawn by the San Antonio court to look very similar to the ones rejected Friday.

Garza said he interpreted the Supreme Court's ruling, in part, as a call for the San Antonio court to better explain its decisions.

Others involved in legal efforts opposing the Legislature's map echoed Garza.

"This is not a victory for Texas," said Nina Perales, a lawyer for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, one of several groups involved in legal efforts to throw out the Legislature's map. "They wanted their unprecedented maps in place, and Texas hasn't been allowed to do that."

Perales said she expected the Supreme Court to remand a decision on the maps to the San Antonio court and said she was confident that minority groups would be protected even if the new baseline for creating a map was the Legislature's original draft.

Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis, said Friday that she saw the decision bolstering the judge's decision to make changes to her Fort Worth-based district. Davis filed a lawsuit against the state Senate plan after her district was carved into three pieces, splitting Latino and African-American voters.

Beyond the jousting about how to interpret Friday's ruling was a reality that the electoral battlegrounds in Texas will remain hazy for the foreseeable future. Both Democrats and Republicans see Texas as potentially key for control of the U.S. House, but until the new maps are in place, neither side will have a clear sense of how it might fair in the state.

The Supreme Court didn't set a deadline for the San Antonio court to produce an acceptable map, but the clock is ticking toward Texas' scheduled April 3 primaries. The primaries have already been pushed back from March 6, and both parties expect the date to be pushed back again ? a prospect causing consternation among Republican leaders who worry the GOP presidential race will be decided before Texas votes.

Meanwhile, a separate three-judge federal court panel in Washington heard testimony this week about whether the map drawn by the Texas Legislature violated the federal Voting Rights Act, which requires states with a history of discrimination to get advance approval before changing the way they conduct elections. That proceeding will continue next week, with closing arguments set for February. With thousands of documents and dozens of hours of testimony to consider, a decision from that panel could be months away but could also affect the composition of Texas' maps.

The legal battle over Texas' maps was prompted by the results of the 2010 census, which found that Texas added more than 4 million residents since 2000, most of them Latinos and African-Americans. Minority groups and Democrats have maintained that they are being denied deserved voting power by GOP lawmakers seeking maximize electoral gains.


Associated Press writer Mark Sherman in Washington contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120120/ap_on_go_su_co/us_supreme_court_texas_redistricting

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Federer through to Australian Open quarterfinals (AP)

MELBOURNE, Australia ? Roger Federer put on a tennis clinic against Bernard Tomic, using deft drops, lobs, booming backhands and 13 aces to beat the 19-year-old Australian 6-4, 6-2, 6-2 and advance to the Australian Open quarterfinals for the eighth straight year.

Tomic came into the match following an upset third-round win over 13th-seeded Alexandr Dolgopolov, using slices and a variety of offbeat shots from the back of the court to beat the Ukrainian player.

But four-time Australian champion Federer was having none of that on Sunday night before a packed house of 15,000 at Rod Laver Arena. He stepped up his game when he needed to, breaking the Australian at 4-4 in the opening set and again to open the third.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/sports/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120122/ap_on_sp_te_ga_su/ten_australian_open_federer

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Town Turns Off the Lights To See the Stars

The main reasons for street lighting is to make obstacles and pedestrians more visible to motorists, to allow pedestrians to move around without carrying a torch, and to make them feel safer.

In this case, they'd closed the roads around the town for this stunt, so no need for worrying about cars, and a good fraction of the population of the town was out on the street, so there were fewer empty dark back alleys down which to get stabbed (plus it's a small rural town; if it's anything like mine crime is generally livestock related...), and everyone there knew about it months in advance, so I'd expect they were stocked up on torches and batteries. It was just a shame it was so cloudy!

