Saturday, December 31, 2011

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Muslims upset by NYPD to boycott mayor's breakfast

New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly speaks at a news conference as Mayor Michael Bloomberg listens in Brooklyn, N.Y., Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. Activists upset at police efforts to spy on Muslims plan to skip the mayor's annual year-end interfaith breakfast on Friday, Dec. 30, saying Bloomberg shouldn't be defending the tactics. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)

New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly speaks at a news conference as Mayor Michael Bloomberg listens in Brooklyn, N.Y., Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. Activists upset at police efforts to spy on Muslims plan to skip the mayor's annual year-end interfaith breakfast on Friday, Dec. 30, saying Bloomberg shouldn't be defending the tactics. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)

Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur Rashid poses for a portrait, Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011 in New York. Fifteen Muslim clerics and community leaders say they will boycott New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's annual interfaith breakfast Friday over a police effort to gather intelligence on Muslim neighborhoods, whose existence was revealed recently in a series of Associated Press articles. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Imam Shamsi Ali poses for a picture in New York, Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. While Shamsi Ali plans to attend Mayor Michael Bloomberg's annual year-end interfaith breakfast, some clerics and community leaders said they will boycott the event over a surveillance program on Muslim neighborhoods, whose existence was revealed recently in a series of Associated Press articles. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Linda Sarsour, director of the Arab American Association of New York, poses for photos in front of a canvas painted by the association's youth group at its headquarters in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. Sarsour is one of the civic and religious leaders who signed a letter declining an invitation from Mayor Michael Bloomberg to attend an interfaith breakfast in protest of recent revelations about the New York City Police Department's surveillance activities. (AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams)

(AP) ? Muslim leaders intent on showing Mayor Michael Bloomberg that they have no appetite for his support of the police department's efforts to gather intelligence on their neighborhoods are poised to make an impression by their absence at his annual interfaith breakfast Friday.

A letter they composed made a controversy out of a normally sedate end-of-the-year meeting. In all, 15 Muslim clerics and community figures say they won't show up to protest the surveillance program first revealed in a series of Associated Press articles.

But one man who signed the letter, Rabbi Michael Weisser, said he will attend the breakfast after friends in the Muslim community urged him to attend and engage the mayor in conversation about the dispute.

The breakfast is traditionally held at the historic New York Public Library building on 42nd Street and has long served to showcase the city's diversity during overlapping winter holidays.

Weisser, who is one of seven people who will give invocations at the gathering, said he will not address it in his remarks to the group because he had already submitted his text to the mayor's office before taking sides in the dispute. Still, he said he saw parallels to what Jews have faced.

"From a Jewish perspective, it reminded me of things that were going on in the 1930s in Germany. We don't need that in America," he said. "The Muslim community is targeted. It's stereotyped. When people think of terrorism, they immediately think Muslim."

He said he had no problem with the police department following leads, but objected to the sense that the department is targeting Muslim organizations because they are Muslim.

"We can't be painting a whole group of people with the same broad brush," he said.

Bloomberg's office has said it expects about two dozen Muslim leaders to attend the breakfast.

"You're going to see a big turnout tomorrow, and it's nice that all faiths can get together," the mayor said Thursday. Boycott participants "are going to miss a chance to have a great breakfast."

Among those disagreeing with the boycott is Imam Shamsi Ali of the Islamic Cultural Center of New York. "I believe that engagement is more important. I think everyone disagrees with the way the NYPD is penetrating the community, but I think generalizing everything else as bad is not appropriate," he said. "The mayor's not perfect, but there are many things about him we need to appreciate. And I think working with him is a way of appreciation."

Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly have insisted their counterterrorism programs are legal.

"Contrary to assertions, the NYPD lawfully follows leads in terrorist-related investigations and does not engage in the kind of wholesale spying on communities that was falsely alleged," police spokesman Paul Browne said in an email Thursday.

Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid, president of the Islamic Leadership Council of New York, a group of 35 clerics and their congregations, said those who won't attend don't feel comfortable "going to have coffee and doughnuts with the mayor knowing that this civil liberties crisis that's affecting all New Yorkers is not going to be addressed."

He and other Muslim activists and clerics sent a letter to Bloomberg this week turning down their invitations. About three dozen other people signed the letter as supporters, including rabbis, a Roman Catholic nun, Protestant pastors and a Quaker, though it was unclear how many had been invited to the breakfast.

"I couldn't be there while knowing that the mayor supports, if not established, this warrantless spying apparatus," said Hesham El-Meligy, founder of the Building Bridges Coalition of Staten Island.

Activists accused Bloomberg of squandering the goodwill built up last year when he fiercely defended a proposed Islamic prayer and cultural center not far from where the World Trade Center stood. The mosque is still in the planning stages.

Bloomberg had also won praise from Muslim leaders for criticizing anti-Islamic rhetoric and offering words of compassion after fires in the Bronx killed a large Muslim family and destroyed a mosque.

"However, despite these welcome and positive actions, very disturbing revelations have come to light regarding the city's treatment of Muslim New Yorkers," the letter said.

Records examined by the AP show the police department collected information on people who were neither accused nor suspected of wrongdoing.

The AP series detailed police department efforts to infiltrate Muslim neighborhoods and mosques with aggressive programs designed by a CIA officer. Documents reviewed by the AP revealed that undercover police officers known as "rakers" visited businesses such as Islamic bookstores and cafes, chatting up store owners to determine their ethnicities and gauge their views. They also played cricket and eavesdropped in ethnic clubs.

The surveillance efforts have been credited with enabling police to thwart a 2004 plot to bomb the Herald Square subway station.

Critics said the efforts amount to ethnic profiling and violate court guidelines that limit how and why police can collect intelligence before there is evidence of a crime. They have asked a judge to issue a restraining order against the police.

Participants in the boycott said they feel betrayed by the city.

"Civic engagement is a two-way street. We've done our part as a community; we're waiting for the city to do their part," said Linda Sarsour, executive director of the Arab-American Association of New York.

The surveillance has revealed deep divisions in the city a decade after 9/11. Many New Yorkers say they empathize with Muslims living under the pall of suspicion, but also support aggressive police efforts against would-be terrorists.

The New York Daily News and New York Post defended the police in editorials this week, with the Daily News calling the AP's reporting "overheated, overhyped."

The AP's senior managing editor, Michael Oreskes, sent a letter to the newspaper Thursday in defense of the news organization.

"These were stories about where our city was drawing the line in protecting New Yorkers from another 9/11 attack," Oreskes wrote. "The stories were based on extensive reporting and documents. It is a journalist's job to report the activities of government. It is up to citizens to decide about those activities."



Read AP's previous stories and documents about the NYPD at:

Letter to Bloomberg:


Associated Press writers Samantha Gross and Tom Hays in New York and Adam Goldman in Washington contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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Friday, December 30, 2011

College must hand over IRA tapes

A US federal judge has ordered Boston College to turn over recorded interviews of a former member of the IRA to federal prosecutors in Boston.

College officials said it would turn over interviews given by Delours Price.

US federal prosecutors subpoenaed the material on behalf of British authorities. It is understood the legal bid is linked to a PSNI investigation.

Judge William G Young ordered the recordings - part of college's 'Belfast Project' - be handed over by Friday.

The college has decided not to appeal Judge Young's order.

It has already turned over tapes of interviews given by Brendan Hughes, a former IRA member who died in 2008.

College officials said any promise of confidentiality ended with his death.

What was termed the 'Belfast Project' took place over five years from 2001 and involved academics, historians and journalists conducting interviews with former republicans and loyalists about their activities during the Troubles.

In return for honest accounts, those who were interviewed were promised that their identities would be kept confidential and that the interviews would be released only after their deaths.

US prosecutors have demanded anything in the college archive related to the 1972 abduction and murder of Belfast mother-of-10 Jean McConville, who the IRA admitted to killing and secretly burying, claiming she was an informer.


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High School Launching New Communications Program ...

The future writers, broadcasters, editors and radio personalities of Collingswood have a lot to celebrate in 2012.

During this month's meeting, Collingswood High School Principal Edward T. Hill gave a presentation to members of Collingswood Public School District Board of Education. The topic? Communications.

"One program we're excited about (at the high school) is our new media and communications program," said Hill. "It's a school-choice program, limited to students who want to be a part of it. (For students,) it'll be like (being a communications) major?in high school."

Next year, interested students may opt to be part of the program, which Hill said will give them a professional advantage post-graduation.

"(Because of this program), when our students graduate high school, they'll have the tools necessary to be successful in the area of communications, so that in college, they'll already have knowledge and field experience ," said Hill.

According to Hill, Collingswood High School's new communications program will allow 15 students to take Television I, II, III, and IV courses. Electives will also be available, including classes like Journalism, Graphic Arts, Public Speaking, and Photography.

Hill said administration will use a selection process to determine which students may participate.

"Interested students will fill out applications?which will include recommendations?and will be interviewed by our department chair," said Hill.

During their senior year, communications students will get the opportunity to take internships related to a specialized field in the industry.

"Rowan University is interested in developing an articulation agreement with our high school," said Hill.

According to the principal, besides Sterling, no other high school in the area offer students access to specialized experience in communications.

Even the borough's pre-high school students will be able to try their hand in the world of media. Next year, Hill said Collingswood Middle School eighth- and ninth-graders will be eligible for the communications program.

While the new program will offer students media experience they wouldn't otherwise be exposed to at other schools, Collingswood High School had an impressive list of media outlets before the communications track even existed.

High-schoolers have always had access to editorial positions on the school yearbook committee, which has students writing, designing page layouts, using artistic abilities, editing text, and manipulating photos.

The Paw Print?the high school newspaper, which is published five times each year?is another preexisting media opportunity, which involved students reporting on school news, taking photos, and practicing newspaper layout and design.

Two television-based opportunities preceded the new communications program as well: the WCHS Television Club, and the school TV station, PAWS TV.

WCHS club members use computer software to edit and produce videos, which are broadcast in town and at school events.

PAWS TV has students producing programs for Collingswood TV, by heading preproduction, film editing, and broadcasting.

But Collingswood High School's new communications program will add even more niche-specific facets of communications an already-impressive media roster.

"Will it work?" Hill asked, referring to the new program. "I think the excitement about it at our school says, 'yes.'"


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stanford believes it's primed to stay on top (AP)

STANFORD, Calif. ? David Shaw gets the same question in a variety of forms: Can Stanford remain a top-tier team once projected No. 1 pick Andrew Luck is long gone for the NFL?

Shaw is optimistic he can keep a good thing going when many figure the Cardinal will be down on their Luck.

But the ever-positive Luck doesn't foresee a drop-off for the No. 4 Cardinal (11-1).

Shaw considers Monday's Fiesta Bowl date with third-ranked Oklahoma State (11-1) not as the program's last hurrah but rather just another great opportunity to build the Stanford name.

"I like to think in terms of eras, and hopefully our era doesn't come to an end with Andrew leaving," Shaw said last week before the team headed to the desert to prepare. "I kind of like the high expectations, because it shows us that we've earned the right to be where we are. Then you've got to play up to it."

Shaw, one of two first-time coaches in BCS bowl games along with West Virginia's Dana Holgorsen, believes the top players now want to play on The Farm. Heisman Trophy runner-up Luck helped establish that reputation for the school.

"I've searched, and I can't find another team that's ended back-to-back years in the top five in football and the top five in education," Shaw said. "It doesn't happen very often anymore."

He points to when do-everything running back Toby Gerhart departed for the pros two years ago and the chatter then about how could the Cardinal possibly succeed without him.

"Good teams always handle that," Shaw said. "Everybody wondered how good we'd be after we lost Toby Gerhart. Everybody wondered how it'd be with three new starters this year on the offensive line. And everybody's going to wonder how good we're going to be without Andrew next year. And that's good."

Having played at Stanford ? where his father also worked as an assistant ? Shaw gets what it takes to thrive, the demands of balancing the academic standards and football. Athletic director Bob Bowlsby promoted Shaw from offensive coordinator to replace Jim Harbaugh last January.

Bowlsby is optimistic, while also realistic about losing Luck, about the direction of the program looking ahead to 2012 and beyond.