If you have never seen the stars without light pollution, go to somewhere in the middle of nowhere and have a look. It's quite hard to do in the UK, as our population density (and thus light pollution) is many times that of the US, so there aren't many really empty places left. It's a real tragedy that for a little convenience and marginal extra safety we've given up our window seat at the edge of the rest of the universe.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/GMbE0HW0Wsk/town-turns-off-the-lights-to-see-the-stars

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Gingrich angrily denies he sought open marriage

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich talks with his wife Callista at the end of the Republican presidential candidate debate at the North Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, S.C., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich talks with his wife Callista at the end of the Republican presidential candidate debate at the North Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, S.C., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stands with his wife Callista at the end of the Republican presidential candidate debate at the North Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, S.C., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich stands with his wife Callista as they greet audience members at the end of the Republican presidential candidate debate at the North Charleston Coliseum in Charleston, S.C., Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? Presidential contender Newt Gingrich on Thursday angrily denied that he asked his second wife for an "open marriage" that would allow him to have a mistress as she claims in an interview broadcast two days before the South Carolina primary.

"Let me be quite clear. The story is false," Gingrich said at a debate, without elaborating.

At the same time, his campaign released his tax returns, showing that he paid more than $994,000 in federal taxes on more $3.1 million in income in 2010.

It was a day of ups and downs for Gingrich, who picked up the endorsement for former rival Texas Gov. Rick Perry. The former House speaker is working to consolidate the support of conservatives behind his candidacy with polls showing him rising in his bid to overtake Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.

"Newt is not perfect but who among us is," Perry said as he bowed out of the race, seeking to provide Gingrich with some political cover in a state filled with evangelicals likely to cringe at Gingrich's two divorces and acknowledged infidelity.

Gingrich's ex-wife threatened to throw his campaign off course.

In excerpts the network released earlier in the day, Marianne Gingrich told ABC News for a "Nightline" segment that when she discovered Gingrich was having an affair with Callista Bisek, a congressional staffer, he asked his wife to share him.

"And I just stared at him, and he said, 'Callista doesn't care what I do,'" Marianne Gingrich told ABC News. "He wanted an open marriage, and I refused."

She confirmed to The Associated Press that the former speaker had asked her for an open marriage, but she refused his request. She declined to comment further. The full segment aired Thursday night some 90 minutes after the debate.

At the debate, Gingrich forcefully denied his ex-wife's charges and castigated debate moderator ? CNN's John King ? for raising the issue at the start of the two-hour event.

"I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office," Gingrich said. "And I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that."

As he stood on stage in Charleston, his campaign released his 2010 income tax returns, which showed he paid roughly 31.6 percent of his adjusted income in taxes, giving about 2 percent to charity. Gingrich criticized rival Romney ? who is worth more than $250 million ? this week for saying he paid only 15 percent.

Gingrich gave $81,133 in cash or checks to charities, about 2.6 percent of his income. That is considerably less than the average of $259,692 that households earning at least $2 million a year gave to charities in 2009, according to research from the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

Personal financial disclosure forms filed last summer show Gingrich is worth more than $6.5 million. He reported at least $500,000 in assets from Gingrich Productions, his media company that produces books and films.

Two days before the pivotal South Carolina primary, Gingrich's political and private life were clashing just as new polls showed him rising as he looks to overtake Romney in the third state to weigh in on the presidential race. Gingrich has seen his crowds grow in recent days after a strong performance in a debate Monday.

It was unclear how the new revelations from Marianne Gingrich would play in a state where religious and socially conservative voters hold sway. The interview's mere existence shined a spotlight on a part of Gingrich's past that could turn off Republican voters in a state filled with religious and cultural conservatives who may cringe at his two divorces and acknowledged marital infidelities.

Marianne Gingrich has said Gingrich proposed to her before the divorce from his first wife was final in 1981; they were married six months later. Her marriage to Gingrich ended in divorce in 2000, and Gingrich has admitted he'd already taken up with Bisek, the former congressional aide who would become his third wife. The speaker who pilloried President Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky was himself having an affair at the time.

A Gingrich spokesman suggested, as Gingrich's daughters had a day earlier, that Marianne Gingrich's comments may be suspect given the emotional toll divorce takes on everyone involved.