"There is no question that it is very difficult to improve at the same time a team is losing a great player like Andrew Luck," Bowlsby said. "Additionally, Andrew would be the first to assert that he plays with many other special players, some of whom will be graduating and moving on to the NFL. Our staff has done a very good job recruiting, and we have the best depth in many years with a very strong recruiting class coming in. When all of that is combined with excellent sport performance, sports medicine programs, and a proven coaching staff, we have every reason to be excited about the future."

When Shaw arrived in Arizona on Monday, he referenced his dad, Willie, and his experiences at the Fiesta Bowl.

"It means a lot," he said. "I had so many memories as soon as I heard that we were going to the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. My dad coached in the 1982-83 seasons. Those were big games and exciting games, and hopefully we can do the same here. The good thing is he won that game also, and hopefully we get a chance to win this one."

Shaw earned his first big victory the moment Luck decided to stay for one more college season ? despite Harbaugh bolting to coach the San Francisco 49ers. Shaw's first year running the show received an instant adrenaline shot.

He believes it could happen again, not necessarily with a player of Luck's magnitude but by finding a core of new stars to start fresh in 2012.

"For us, it's retooling," Shaw said. "We're recruiting very well. I think we're going to have some great speed coming in this year. ... We might look a little different, but we expect to be competitive from here on out."

Stanford will turn to QB-in-waiting Brett Nottingham, running back Stepfan Taylor, its talented tight ends and ? the Cardinal hope ? a healthy Shayne Skov at linebacker to carry on.

Although their national title hopes were dashed weeks ago, leaving one last mark with another monumental win would mean so much. Stanford could match its 12-1 record from a year ago, capped by a 40-12 victory over Virginia Tech in the Orange Bowl. That helped the Cardinal finish fourth in the final AP poll, the school's best ranking since the unbeaten 1940 team finished No. 2.

By the end of the week after last season's bowl win, Harbaugh was gone. Soon, it will be Luck walking away from campus to begin his NFL preparations.

He can leave with the comfort of knowing his teammates are in good hands.

"I think we've had very good recruiting classes come in, probably better than us," Luck said. "I guess we'll see. I know they've had higher ratings and grades and all those things. Hopefully we've been able to bring in good guys, and hopefully the legacy will continue long after we're gone."


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hispanic Organ Donors Honored at Donate Life Rose Parade Float

PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Almost 2,000 Hispanics donate organs every year in the United States, saving countless lives in the process, a contribution that will be recognized by the Donate Life float taking part in the 123rd Rose Parade in Pasadena. Five Hispanic men have been chosen to ride on the float as recognition for their gift of life to others through living donation or for the role they played in a deceased loved one?s donation.

?We hope that with their stories they inspire others to donate and register to be donors at their local department of motor vehicles or online, at or its Spanish counterpart,

A father, a brother and a husband will echo the experience of those whose loved one saved lives after passing away. Alex Rodriguez of Cicero, Illinois, brother of boxer Francisco ?Paco? Rodriguez, who died from injuries in a title bout yet saved five lives through organ donation; Juan Espino of Fort Worth, Texas, husband of Stella Espino who suffered a brain hemorrhage as they prepared to celebrate 25 years of marriage, and saved 8 lives after her passing; and Arnold P?rez of Los Angeles, Calif., whose son lost his life in a sledding accident when he was six years-old and saved four people, including a girl who received his liver and is now a grown woman in close contact with the family.

Representing living donation will be riders Max Zapata of Clovis, Calif., and Johnny Orta of Riverside, Calif. Zapata was an altruistic donor that started a ten kidney transplant chain to help a college student he had never met who was suffering from renal failure. For Johnny Orta, his kidney donation was personal: to his identical twin brother Jake at age 16 ? one of the rare instances of living donation by a minor.

?Our riders were carefully selected to represent the millions of people who participate in and benefit from organ, eye, and tissue donation and transplantation,? said Bryan Stewart, chairman of the Donate Life Float Committee and vice president of communications at OneLegacy, the nonprofit organ and tissue organization serving the greater Los Angeles area. ?We hope that with their stories they inspire others to donate and register to be donors at their local department of motor vehicles or online, at or its Spanish counterpart,

Ten deceased Hispanic organ and tissue donors will be honored with floral portraits or ?floragraphs? that will be decorated with natural materials by their families and placed on the float before the parade. In total, 72 memorial portraits of deceased donors, whose gifts of organs and tissues add years and quality of life to those in need of transplants, will adorn ??One More Day?, Donate Life?s ninth Rose Parade entry. The importance of the Hispanic community?s contribution to organ and tissue donation is also highlighted by presenting the float?s logo in Spanish, ?Done Vida,? alongside the English logo.

More than 28,000 thousand people?s lives are saved annually in the US thanks to organ donation. Hundreds of thousands of people also receive corneas, bones, skin, and other tissue that will prevent amputation and blindness, among others. The 2012 Rose Parade Grand Marshall is J.R. Martinez, a gravely injured Iraq war veteran who received skin transplants during his recovery. For more information about the Donate Life Rose Parade Float, visit the official float website at

Photos/Multimedia?Gallery Available:


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Robert Ader, Who Linked Stress and Illness, Dies at 79

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Dr. Ader?s findings, now widely accepted, contradicted a previous principle of biochemistry that the immune system was autonomous.


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

94% Hugo

"Hugo" is magic; the kind of tender, heartfelt magic that just doesn't inhabit any modern films these days. It's one of the most pure and cleansing cinematic experiences in memory. Though it is unlike anything the master has helmed before... it's pure Scorsese.Though "Hugo" has been billed and advertised as a children's film, it's deliberate pace and meticulous craft and attention to detail will appeal to older viewers. It's rich visuals and stunning cinematography and art direction will astound. Children might enjoy the adventure and the great young leads, but most of the themes and plot will go over their heads. They definitely will love the 3D, but so will adults. It's the best use of the format since "Avatar," and in ways surpasses that film with straight ambition. This was a very personal film for Scorsese and it shows in nearly every frame. It's a film of two parts; the studied seclusion of the title character Hugo, and later an homage to the earliest moments in cinema, subtlety advocating the importance of film preservation. Those are all things that Scorsese knows much about. We see why he was the perfect fit for this material.But when a film revolves almost entirely around a youth character, casting can be a make or break situation. This calls for actors well beyond their years. Asa Butterfield (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas) is not only stellar and believable; he give one of the most impressive and expressive child performances ever. The emotion he is able to convey (without dialogue even) is staggering. Also brilliant is Ben Kingsley who is sure to nab a wealth of nominations at years end. Chloe Moretz, Sacha Baron Cohen, Christopher Lee, Helen McCrory, and Emily Mortimer (along with many others) round out a strong and layered ensemble.As mentioned above, the film deals with film preservation. One of the film's greatest, most unforgettable treats is the recreation of early landmark moments in cinema... specifically the films of Georges Melies (who is played by Kingsley in the film). These sequences are charming and frankly incredible feats. They are also in 3D which in itself is one of the great uses of the format.Like any Scorsese picture, his unrivaled directorial prowless is the real star of the show. As expected, he continues to innovate, leave his comfort zone, and redefine himself as a filmmaker. It's safe to say no other film looks and feels like this. It's safe to say there is no greater living filmmaker.This film deserves your attention. This is a brilliant piece of entertainment and filmmaking that bleeds passion and ranks with Scorsese's best. I'm not saying that lightly, but I will say this; if you're willing to skip "Hugo," be prepared to skip one of this decade's finest features.

September 23, 2011


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China begins using new global positioning satellite

BEIJING | Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:35am EST

BEIJING (Reuters) - China took a further step on Tuesday toward ending its dependence on U.S. satellites to provide navigation and positioning services with the start of trial operations of its homegrown Beidou system.

China started a drive to end its reliance on the U.S. global positioning system in 2000, when it sent an experimental pair of positioning satellites into orbit.

Ran Chengqi, spokesman for the new system, told reporters that Beidou, or "Big Dipper," would cover most parts of the Asia Pacific by next year and then the world by 2020.

China has already launched 10 satellites to support Beidou and would launch another six next year, he said.

State media have said the system will eventually comprise 35 satellites, which will be used for a variety of sectors including fisheries, meteorology and telecommunications.

China has ambitious plans for space, including a space station and a manned trip to the moon.

While China has vowed never to militarize space, experts say it is ramping up the military use of space with new satellites.

The successful missile "kill" of an old satellite in early 2007 represented a new level of ability for the Chinese military, and last year China successfully tested emerging technology aimed at destroying missiles in mid-air.

(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Robert Birsel)


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Texas police find 7 dead in Dallas-area apartment

Story Published: Dec 25, 2011 at 1:40 PM PST

Police: Gunman in murder-suicide dressed as Santa

Police tape stretches through a Grapevine, Texas, apartment complex where police found seven people dead in an apartment on Sunday, Dec. 25, 2011 in Grapevine, Texas. (AP Photo/Mike Fuentes)

GRAPEVINE, Texas (AP) - Six members of a Texas family apparently opened Christmas presents just before a relative dressed as Santa Claus showed up, opened fire and killed them before killing himself, police said Monday.

Grapevine police spokesman Sgt. Robert Eberling said the shooter showed up in the Santa outfit shortly before gunfire erupted and was a member of the family. The identity of the shooter and the victims will be released after autopsies are conducted Monday, he said.

Police went to the apartment midday Sunday after receiving a 911 call in which no one was on the other line. They found four women and three men, aged 18 to 60, dead. A motive for the shootings remains unclear.

Investigators worked overnight, meticulously searching the apartment, along with three vehicles parked outside.

"It appears they had just celebrated Christmas. They had opened their gifts," Grapevine Police Sgt. Robert Eberling said Sunday, adding that the apartment was decorated for the holiday, including a tree.

Two handguns were found near the bodies, and it appears all died of gunshot wounds, he said.

Grapevine Police Lt. Todd Dearing said investigators believe that the victims were related, though some were visiting and didn't live in the apartment. He said police are looking for other relatives to inform of the deaths.

"Seven people in one setting in Grapevine, that's never happened before. Ever," Dearing said.

Police and firefighters first rushed to the Lincoln Vineyards complex after receiving the open-ended 911 call at about 11:30 a.m., Eberling said.

"There was an open line. No one was saying anything," he explained.

So police went into the apartment, located in the middle-class neighborhood of Grapevine, not far from the upscale Fort Worth suburb of Colleyville. The apartment was at the back of the complex, overlooking the athletic fields of Colleyville Heritage High School.

Many of the nearby apartments are vacant, and police said no neighbors reported hearing anything on a quiet Christmas morning when many people were not around.

Jose Fernandez, a 35-year-old heavy equipment mechanic who moved to the complex with his family about six months ago, said he always felt safe in the area, but is now afraid to let his 10-year-old son play freely outside.

"This is really outrageous especially on Christmas," said Fernandez, who was visiting family for the holiday and returned to find several police cars parked outside his home.

"This has shocked everybody. It has scared everybody. I guess something like this can happen anywhere, but seven people dead. It's just very scary," he added.

Eberling agreed the area is fairly quiet, saying the shootings involved the first homicides in Grapevine since 2010.

Christy Posch, a flight attendant who moved to the complex about six months ago so her son could attend the high school, said she lives a few buildings away and did not hear any gunshots.

"It's all families. That's why I moved here. No burglaries, no nothing," Posch said.


Associated Press writer Ramit Plushnick-Masti in Houston contributed to this report.


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Some noisy toys loud enough to cause hearing damage, study says

UC Irvine study shows that some loud toys reach high decibel levels
That loud toy under the Christmas tree might do more than drive parents crazy. Researchers at UC Irvine have found that some children's toys, if held close enough, can reach decibel levels similar to a subway train or a chain saw.

The medical researchers measured the loudness of 10 popular toys from next to their speakers and from 12 inches away, the estimated length of a toddler's outstretched arm.

The study found that next to their speakers, Road Rippers, T-Pain Mic and Tonka Mighty Motorized Fire Engine generated decibel levels of 100 or higher ? as loud as a subway train or chain saw.

Other toys ? including the Marvel Super Shield Captain America, Sesame Street Let's Rock Elmo, VTech Princess Magical Learning Wand, Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Cosmic Blaster and the Green Lantern Colossal Cannon Blaster ? topped 90 decibels next to the speaker.

Noise above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss, the American Academy of Otolaryngology says on its website.

At 12 inches away, the tested toys generated less than 70 decibels.