"Divorces are very tough and people have very different recollections of how things happen," R.C. Hammond said Thursday.

Equally uncertain was whether Gingrich would get a boost from Perry's endorsement, given that the Texas governor had little support in the state, and get conservative voters to coalesce behind his candidacy. Complicating Gingrich's effort is another conservative, Rick Santorum, who threatens to siphon his support.

A CNN/Time South Carolina poll released Wednesday showed Gingrich in second place with support from 23 percent of likely primary voters, having gained 5 percentage points in the past two weeks. Romney led in the poll with 33 percent, but he had slipped some since the last survey. Santorum was third, narrowly ahead of Texas Rep. Ron Paul and well ahead of Perry.

Regardless of the South Carolina outcome, Gingrich was making plans to compete in Florida's primary on Jan. 31.

Confidence exuded from Gingrich, who rose in Iowa only to be knocked off course after sustaining $3 million in attack ads from an outside group that supports Romney. Gingrich posted dismal showings in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

By the time the race turned to South Carolina, he was back on course ? and criticizing Romney as a social moderate who is timid about attacking the nation's economic troubles.


Ray Henry in Atlanta and Jack Gillum in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-01-19-Gingrich/id-f5ee0ccb6c214527832d753d2c59db6c

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2 Safely Escape Wash. Co. Fire With Pets ? CBS Pittsburgh

MARIANA (KDKA) ? Two people were able to safely escape from a Tuesday night house fire in Washington County.

According to officials, the fire broke out at a home in the 200-block of Castle Ridge Road in Mariana around 10:49 p.m.

Two adults and their pets were able get out of the house safely. The Red Cross is also assisting those individuals.

The extent of the damage and the cause of the fire are unknown at this time.

Stay With KDKA.com For More Details


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

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Spurs vs Magic Free NBA Basketball Picks

After an embarrassing, 120-98, loss to the Heat Tuesday night, the (9-5) San Antonio Spurs [+5.5] will finish their back-to-back Florida swing with an interesting free NBA basketball picks battle with the (10-3) Orlando Magic [-5.5]. This game?s opening tipoff is scheduled for Wednesday evening at 7 PM and it?ll be broadcasted live on FSSW and SunSpO.

According to Spurs vs Magic NBA picks specialists, the combined OVER/UNDER for this interconference battle is set at a total of 196.5 points. The Spurs come into this game leading the way in the Southwest Division despite the fact that they?ve yet to win a single road game this season.

In contrast to other Greg Popovich teams, this veteran Spurs squad is terrible away from home, evidenced by a 0-5 record. Coming off yet another lackluster performance against at Miami last night, the Spurs big men had a dreadful night defensively. Scoring seemingly at will, LeBron James and Chris Bosh combined to light up the Spurs defense for 63 points.

?LeBron James was great,? Popovich said. ?He waited for the third quarter to come out and he went wild. That certainly helped them kick our butts. More than that in the second half, I thought they got really physical and I felt we folded.?

For the Magic, this is one of the hottest teams in the league right now, especially at Amway. Winners of five consecutive free NBA basketball picks games, Orlando has won 8 of its last 10 games and is 5-1 at home to lead the Southeast Division. Dwight Howard & Co. are coming off a 96-89 victory over the Bobcats last night, in which the guy fella dropped 25 points (11-for-18 shooting) and grabs 17 rebounds. Jameer Nelson pitched in with 17 points, Hedo Turkoglu added 15 and Ryan Anderson dropped 13 as the Magic cruised.

?There are times when I?m on the court or on the bench and we're playing and I say to myself, ?This team has a chance to be the best we've been in my six years with the Magic,?? said JJ Redick. ?I think we've got a lot of experience, we have the best big guy in the league, the best and most dominant player and a lot of solid pieces around him.?

Spurs vs Magic betting odds have the home-team winning by a three-pointer and a two-point bucket. However, after watching the way the Spurs performed last night, I wouldn?t be surprised at all if this game became an upset. You can bet that Popovich gave his team an earful after losing to Miami by 22 points. I do expect the Spurs to react and either come away victorious or at worst lose by less than the projected 5.5 line in my free NBA basketball picks.