"Most of these toys, if used properly, they should be OK," Dr. Hamid R. Djalilian, an otolaryngologist and director of the study, told the?Daily Pilot. However, he said, "A lot of children try to find out where the sound is coming from, so they put the speaker against their ear."


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Remarks of Mayor Bloomberg on Historic Five-Borough Taxi Legislation

The following are Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg?s remarks as delivered tonight

?Let me first start out by saying I want to thank the Governor for signing this bill that will benefit millions of New York City residents and people that come to visit our city.

?I think no one thought we?d ever get this done, but I kept saying and the Governor kept saying this is going to happen. We never gave up. We never stop working and making the case. The Assembly and the Senate and the Governor?s Office and the City Administration all working together. So I just wanted to thank everyone that helped get us across the finish line.

?As David said, this process really began last January when we announced that our Administration would seek to achieve a goal that really has eluded the City for three decades ? bringing legal taxi service to the seven million New Yorkers who live outside Manhattan?s central business district.

?And today, together the City and the State, we have achieved that landmark goal. And it?s a huge victory for all New Yorkers who ever sought to hail a cab outside Manhattan and in northern Manhattan.

?The new law will make getting around town easier, safer and less costly for millions of New Yorkers. It will make an enormous improvement in the getting of service for people with disabilities that need to have the ability to get around. Mass transit is a basic of any big city, and this will make it much more available to everybody.

?And I think, in all fairness, it is a testament to Matt Sapolin, former late Commissioner of the Mayor?s Office for People with Disabilities. This is part of his life?s work, and I got to believe that Matt is looking down right now with a big smile on his face.

?It will also bring thousands of hard-working livery drivers ? many of them immigrants ? out of the shadows and into the legal economy. This will benefit both drivers, but also taxpayers and subway riders, because the new taxis ? like all current taxis ? will generate revenue that is dedicated to the MTA.

?The new law and the agreement reached today will also generate a much needed billion-odd dollars in revenue for the City through the sale of 2,000 new yellow medallions, all of which, as David or as Mylan said, will be wheelchair accessible. In fact, today?s agreement, by increasing the number of medallions sold by 500, will provide even more revenue for the City than the original bill passed in June.

?So let me once again thank Governor Cuomo for his support. From day one, the Governor and I kept saying it is going to get done. We each have our own constituencies to make sure their concerns are taken care of. We?ve done that.

?I also wanted to thank Majority Leader Skelos and Speaker Silver for their strong leadership. And I want to thank their counsels, Mylan Denerstein, Diane Burman and Jim Yates for their enormous amount of hard work, and for their close collaboration with our team at City Hall.

?And also a special thanks to the Chair of the Assembly Cities Committee, Carl Heastie, as well as Assemblymen Karim Camara and Guillermo Linares. Thanks to their leadership in taking on this challenge in partnership with the City?s Taxi and Limousine Commission Chair David Yassky, Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson, and our Director of State Legislative Affairs, Micah Lasher.

?I think it?s fair to say the long quest for five borough taxi service will soon be a reality, and it will positively impact our city?s quality of life for decades to come.

?So both the Governor and I are going to have big smiles on our faces tonight. This is something that, as I said, three decades in the making, but tonight it is getting done. So thank you. Governor, all to you, and once again, I?m heading off to light the world?s tallest menorah, but thank you for signing the bill.?


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The Top 30 Android Apps And Games Of 2011

Editor?s note: Contributor Brad Spirrison is the managing editor of mobile app discovery services Appolicious, AndroidApps and AppVee. After having looked into the best iOS apps and games of 2011, Spirrison now turns his attention to the best Android apps of the year.

Android apps come in all shapes and sizes ? literally.

Unlike iOS applications, which are basically created for two form factors, Android apps need to be developed with dozens (if not hundreds) of device-types in mind. This is on top of the inconsistent operating system releases still mucking things up. While all of this fragmentation is a headache for developers, ignoring a platform with 50 percent market share would ultimately lead to their peril.

The best Android apps are thus the ones that can both push the technological envelope while also remaining accessible to the vast majority of users. This is no easy feat.

We divided our list of the best 30 Android apps into four distinct categories. The top ten apps come from third-party developers, and, if not exclusive to Android, were created primarily for the platform. Additional sections include the best new or significantly updated apps from Google, as well as the best apps and games that appeared first on iOS but later arrived to Android in 2011.

As is the case with our lists of best iOS apps and games of 2011, hundreds of additional titles are worthy of consideration. Our top 30 showcase the growth and maturation of Android apps over the last year. They are also worthy downloads.

1. Any.DO: To Do List | Task List (full AndroidApps review)

Funded by Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, Any.DO is the best productivity and to-do application tailored specifically for Android devices. The app?s elegant interface is optimized to limit actual typing through voice-driven commands. Users can swipe each task when complete, and shake their phones to clear them from the screen. The app also offers (mostly) seamless integration with Google accounts.


2. Lightbox ? Photos & Effects (full AndroidApps review)

More than just an Instagram for Android, Lightbox offers features like photo journals and the ability to arrange pictures by personal timelines that make it unique and, to some, indispensable. The app?s stunning visual display and compatibility on multiple Android devices set the standard moving forward for photo-sharing apps on the platform.


3. Amazon MP3 (full AndroidApps review)

Along with Google Music (see below), Amazon MP3 is the best way for an Android smartphone and tablet owner to kick an iTunes habit. The app provides access to a library of nearly 20 million songs, 5GB of free storage, and reliable offline listening. Subscriptions to Amazon?s Cloud Drive service start at a reasonable $20/year for 20GB of storage, but you can store as much of your own music as you like with that subscription.


4. AirDroid (full AndroidApps review)

Android devices offer so many customization features that sometimes using a larger screen, mouse and full-sized keyboard will help you get the most out of your smartphone or tablet device. This free app lets users operate their smartphones from a PC with a Wi-Fi connection. Additionally, AirDroid emphasizes privacy protection with password changes for each use.


5. SwiftKey X Keyboard (full AndroidApps review)

After launching a beta app last year, SwiftKey X arrived on Android smartphones and tablets in 2011. The app has larger keys as well as superior word and sentence prediction algorithms than what is typically found on Androids. SwiftKey also learns from previously typed emails and messages, and offers three color schemes to simplify the process and brighten things up.