If you're looking for the inside edge, subscribe to our free sports picks newsletter and get the insight you need to make an informed decision from the top NBA basketball handicapping experts before every sports wager!

Submitted by Blake Stevens on Wed, 01/18/2012 - 7:06am.

Source: http://www.onlinesportshandicapping.com/news-992/basketball-picks/011812-spurs-vs-magic-free-nba-basketball-picks.html

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Legal Advocates for Abused Women? SLAPPs and Racketeering ...

January 17, 2012 | Filed Under Crime, Government, Missouri, Paleo-Skeptic, The Law | No Comments

by Paleo-Skeptic

You would think that an organization with such a high-sounding name as ?Legal Advocates for Abused Women? might be out doing some good in the world. Maybe they would be, if they actually cared about providing services for battered women more than engaging in racketeering and violating federal law. As it stands, it?s more of a model of the evils of centralization.

First, by removing community services away from the communities which they were intended to serve, those services become less and less responsive to the individual needs of the community. A ?one size fits all? approach becomes the streamlined effort, whereas to engage in true thought lies beyond their means. This leads to heavy-handed measures where they are not warranted, and insufficient measures where they would be.

Secondly, centralization allows those service organizations to wield greater power, which naturally incentivize more precarious rent-seeking behaviors. The potential for usurpation, the ?hostile take-over,? becomes greater, not lessened, due to the disproportionate influence at the upper rungs of the structure.

Here follows a portion from the transcript of Straussner v. Hart, Cause No. 09SL-PN03697, and Hart v. Straussner, Cause No. 09SL-PN03700, which were heard at the same time. Mr. Hart is here a creditor in a bankruptcy and, having been threatened by Straussner, who was using a fake name at the time, and Hart had received a previous Order of Protection with a finding of Stalking against Straussner under the phony name, Cause No. 09SL-PN02411, a few months earlier.

Mr. Straussner is represented here by Katherine ?Evidence Tampering? Wessling, managing attorney for Legal Advocates for Abused Women and racketeer-in-chief, who has determined that Straussner was, according to their mission statement, a battered woman or child. That has a lot to do with why this organization, LAAW, is being investigated by various federal agencies, including the Office of a prominent Senator.

I will save the more appalling aspects of this for the end of the citations.

Mr. Straussner is being questioned here under cross-examination from Mr. Hart?s attorney, Mr. Cohan:

(Mr. Straussner): And I said to him, I said, I would knock the glasses off your face.
(p. 13)

(Mr. Straussner): I told him that I would knock the glasses off his face.
(p. 14)

Q: Did he have any kind of communication with you prior to the phone call that you made to him in May of 2009?

(Mr. Straussner): Umm, not that I know of, no. Not that I can recall.

Q: And when you called him, you told him who you were, is that right?

A: No.

Q: So he had no idea ?

A: Yeah, no, he knew who I was. I told him that I was Sherry?s fianc?.

Q: Okay.

A: Yes, I did. I did say that, yes.

Q: And you?re aware when you made that call that he was Sherry?s ex-boyfriend, for want of a better term, is that right?

A: Umm, actually at that time he was ? I believe he was filed as a creditor.

THE COURT: He was what?

A: Filed as a creditor. He said that she owed ? he owed her money or ? Yeah, he said that she owed him money.

THE COURT: Filed what as a creditor?

MR. COHAN: Just to clear this up, Your Honor, ?cause I think I know what he?s talking about.

Q: (By Mr. Cohan) Your fianc?e had filed for bankruptcy, is that right?

A: Correct. Correct.

Q: And he filed as a creditor in the bankruptcy ?

A: Correct.

Q: ? ?cause he thought she owed him money?

A: Yes, sir.

MR. COHAN: That?s what he?s talking about, Your Honor.

A: Yes, sir.

(pp. 20 ? 22)

What you just read there were several violations of federal law.

First, Straussner admits that he gave the fake name at a time when he knew that Hart was a creditor in the bankruptcy. Hart had initiated an objection to the discharge of debt, and hired a private investigator to conduct an asset investigation. Bringing that investigation to an end was a great part of the purpose of Straussner having brought this suit against Hart; a process known as a ?strategic lawsuit against public participation? (SLAPP); which, by the way, is outside of the mission statement for Legal Advocates for Abused Women.

What that would indicate is that the omnibus clause of Title 18 Sections 1503 was in effect, as the procedure was then pending.

??or corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice??

The term ?endeavor? has been interpreted to indicate actions more inclusive than ?attempts.?

Although I am no attorney, it certainly looks like a violation of Section 1512 of Title 18, Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant:

(2) Whoever uses physical force or the threat of physical force against any person, or attempts to do so, with intent to?
???(A) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
???(B) cause or induce any person to?
??????(i) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
??????(ii) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official proceeding;
??????(iii) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
??????(iv) be absent from an official proceeding to which that person has been summoned by legal process

(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to?
???(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
???(2) cause or induce any person to?
??????(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
??????(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object?s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding;
??????(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
??????(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process

(c) Whoever corruptly?
???(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object?s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
???(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so

(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from?
???(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;
???(2) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense?;
???(3) arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense

(k) Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy

More on the judicial interpretation of the term ?corruptly? may be found here. The phrase ?any persons? was included in a revision to extend protections to attorneys, parties that would not give testimony, those who would produce documents without testifying, etc.

These citations are from Chapter 73 of Title 18, which is the portion of the federal criminal code (Title 18) that deals with Obstruction of Justice crimes.

Now, there are other things going on here, such as violations of Title 18 U.S.C. ? 241 Conspiracy to interfere with rights; but I don?t want to focus on that so much.

I would rather focus on the language of Title 18 Chapter 96 ? 1961 (1) (D):

any offense involving fraud connected with a case under title 11 (except a case under section 157 of this title)

Title 11 would be the federal bankruptcy code.

I went to Chapter 96 of Title 18 to cite this, because this Chapter is known as the ?Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations statute,? which is Title IX of the RICO Act. Section 1961 is where you will find the definitions of what constitutes racketeering under the Act. Wouldn?t you know, both Sections 1503 and 1512 are listed as RICO predicate acts!


Now, Mr. Straussner?s actions would constitute racketeering under the Act all by themselves; the question is? how exactly is it that engaging in racketeering might help battered women?

So, suppose Straussner was, in fact, a woman. Do SLAPPs make women safer in the absence of physical abuse? Do SLAPPs make women safer even in instances of physical abuse? What about RICO violations? Does racketeering help battered women in any way?

And why aren?t the racketeering activities mentioned in this group?s fund-raising materials?

You can look here to see if you see anything about RICO violations.

Why are your tax dollars going to pay for a criminal enterprise?

I can tell you that the Senator was the first one on top of that.

The Senator Roy Blunt, ever since his distinguished days in the House, has always been on guard against wasteful spending.

In times like these, we need that now more than ever.

Senator Blunt served as President of Southwest Baptist University back in the early 90?s, and he brings a strong moral character to his Office. It?s not that he doesn?t care, or doesn?t want to help women in abusive relationships? it?s that he wants people getting money from the government to do the things they say they?re going to do with it.

Sen. Blunt has received a 94 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union. Maybe the belief that people shouldn?t be lying to the government just to get money out of them is one big reason why.

I?m not saying that all the people under Pelosi?s wings are swindlers. It?s just that the idea of getting something for nothing seems to run deep on that Left-hand side of the aisle.

There?s a greater lesson there about identity politics, but I?ll leave that aside for another time. For now, let?s just be thankful that someone is watching out for the rights of the people, and keeping the pilferers out of the public purse.