6. Skitch (full AndroidApps review)

Acquired by Evernote, Skitch lets users annotate photos with sketches, images and words. The app has dead simple editing tools and the ability for users to draw with multi-colored crayons. Skitch is a great app for kids in addition to serving as a functional and unique photo-sharing service.


7. BlueStacks Cloud Connect (full AndroidApps review)

While still in Alpha, BlueStacks is demonstrating how Android applications can run on Windows-based PCs. The Android app works in concert with the Windows-based BlueStacks App Player to run mobile applications on PCs. The venture-backed company and application, which has attracted more than 500,000 early adopters since launch, expects to debut a Mac OS version in 2012.


8. Qello (full AndroidApps review)

Available as separate applications for Android smartphones and tablets, Qello offers a great catalog of high definition concerts (mostly rock, but with other genres sprinkled in). Users can sample the 500+ titles for free, or lease any of them on a weekly ($1.99) or monthly basis ($4.99).


9. AccuWeather for Honeycomb (full AndroidApps review)

Developed specifically for Honeycomb-based tablet devices, this all-inclusive weather application showcases the beauty and utility of Android on larger form factors. The Lifestyle section, which informs users on things like whether it is a good day for biking or bad day for allergies, is a nice humanized touch.


10. HD Widgets (full AndroidApps review)

Android is all about customization, and there is no better and more comprehensive widget app available than this one. Optimized for Android tablets and smartphones, HD Widgets is great for Android experts and first-timers alike. Users will also appreciate the ?fanatical? customer service of the developers.


Here are the five best Android apps developed by Google that were released or received significant updates in 2011.

11. Google Currents (full AndroidApps review)

As long as Flipboard remains exclusive to iOS devices, this new release from Google serves as the premier news reader on Android smartphones and tablets. More of a fast and elegant aggregator than social magazine, Google Currents benefits from an organized layout and dead simple third-party publisher platform. There is also ? shockingly ? nice integration with Google+, including curated content from the likes of Robert Scoble and Guy Kawasaki.


12. Google+ (full AndroidApps review)

Google became a relevant player in social networking this year with the successful launch of Google+. While the service is also available as an iPhone app as well as a web app through BlackBerry, Windows and Symbian platforms, Google understandably treats its own platform as first among equals. Check-ins for business, for instance, rolled out first on the Android app.


13. Google Maps (full AndroidApps review)

A November update to this trailblazing application introduced indoor mapping functionality to mobile devices. Google Maps 6.0 helps users more easily navigate within airports, shopping malls and other locations where GPS technology is spotty.


14. Google Docs (full AndroidApps review)

While no mobile application matches the utility of Google Docs on a desktop or laptop, this official version for Android is pretty close. If you?re a hardcore Google Docs user, this app will help you break free from your desk and still read and edit docs and spreadsheets on the fly.


15. Google Music (full AndroidApps review)

Like Amazon MP3 cited above, Google Music is a way for Android users to comfortably cut the cord (or cloud) on iTunes (at least on their mobile devices). The app lets users store up to 20,000 songs for free in the cloud, with a portion available for offline access.


These next 10 apps were initially released for iOS devices. They are included here for their utility, entertainment value and impact on the Android ecosystem.

16. Price Check by Amazon (full AndroidApps review)

When Amazon unveiled this price-comparison app to Android devices just before Black Friday, the company?s retail Death Star became fully operational. Sure, Price Check was available to iPhone owners a year earlier, and there are similar apps across all major mobile platforms. But having an Android app gives Amazon critical mass in this category, and allows the company to (again) upend physical retail as we know it. This includes offering discounts to consumers on their phones during the point of comparison.


17. Netflix (full AndroidApps review)

There were a lot of things that Netflix did horribly wrong in 2011. Releasing a killer Android app for smartphones and tablet devices was not one of them. As Android tablets become ready for prime time and more plausibly compete against the iPad, entertainment apps like Netflix will flourish.


18. SoundTracking (full AndroidApps review)

The most innovative music detection and discovery app of the year finally arrived to Android in December. SoundTracking not only identifies a song a user is listening to, but shares it with Facebook, Twitter and foursquare friends and followers. The advantage of the Android app, relative to the iOS version which launched earlier this year, is that users with Spotify and Rdio can listen to entire tracks (as opposed to 30-second snippets from iTunes).


19. Hipmunk Flight Search (full AndroidApps review)

Hipmunk differentiates from the run-of-the-mill flight search applications by predicting how painful your traveling might be. The app?s ?Agony Index? takes into account factors beyond price including flight duration, Wi-Fi access and other variables. Once users choose the least painful flight, the app accommodates direct booking and provides access to third-party services.


20. Fooducate Shopping Scanner (full AndroidApps review)

This app translates nutritional information found on food packaging into plain English, and offers a letter grade as to how healthy or harmful an item can be. The app offers comprehensive coverage of both mainstream brands and niche delicacies via the scanning of barcodes. Best of all? The app suggests healthier, similar alternatives to the worst offenders.


21. Marvel Comics (full AndroidApps review)

Reading classic comics within this app works on virtually any size Android screen ? which is no easy feat. Marvel Comics also offers panel-by-panel viewing that features beautiful art and more legible word balloons. While most titles require a subscription, there are an ample amount of classic comics available for free.


22. Syncplicity (full AndroidApps review)

For digitally promiscuous users who store and share files on multiple devices and operating systems powered by Android, iOS and Windows, Syncplicity is a useful way to manage libraries found within all of them. Unlike many cloud-based alternatives, Syncplicity uses encryption to secure files.


23. Starbucks (full AndroidApps review)

After launching initially on iOS and BlackBerry smartphones, the official Starbucks app finally arrived on Android earlier this year. Better late than never. The app lets users manage their Starbucks Cards and purchase coffee and the like at nearly 7,000 U.S. locations.


24. LinkedIn (full AndroidApps review)

After what seemed like an eternity in beta, LinkedIn finally launched an Android app ready for prime time in the spring. While not perfect, the LinkedIn app is a much better alternative than the company?s more limited mobile site. Finally, this indispensable professional networking service found a full-time gig on Android.


25. Path (full AndroidApps review)

A significant December update to this social blogging app on Android and iOS devices served as an early holiday present to its passionate and vocal adherents. Beyond sharing photos, users can now tell the world about what music they are listening to and other activities they are doing. The app?s new design and ?Automatic? feature, which recognizes when users deviate from routine schedules, also separate Path from the pack.


And finally, we present the five best games to arrive to Android devices in 2011. Notably, they all first appeared on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

26. Cut the Rope (full AndroidApps review)

While not a household name like Angry Birds, Cut the Rope is among the most addictive and popular mobile games of all time. The graphics and music are superb, and Cut the Rope is optimized and plays very well on larger Android tablet devices. This is another multi-platform grand slam for (Angry Birds) publisher Chillingo.


27. World of Goo (full AndroidApps review)

One of the most original and well-crafted physics-based puzzle games around finally made its way to Android devices in late November. Originally an indie hit on PCs, World of Goo is a construction game in which users must connect goo balls together to build structures so that other goo balls can get to the end of each stage. The abstract art and imagery alone make it worth the five bucks to download.


28. Where?s My Water? (full AndroidApps review)

A clever and addictive puzzle game by Disney, Where?s My Water? combines whimsical design with killer gameplay. Players are tasked with keeping a sewer-dwelling alligator named Swampy clean and pristine while guiding him through urban terrain. Easier said than done, particularly with Swampy?s alligator buddies standing in the way.


29. Plants vs. Zombies (full AndroidApps review)

This classic title from PopCap, which was acquired by Electronic Arts in July, first came to Android earlier this year via the Amazon App Store. It was sold exclusively on Amazon until early December. Fans of the cartoony tower defense game will enjoy tapping into Plants vs. Zombies on Android devices.


30. Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD (full AndroidApps review)

The best racing game available for Android devices, Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD combines plenty of cars and game modes ? including a psychedelic ?Adrenaline? boost ? with superlative visuals and gameplay. This one deserves the checkered flag.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Built-in 'self-destruct timer' causes ultimate death of messenger RNA in cells

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have discovered the first known mechanism by which cells control the survival of messenger RNA (mRNA) ?arguably biology's most important molecule. The findings pertain to mRNAs that help regulate cell division and could therefore have implications for reversing cancer's out-of-control cell division. The research is described in today's online edition of the journal Cell.

"The fate of the mRNA molecules we studied resembles a Greek tragedy," said the study's senior author, Robert Singer, Ph.D., co-director of the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center and professor and co-chair of anatomy and structural biology at Einstein. "Their lifespans are determined at the moment of their birth." The study was carried out in yeast cells using advanced microscope technology developed previously by Dr. Singer that has allowed scientists, for the first time, to observe single molecules in single cells in real time.

Directions for making proteins are encoded in the DNA sequences of genes, which reside on chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell. But for proteins to be made, a gene's DNA code must be copied, or transcribed, onto mRNA molecules, which migrate from the nucleus and into the cytoplasm where the cell's protein-making machinery is located. For as long as it exists, an mRNA molecule can act as a template for making copies of a protein. So scientists have long suspected that cells must have ways for degrading mRNAs when, for example, a protein starts accumulating to harmful levels. "The cell somehow decides to destroy its mRNA on cue, but nobody knew how this happens," said Dr. Singer.

In their search for such a mechanism, Dr. Singer and his colleagues focused on two genes, SWI5 and CLB2, which code for proteins that regulate the cell cycle?the complex series of steps during which a cell divides, first duplicating its genetic material and then distributing it evenly to two daughter cells. To properly choreograph the cell cycle, the levels of the proteins encoded by the SWI5 and CLB2 genes must be exquisitely controlled?suggesting that the mRNAs made from these genes would be prime candidates for purposeful degradation. Remarkably, the researchers found that these mRNAs are, in effect, born with molecular "self-destruct timers" that ultimately destroy them.

When genes are transcribed, a part of the gene called the promoter region has the job of switching on the gene so that DNA will be copied into mRNA. The Einstein scientists found that the promoter regions of the SWI5 and CLB2 genes do something else as well: they recruit a protein called Dbf2p, which jumps onto mRNA molecules as they're being synthesized.

These mRNAs?transcribed from the SWI5 and CLB2 genes and bearing the Dbf2p protein?make their journey from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. Here a protein called Dbf20p joins Dbf2p aboard the mRNA molecules?and the two proteins together call for the molecules' precipitous decay.

"Our findings indicate that genes making proteins whose levels must be carefully controlled contain promoter regions that sentence their mRNA molecules to death even as the mRNA is being born," said Dr. Singer. "The promoter regions do that by 'marking' the newly made mRNA with the protein Dbf2p?the common factor between mRNA synthesis and its ultimate decay. Dbf2p stays attached to the mRNA from its birth and then, responding to a signal indicating that no more protein should be made, orders mRNA's destruction."

While these observations pertain to yeast cells, Dr. Singer said he is confident that the process governing mRNA decay in humans "will prove to be very similar" and could be relevant for combating cancer. "Once you gain insight into the mechanisms controlling the cell cycle and cell division," he noted, "you can propose targeted therapies for regulating the uncontrolled cell division that characterizes cancer."


Albert Einstein College of Medicine:

Thanks to Albert Einstein College of Medicine for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 45 time(s).


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In the Land of Blood and Honey: movie review (VIDEO)

Directed by Angelina Jolie, 'In the Land of Blood and Honey' doesn't flinch from its harrowing portrayal of the Bosnian conflict as seen through the relationship of a Muslim woman and a Serb officer.

Angelina Jolie?s directorial debut, about the Bosnian conflict in the early 1990s, is not the vanity project many may have feared. For the most part it?s straightforward and hard-hitting and free of cant. It follows a Christian Serb, Danijel (Goran Kostic), and a Bosniak Muslim woman, Ajla (Zana Marjanovic), whose lives are ripped apart as the war ensues. A former cop, Danijel becomes a Serbian officer; Ajla, an artist, is rounded up and sent to a prison camp, where Danijel, with whom she shared a pre-war flirtation, rescues her from rape.?

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The tenuous, harrowing, erotic connection between Danijel and Ajla is the film?s centerpiece. He protects her by sequestering her in private quarters and makes her his mistress.