Source: http://www.publiusforum.com/2012/01/17/legal-advocates-for-abused-women-slapps-rico/

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Serena Williams Claims Her Relationship With Drake Is Platonic

Serena Williams has moved to play down reports she is dating rapper Drake, insisting her love life isn’t very exciting at the moment. The American tennis star, currently in Melbourne for the Australia Open, answered questions about her relationship at a press conference on Thursday, according to Yahoo Sports. Serena previously dated hip hop star [...]

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Guatemala president: Mexican gang seeks control (AP)

MEXICO CITY ? Guatemala's newly inaugurated president says Mexico's Zetas drug cartel sought to take over the drug trade in Guatemala by co-opting or killing local traffickers.

President Otto Perez says the Zetas offered deals for gangs willing to form part of their network, and killed those who refused.

The Zetas have been blamed for Guatemala's biggest drug-related massacre, the slaughter of 27 cattle ranch workers in May.

Perez says he is seeking to verify reports from ex-President Alvaro Colom that rival drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has been in Guatemala.

Perez told the Mexican television network Televisa Monday that the Zetas started moving into Guatemala about four years ago.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mexico/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120116/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_mexico_guatemala_drugs

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Fuel transfer begins at iced-in Alaska city

In a photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, two fuel transfer hoses run side-by-side from the Russian tanker Renda to the Nome harbor Jan. 16, 2012. The hoses began transferring more than 1.3 million gallons of fuel from the tanker to the town later that day. (AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class Grant DeVuyst)

In a photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, two fuel transfer hoses run side-by-side from the Russian tanker Renda to the Nome harbor Jan. 16, 2012. The hoses began transferring more than 1.3 million gallons of fuel from the tanker to the town later that day. (AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class Grant DeVuyst)

In a photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, the Russian tanker Renda sits just off the coast of Nome with two fuel transfer hoses running to a causeway in the Nome harbor Monday Jan. 16, 2012. After being escorted through the ice by the Coast Guard Cutter Healy, the Renda began delivering more than 1.3 million gallons of fuel Monday. (AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class Grant DeVuyst)

In a photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, fuel hoses bridge the gap between the tanker vessel Renda and the shoreside fuel transfer connection in Nome harbor Jan. 16, 2012. The fuel transfer of more than 1.3 million gallons began later that day. (AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 3rd Class Grant DeVuyst)

In a photo provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, two hose lines run from the Russian tanker Renda as they prepare for pressure tests Monday Jan. 16, 2012 in Nome, Alaska. The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Healy has been escorting and breaking ice for the Renda since Jan. 3, 2012, to help deliver approximately 1.3 million gallons of gasoline and diesel to Nome, Alaska. (AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric J. Chandler.)

A photo provided by Vitus Marine shows David Gains, second from right, from intertek holding a sample of gasoline pumped from the Russian Tanker Renda. background right, in Nome Alaska Monday Jan. 16, 2012. With Gains are from left, Mark Smith of Vitus Marine, Scot Henderson of Bonanza Fuel, and Joy Baker, Nome Harbor Master. The U.S. Coast Guard ice breaker Healy is in the background at left. (AP Photo/Vitus Marine)

(AP) ? A Russian tanker and its crew have begun offloading more than a million gallons of fuel to an iced-in city along the western coast of Alaska.

Two parallel hoses, 700 yards long each, are stretched between the tanker Renda and a pipeline that will deliver the fuel to storage tanks in the city of Nome. One is carrying gasoline, the other diesel fuel.

The transfer could be finished within 36 hours or it could take as long as five days. It started near sundown Monday, after crews laid the hoses along a stretch of Bering Sea ice to the pipeline that begins on a rock causeway 550 yards from the tanker, said Jason Evans, board chairman of the Sitnasuak Native Corp.

Sitnasuak owns the local fuel company, Bonanza Fuel, and has been working closely with Vitus Marine, the supplier that arranged for the delivery of the 1.3 million gallons of fuel.

State officials said the transfer must start during daylight, but can continue in darkness. Nome has just five hours of daylight this time of year.

The city of 3,500 didn't get its last pre-winter barge fuel delivery because of a massive November storm. Without the Renda's delivery, Nome would run out of fuel by March or April, long before the next barge delivery is possible.

Alaska has had one of the most severe winters in decades. Snow has piled up 10 feet or higher against the wood-sided buildings in Nome, a former gold rush town that is the final stop on the 1,150-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

The Renda began its journey from Russia in mid-December, picking up diesel fuel in South Korea before heading to Dutch Harbor, Alaska, where it took on unleaded gasoline. It arrived last week off Nome on Alaska's west coast, more than 500 miles from Anchorage.

A Coast Guard icebreaker cleared a path for the 370-foot tanker through hundreds of miles of a slow journey stalled by thick ice and strong ocean currents. In total, the tanker traveled an estimated 5,000 miles, said Rear Adm. Thomas Ostebo, commander of District Seventeen with the Coast Guard.

"It's just been an absolutely grand collaboration by all parties involved," said Stacey Smith of Vitus Marine, the fuel supplier.

Smith said the effort is a third of the way over with the arrival of the Renda near Nome. Pumping the fuel from the tanker will be the second part. The third part will be the exiting through ice by the two ships.

Personnel will walk the entire length of hosing every 30 minutes to check for leaks, Evans said. Each segment has its own containment area, and extra absorbent boom will be on hand.

The Coast Guard is monitoring the effort, working with state, federal, local and tribal representatives, Chief Petty Officer Kip Wadlow said. The fuel participants had to submit a plan to state environmental regulators on how they intended to get the fuel off the Renda, he said.

"We want to make sure the fuel transfer from the Renda to the onshore storage facility is conducted in as safe a manner as possible," he said.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/apdefault/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-01-17-Nome%20Iced%20In/id-ca69fceb6c9848a8bb461f732435b787

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Video: Nation honors MLK day

>>> ceremonies, parades, projects horing reverend . martin luther king jr . today. making king day a day of community service volunteering brown education center in at washingt. crowds gathered at e new memorial in washington which will be changed now after coroversy. the etching reads i was drum major for justice, peace and rightesness. but what he actually said was far more modest. it was an answer to a estion. he said if you want to say that i was a drum major srbg say that i was a drum major forjustice. say that i was a drum major for peace, tt i wa a drum major for righteous tphous.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/46017264/

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Perry: Marines in video are 'kids,' not criminals

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry on Sunday accused the Obama administration of "over-the-top rhetoric" and "disdain for the military" in its condemnation of a video that purportedly shows four Marines urinating on corpses in Afghanistan.

Perry's comments put him at odds with Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, who said the images could damage the war effort.

"The Marine Corps prides itself that we don't lower ourselves to the level of the enemy," McCain said when asked about Perry's position. "So it makes me sad more than anything else, because ... I can't tell you how wonderful these people (Marines) are. And it hurts their reputation and their image."

No one has been charged in the case, but officials in the U.S. and abroad have called for swift punishment of the four Marines. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said last week that he worried the video could be used by the Taliban to undermine peace talks.

  1. Other political news of note

    1. Huntsman wins key SC newspaper endorsement
    2. Perry: Marines in video are 'kids,' not criminals
    3. Evangelical leaders back Santorum
    4. NYT: For Romney, Bain attacks have upside
    5. Gingrich booed over Romney jab

A military criminal investigation and an internal Marine Corps review are under way. The Geneva Conventions forbid the desecration of the dead.

Texas Gov. Perry said the Marines involved should be reprimanded but not prosecuted on criminal charges.

"Obviously, 18-, 19-year-old kids make stupid mistakes all too often. And that's what's occurred here," Perry told CNN's "State of the Union."

He later added: "What's really disturbing to me is the kind of over-the-top rhetoric from this administration and their disdain for the military."

Later appearing on the same show, McCain said he disagreed.

"We're trying to win the hearts and minds" of the Afghanistan population, he said. "And when something like that comes up, it obviously harms that ability."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46004399/ns/politics/

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

[OOC] Concept Art

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