Jolie, who also wrote the film, doesn?t quite know how to plumb the deepest reaches of their relationship. Danijel, who cares for Ajla while at the same time carrying out his mission of ethnic cleansing, is the least fully explored character in the movie, which leaves a big blur at its core. Still, this is an impressive piece of work that doesn?t flinch from the atrocities that no doubt motivated Jolie to make the film in the first place. Grade:?B (Rated R for war violence and atrocities, including rape, sexuality, nudity, and language.)


Angelina Jolie talks about her directorial debut:


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4 jailed for 'exorcism' killing of Australian (AP)

DARWIN, Australia ? Four people convicted in the beating death of a woman during what they said was an exorcism ritual on a remote Australian island were sentenced Friday to several years in jail.

Sarah Bara was beaten to death with sticks last year on Groote Eylandt off the northern Australian coast. Last month, Glenys Wurrawilya, Susie Wurrawilya, Paul Wurramara and Roderick Mamarika pleaded guilty to negligent manslaughter in connection with the beating, which several children witnessed.

Some of the accused had originally claimed that they beat Bara as part of an exorcism intended to cleanse her of the devil. But on Friday, Northern Territory Supreme Court Justice Peter Barr said the accused attacked Bara simply to cause her pain and humiliation.

"I am not satisfied that any of the accused thought she had the devil in her," he said.

On the day she was killed, Bara had been asked to find a bag containing medication for Susie Wurrawilya. When she couldn't find it, both Glenys and Susie Wurrawilya began to hit her. Bara was then forced to sit on the ground while a circle of fire was lit around her and was again struck with sticks. An autopsy found she had been hit with extreme force more than two dozen times.

Mamarika and Wurramara did not participate in the beating, but watched and did nothing to stop it, Barr said.

The four received sentences ranging from five years to seven-and-a-half years in jail.

Groote Eylandt, home to an Aboriginal and mining community of around 1,500, is about 30 miles (50 kilometers) from the northern Australia mainland.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

France to pay for breast implant removal over cancer fear

From Naima Benallal, CNN

updated 5:15 PM EST, Wed December 21, 2011


  • The French Health ministry is concerned over a possible cancer link
  • About 30,000 French women have implants made by PIP
  • PIP implants are not approved for use in the United States
  • British officials advise women concerned about implants to talk to their doctor

Paris (CNN) -- The French government will pay for tens of thousands of women to have silicone breast implants removed over concerns about a possible link to a rare form of cancer, the Ministry of Health said Wednesday.

French health authorities are due to make a recommendation Friday about whether women with implants by a company called Poly Implant Prosthese (PIP) must have them removed.

The ministry says about 30,000 French women have PIP implants, which are not currently approved for use in the United States.

According to a news release from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, PIP is now defunct. It says the company "used non-medical grade silicone believed by the manufacturers to be made for mattresses."

The French government agency that evaluates the safety of medical products says 523 women have had them removed since a defect was discovered last year.

More than 1,000 implants have ruptured since then, the agency says.

British authorities are advising caution over the implants but are not going as far as the French.

The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said Tuesday it was "aware of the recent report in France of the death of a woman implanted with breast implants from anaplastic large cell lymphoma," which it called "a rare form of cancer which affects cells from the immune system."

It said it would "monitor for any associations of all types of breast implants, including PIP, with cancers and any other health implications."

But it did not advise women with PIP implants to have them taken out, saying more generally that "women with any type of breast implant... who have questions about their breasts or think that their implants may have ruptured, should seek clinical advice from their implanting surgeon."

A committee made up of representatives of several French health agencies was set up December 14 to discuss PIP implants.

Women will only be reimbursed for new implants if they were originally for reconstructive surgery, the Health Ministry said.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration decided in March 2000 not to approve saline PIP implants in the United States. The company never submitted a marketing application for its silicone implants in the United States, the agency says.

CNN's Laura Perez Maestro and Miriam Falco contributed to this report.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

The high cost of child care


By Allison Linn

If you?re a working parent, chances are at some point you?ve bemoaned the high cost of child care.

The lower your income, the more likely you are to have reason to complain.

A recent graphic from CLASP, an advocacy group for low-income people, shows that families with working moms who live below the poverty line and have kids under 15 are spending 40 percent of their monthly income on child care expenses.

That?s a more than 10 percentage point increase from 2002, according to CLASP.

Both sets of data are based on information from the U.S. Census Bureau, and they exclude people who are getting child care for free or from a family member, government or charity program. The most recent data was released in the spring of 2010.

Hannah Matthews, the director of child care and early education for CLASP, said it?s not clear why child care costs have increased so substantially for very low-income families. One hypothesis is that child care costs are going up while incomes are dropping or staying steady.

The 40 percent figure is also very high in comparison to families who earn 200 percent above the poverty line, or more. Those families are paying just 7 percent of their monthly income in child care expenses.

Matthews noted that many families in the 7 percent range also likely feel pained by that child care bill.

?It?s 7 percent of their income and feels like such a large amount. It?s striking to think about what it feels like for a family that?s in the 40 percent chart there - what they?re dealing with just to make ends meet,? she said.


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Do you feel squeezed by high child care costs?



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Sunday, December 18, 2011

5 shot to death in small Illinois town (Providence Journal)

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Oil above $94 on signs of improving US economy (AP)

SINGAPORE ? Oil prices rose above $94 a barrel Friday in Asia amid signs the U.S. economy is slowly improving, which could boost demand for crude.

Benchmark crude for January delivery was up 40 cents to $94.27 a barrel at midday Singapore time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell by $1.08 to settle at $93.87 on Thursday.

In London, Brent crude was up 43 cents at $104.03 on the ICE futures exchange.

Crude has dropped from $100 this week because of expectations Europe's debt crisis will trigger a recession next year and undermine global oil consumption. However, the U.S. economy has shown evidence of growth the last few months.

The government said that applications for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest level since May 2008. While manufacturing output fell last month after six straight months of steady gains, a regional report on Thursday showed manufacturing activity is rising this month in the Philadelphia area.

"We look for the oil market to move into a choppy, consolidation phase into the holiday period now that the euro appears to have stabilized for now amid a fresh flow of supportive U.S. economic guidance," energy consultant Ritterbusch and Associates said in a report.

In other energy trading on the Nymex, natural gas rose 1.1 cent to $3.14 per 1,000 cubic feet. Heating oil gained 1.5 cents to $2.85 a gallon and gasoline futures added 2.2 cents to $2.52 a gallon.


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